Venue: Hale Institute, Wings Road, Farnham GU9 0HN
Contact: David North, Community Partnership & Committee Officer Godalming Social Services Centre, Bridge Street, Godalming, GU7 1LA
Note: The meeting will be preceded by an informal question time at 1.30pm
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr B Adams, Mrs N Barton, Mr S Thornton and Mr A Young. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 March 2013 as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2013 were agreed as a correct record. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.
· Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
· Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.
· Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Minutes: Ms J Potts and Ms D Le Gal declared non-pecuniary interests in Item 8 on the grounds that they are Directors and Trustees of the Sandy Hill Community Bungalow; Ms Potts also drew the Committee’s attention to a potential pecuniary interest in Item 15 on the grounds that her residence is in the Folly Hill/Park View estate.
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting. Minutes: There were no petitions. |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Minutes: The text and response for each of the public questions received is contained in Annex 1 of the minutes. Commenting on the response provided to his question (2), Mr J Ricketts explained that he wished to see a commitment from the County Council that residents would have a say in influencing public health decisions that affected them. The Chairman undertook to pursue the question with the relevant officers.
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. Minutes: There were no member questions. |
The report seeks approval to make a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) 278 (Bramley) also known as Hascombe Road.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved that the grounds for making an all year round Traffic Regulation Order as outlined are met and an Order should be made for Byway Open to All Traffic 278 (Bramley) to prevent damage to the road as shown on Drawing Number 3/1/2/H16 (Annex 1).
The physical condition of this byway means that it is in need of significant repair. Prior to the discovery of the endangered species a schedule of repair was being put in place. We have since commissioned an independent ecological report and taken advice from the County Ecologist. Their advice is that repairs can be undertaken (given suitable mitigation techniques) without the need to apply to Natural England for a ‘conservation licence’ which was discussed in the previous report of March 2013. Their advice is summarised in this report. Repairs will be carried out in line with this advice before the above Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is made. Once in place the TRO will allow us to manage the way to accommodate both (legal) users and the endangered species.
Minutes: Local members were supportive of the proposed action. The Committee was informed of the intention to start work over the summer.
Resolved that the grounds for making an all year round Traffic Regulation Order as outlined are met and an Order should be made for Byway Open to All Traffic 278 (Bramley) to prevent damage to the road as shown on Drawing Number 3/1/2/H16 (Annex 1 of the report).
The physical condition of this byway means that it is in need of significant repair. Prior to the discovery of the endangered species a schedule of repair was being put in place. We have since commissioned an independent ecological report and taken advice from the County Ecologist. Their advice is that repairs can be undertaken (given suitable mitigation techniques) without the need to apply to Natural England for a ‘conservation licence’ which was discussed in the previous report of March 2013. Their advice is summarised in this report. Repairs will be carried out in line with this advice before the above Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is made. Once in place the TRO will allow us to manage the way to accommodate both (legal) users and the endangered species.
To note and comment on the proposed programme. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to agree the Forward Programme 2013/14, as outlined in Annex 1, with the addition of requested reports on Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Education and the Tour of Britain Cycle Race.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.
Minutes: The Committee was assured that, when receiving the Parking Review (scheduled for December 2013), it would be asked to make a decision to advertise on the basis of detailed proposals presented by officers. Additional reports were requested as set out in the resolution.
Resolved to agree the Forward Programme 2013/14, as outlined in Annex 1 of the report, with the addition of reports on Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Education and the Tour of Britain Cycle Race.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.
The Committee is asked to agree to renew its commitment to those communities which it has identified as being in need of targeted support and to consider what other action it might take in response to the new data.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
(i) To maintain support for multi-agency activity in the Committee’s identified priority neighbourhoods. (ii) To consider whether any additional communities may benefit fromfurther investigation and targeted local support. (iii) To note the implications of the 2011 Census and bear these in mind when making funding decisions and monitoring services across the range of its responsibilities.
