Committee details

Waverley Local Committee

Purpose of committee

Surrey County Council’s Local Committees ceased operating at the end of October 2022.


The Council has made a clear commitment to adopt a new approach to engagement, to be a more connected and more effective local partner, working with and alongside local people.


As part of the new, wider focus, 11 Community Link Officers (CLOs) are working closely with County Councillors, District and Borough Officers and wider partners across each district and borough, to develop deeper conversations with our communities, to understand their priorities and to help them shape their local areas. 


To contact the CLO for your area, just email


There is plenty of useful information on the SCC website. Follow these links to find out more:

·         For inspiration how to have your say, to join networks, to play a part in your community, to join up and join in: Make It Happen in your local area - Surrey County Council (

·         For upcoming events: Surrey Matters magazine - Surrey County Council (

·         To learn about available funding opportunities: Your Fund Surrey for community projects - Surrey County Council ( and Members' Community Allocation - Surrey County Council (

·         To see data and insight on your local area: Home – Surrey-i (

·         For a list of the current public consultations: Surrey County Council - Citizen Space (


If you have a particular local issue to raise (eg potholes, school transport or social care), please consider using either one of the Council’s online reporting tools or contacting one of the Council’s dedicated service response teams. 


It is always useful to speak to your local County Councillor as well to help resolve issues. And, if you have an idea for a local project they can provide information on possible funding to help get it off the ground. Contact details for County Councillors are here Your Councillors - Surrey County Council (