The report described progress in the neighbourhoods identified by the Committee for support and provides evidence for the continuation of this approach and possible further investigation of additional areas.
Minutes: The Committee welcomed the report and the opportunity to consider the relevant data. In order to understand better the age profile of the borough’s population a more detailed breakdown was requested. Members were interested in the extent to which symptoms of disadvantage were experienced in smaller and more rural communities than those identified for particular attention; the situation in Witley was discussed and it was noted that the Safer Waverley Partnership is aware of the possible need for intervention and that likewise the Youth Task Group had ensured that this area was identified in the specification for the Local Prevention Framework (Item 10). The increased number of adults with qualifications at Sandy Hill was welcomed as an indication of the benefits of intervention, but it was felt that further outreach, especially with lone parents and via the Children’s Centre, was justified by the data. Members agreed that an update on the Family Support Service would be helpful and a report on this and on Children’s Centres was requested for a future meeting. Further detail on public health data, especially that relating to life-expectancy, was requested and this would be pursued outside of the meeting.
There was a discussion on the high number of carers in Waverley and the specific challenges facing young carers. It was felt that there are now some genuine opportunities to support carers more effectively.
(i) To maintain support for multi-agency activity in the Committee’s identified priority neighbourhoods.
(ii) To consider whether any additional communities may benefit fromfurther investigation and targeted local support.
(iii) To note the implications of the 2011 Census and bear these in mind when making funding decisions and monitoring services across the range of its responsibilities.
The report described progress in the neighbourhoods identified by the Committee for support and provides evidence for the continuation of this approach and possible further investigation of additional areas.
To decide whether to award the funding as recommended by the Youth Task Group. Decision: Resolved to approve the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four month period from 1 September 2013 to the following providers:
(i) Surrey Care Trust for 30% of the contract value (£29,100pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) in Waverley through mentoring. (ii) Guildford YMCA for 70% of the contract value (£67,900pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Waverley through positive activities.
The recommendations will support the council’s priority to achieve full participation; that is for 100% of young people aged 16 to 19 to be in education, training or employment.
Minutes: The Chairman reported that a number of young people from a variety of backgrounds had helped the task group to assess applicants. The Committee was reminded that the decision could be taken by County Councillors only.
Resolved to approve the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four month period from 1 September 2013 to the following providers:
(i) Surrey Care Trust for 30% of the contract value (£29,100pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) in Waverley through mentoring. (ii) Guildford YMCA for 70% of the contract value (£67,900pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Waverley through positive activities.
The recommendations will support the council’s priority to achieve full participation; that is for 100% of young people aged 16 to 19 to be in education, training or employment.
To update the Local Committee on the progress made towards participation for all young people in Waverley in post-16 education, training and employment during 2012-13. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
(i) To note the progress Services for Young People has made during 2012/13 to increase participation for young people in Waverley, as set out in detail in the appendices to this report. (ii) To request that the Youth Task Group continue to monitor progress in Waverley against identified needs and report to the Committee at a future meeting.
The Local Committee has an important part to play in supporting the local development of Services for Young People, ensuring that the services provides the right support to young people in local communities. In particular it has an important formal role in relation to the Local Prevention Framework.
Minutes: The Committee was informed that the year on which information was reported had been one of development and that further progress was anticipated in the current year. The introduction of the attendance app was welcomed and it was reported that, following transfer of the project to the centre-based youth work provider, this would now become available for the Sandy Hill Detached Project.
A concern was expressed that centre-based provision in Godalming remains limited and not proportionate to the population and extent of need. It was explained that, while activity tended to concentrate on the Wey Centre as the only County Council-owned centre in Waverley, it was recognised that further activity was needed in Godalming and a business case is being developed for a second full-time youth worker within the centre-based provision to operate in Farnham and Godalming. The Committee was reminded that the report was restricted to work commissioned by the County Council and that extensive work was undertaken to complement this by voluntary sector partners. The Committee reflected the continuing challenge in Waverley to achieve a balance between those neighbourhoods with concentrated needs and the difficulties facing young people in rural areas.
The Committee welcomed the significant decrease in young offenders: it was felt that this reflected the investment in prevention, the work done by Police colleagues in promoting restorative justice and the contribution of the Corporate Parenting Board in developing appropriate interventions with Looked After Children.
It was proposed from the chair and agreed ((ii) below) that the Youth Task Group should consider the updated needs assessment for Waverley and continue to monitor progress.
(i) To note the progress Services for Young People has made during 2012/13 to increase participation for young people in Waverley, as set out in detail in the appendices to this report.
(ii) To request that the Youth Task Group continue to monitor progress in Waverley against identified needs and report to the Committee at a future meeting.
The Local Committee has an important part to play in supporting the local development of Services for Young People, ensuring that the services provide the right support to young people in local communities. In particular it has an important formal role in relation to the Local Prevention Framework.
The Committee is asked to agree the transfer of its community safety budget for 2013-14 to the Safer Waverley Partnership.
Decision: Resolved
(i) That the community safety budget of £3,226 that has been delegated to the Local Committee for 2013-14 be transferred to the Safer Waverley Partnership.
(ii) That the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with the strategic aims of the Safer Waverley Partnership.
The County Council is a statutory member of the community safety partnership, known as the Safer Waverley Partnership. The Council values partnership working that will make a positive contribution to local projects and activities that will create a safer community for Waverley residents.
Minutes: Resolved
(i) That the community safety budget of £3,226 that has been delegated to the Local Committee for 2013-14 be transferred to the Safer Waverley Partnership.
(ii) That the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with the strategic aims of the Safer Waverley Partnership.
The County Council is a statutory member of the community safety partnership, known as the Safer Waverley Partnership. The Council values partnership working that will make a positive contribution to local projects and activities that will create a safer community for Waverley residents.
To agree the Terms of Reference and membership of task groups and any external appointments. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(i) That the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Task Group should continue for the Council year 2013-2014 reporting to this Committee. (ii) That the following Local Task Groups should continue for the Council year 2013-2014 reporting to the LTP Task Group on transportation funding priorities and directly to the Committee on other matters:
Farnham Godalming, Milford and Witley Haslemere and Western Villages Cranleigh and Eastern Villages
(iii) That the Terms of Reference set out at Annex 1 of the report for the Task Groups established in (i) and (ii) should be confirmed. (iv) That the Youth Services Task Group should continue for the year 2013-2014, reporting to the Committee and subject to the Terms of Reference set out in Annex 3. (v) That the Committee should cease to nominate members to the joint Surrey County Council/Hampshire County Council Task Group. (vi) To determine the membership and chairmanship of the task groups for the Council year 2013-2014 and to agree that representation from relevant partner agencies should be sought.
[Chairmen as follows:
Farnham Local Task Group: Mrs P Frost Godalming, Milford and Witley Local Task Group: Mr S Cosser Haslemere and Western Villages Local Task Group: Mr D Harmer Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Local Task Group: Mr A Young
Membership of Youth Task Group: Mrs P Frost and Mrs N Barton (Surrey County Council); Mrs C King and Ms J O’Grady have been nominated by Waverley Borough Council]
(vii) To nominate the Mrs N Barton as champion for the Two National Parks Local Sustainable Transport Fund project.
The task groups support the Local Committee in carrying out specific aspects of its work. The Two National Parks partnership has requested that a member champion is nominated from each of the partner authorities, and as the Surrey County Council part of this project is focused on Haslemere it was suggested that the divisional member for Haslemere is nominated for this role.
Minutes: Resolved
(i) That the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Task Group should continue for the Council year 2013-2014 reporting to this Committee. (ii) That the following Local Task Groups should continue for the Council year 2013-2014 reporting to the LTP Task Group on transportation funding priorities and directly to the Committee on other matters:
Farnham Godalming, Milford and Witley Haslemere and Western Villages Cranleigh and Eastern Villages
(iii) That the Terms of Reference set out at Annex 1 of the report for the Task Groups established in (i) and (ii) should be confirmed. (iv) That the Youth Services Task Group should continue for the year 2013-2014, reporting to the Committee and subject to the Terms of Reference set out in Annex 3. (v) That the Committee should cease to nominate members to the joint Surrey County Council/Hampshire County Council Task Group. (vi) To determine the membership and chairmanship of the task groups for the Council year 2013-2014 and to agree that representation from relevant partner agencies should be sought.
[Chairmen as follows:
Farnham Local Task Group: Mrs P Frost Godalming, Milford and Witley Local Task Group: Mr S Cosser Haslemere and Western Villages Local Task Group: Mr D Harmer Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Local Task Group: Mr A Young
Membership of Youth Task Group: Mrs P Frost and Mrs N Barton (Surrey County Council); Mrs C King and Ms J O’Grady have been nominated by Waverley Borough Council]
(vii) To nominate the Mrs N Barton as champion for the Two National Parks Local Sustainable Transport Fund project.
The task groups support the Local Committee in carrying out specific aspects of its work. The Two National Parks partnership has requested that a member champion is nominated from each of the partner authorities, and as the Surrey County Council part of this project is focused on Haslemere it was suggested that the divisional member for Haslemere is nominated for this role.
To agree the allocation of funds to applications received. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
(i) To note the level of funding to be allocated to those organisations who have submitted applications in Annex 1 of the report. (ii) To delegate final approval of the total funding for each project (which in each case will not exceed that identified in Annex 1) to the Area Highways Manager in consultation with local members.
A decision on allocation will enable parish and town councils in Waverley to take on some minor highways tasks.
Minutes: Members considered the range of applications presented and, while welcoming the contribution of rural parishes, noted a concern that the value of applications should be proportionate to the size of the community. There was a request that the added value achieved by the projects should be evaluated objectively. The Chairman announced that an additional £20,000 could be made available from unallocated highways budgets to accommodate, if necessary, much of the total funding required by the projects proposed. The Committee wished to ensure that a decision was not delayed further and agreed amended recommendations proposed by officers.
(i) To note the level of funding to be allocated to those organisations who have submitted applications in Annex 1 of the report.
(ii) To delegate final approval of the total funding for each project (which in each case will not exceed that identified in Annex 1) to the Area Highways Manager in consultation with local members.
A decision on allocation will enable parish and town councils in Waverley to take on some minor highways tasks.
To receive an update on the progress of the Committee’s highways improvement programme. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to
(i) Note progress on the programme of highway schemes. (ii) Delegate authority to the Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and locally affected members, to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner. (iii) Increase the budget allocated for highways localism to a total maximum of £40,000.
The Committee requires regular updates on the progress of its programme. The increased budget for highways localism is necessary to support Item 14: resolution (ii).
Minutes: The Area Highways Manager drew the Committee’s attention to two corrections to the published Annex 1:
· Lighting enhancement in Cranleigh High Street: completion has been deferred until the last week of July. · Drainage works in Waverley Western Villages (£60,000) had been omitted.
It was hoped that funding released by the proposal to construct a less elaborate pedestrian crossing in Borough Road, Godalming could be re-allocated to additional schemes in the immediate area and that some minor adjustments to the footway in The Street, Wonersh could deliver improved safety for pedestrians.
It was proposed from the chair and agreed that the budget available for highways localism be increased to £40,000 (see Item 14).
Resolved to
(i) Note progress on the programme of highway schemes.
(ii) Delegate authority to the Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and locally affected members, to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.
(iii) Increase the budget allocated for highways localism to a total maximum of £40,000.
The Committee requires regular updates on the progress of its programme. The increased budget for highways localism is necessary to support Item 14: resolution (ii).