Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Nicola Morris, Partnership Committee Officer Surrey County Council, Community Partnerships & Safety Team, Epsom Town Hall (2nd floor), Epsom, KT18 5BY
Link: Click here for webcast
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Borough members under Standing Order 39. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Coley. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii)
Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in
respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this
meeting NOTES:
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
The Chairman will update the Committee on any current issues. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman noted her disappointment that the gate into St Josephs school from the car park, has been reopened. |
To answer any questions or receive a statement from any member of the public who lives, works or studies in the Surrey County Council area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Partnership Committee Officer at least by noon four working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were three public questions from Cllr Julie Morris who was present at the meeting.
In relation to questions 1 and 2, Cllr Morris expressed concern at the high proportion of parking bays which have been removed in Upper High Street as a result of the new development being built. The Chairman responded that she had had conversations with officers and tried to retain the parking bays and make use of the taxi bays, but had been advised that it was not possible to relocate the bays on safety grounds and that these changes had arisen as a result of the planning permission granted by the Borough Council.
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. No petitions have been received. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. Notice should be given in writing to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no member questions. |
To consider the introduction of new parking restrictions or changes to existing restrictions at various sites in Epsom and Ewell.
Since the introduction of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) in May 2005, new parking / waiting restrictions in Epsom and Ewell have been introduced in twelve phases, with the most recent being implemented during 2020.
This report details locations and general proposals for the Phase 13 parking / waiting restriction review, to be progressed in 2021 and seeks approval to carry out statutory consultation on the proposals.
Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed:
(i) That the changes to parking restrictions and controls described in annex 1 of the report should be introduced; and to include additional restrictions in Stoneleigh Park Rd, Amberley Gardens and Cunliffe Road subject to further discussions with the divisional member.
(ii) That the committee contribute £13,000.00 funding towards the introduction of the proposals in Annex 1 of the report from the 2019/2020 parking surplus.
That the County Council’s intention to make an
order under the Road Traffic Regulation act 1984 be advertised and,
if no objections are maintained, the order be made; (iv)
That if objections are received, the Parking
Strategy and Implementation Team Manager tries to resolve
them. (v) If there are unresolved objections, in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation, the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the division, decides whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether or not the order should be made, with or without modifications.
Reasons for decision
The waiting restrictions in this report will help to:
· Improve road safety · Increase access for emergency vehicles · improve access to shops, facilities and businesses · Increase access for refuse vehicles, buses and service vehicles · Reduce traffic congestion · Better regulate parking Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officers attending: Stephen Clavey, Parking Engineer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points
Damage to the verge by refuse vehicles as a result of parked vehicles narrowing the road by the island in Gibraltar Crescent has been raised by Borough Council officers. The divisional member asked if it could be included in the current review with a restriction in place for the times during which refuse vehicles need access. The Parking Engineer responded that a timed restriction could not be included in this review due to the cost of installing signs but double yellow lines could be considered. On reflection members considered that this was a complex issue and it would be better to have further discussions with residents and include any proposals in the next parking review if needed.
The divisional member commented that the proposal for Cunliffe Road is for two one hour restrictions daily to make it easier for buses to pass through, but that the residents would have difficulty relocating vehicles during these times. He suggested that the current arrangements where residents park to create a chicane effect could be formalised with yellow lines to prevent these gaps being filled by non-residents. He undertook to discuss this further with residents and to agree a layout for advertisement with the parking engineer is appropriate
The divisional member asked whether it would be possible to designate one of the parking bays in the Kingston Road shopping parade for motorcycles as there is a motorcycle training business in the location. The parking engineer responded that this was not something that the parking team were keen to take forward currently.
Two further locations were raised for inclusion in the review:
Stoneleigh Park Road to extend the double yellow lines from no 25 to no 31 (stopping at no 33).
To add double yellow lines at Amberley Gardens / Thorndon Gardens subject to a site visit to determine the correct location.
On drawing 29 members suggested that this proposal would also make visibility better for vehicle drivers as well as pedestrians.
It was clarified that the loading bay in the High Street, Epsom is already in this location and will not impede traffic flow.
(i) That the changes to parking restrictions and controls described in annex 1 of the report should be introduced; and to include additional restrictions in Stoneleigh Park Rd, Amberley Gardens and Cunliffe Road subject to further discussions with the divisional member.
That the committee contribute £13,000.00
funding towards the introduction of the proposals in Annex 1 of the
report from the 2019/2020 parking surplus. (iii)
That the County Council’s intention to make an
order under the Road Traffic Regulation act 1984 be advertised and,
if no objections are maintained, the order be made; (iv) That if objections are received, the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager tries to resolve them.
(v) If there are unresolved objections, in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation, the Parking Strategy ... view the full minutes text for item 24/20 |
To ensure timely development of the Joint Committee’s programmes of work for next Financial Year 2021-22, it is necessary to for Committee to decide high level allocations of its Highways budgets for 2021-22.
It is anticipated that capacity will be available from April 2021 for Committee to commission new feasibility studies, which would feed into future programmes Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS). Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed to:
(on a proposal from Cllr Kington,
seconded by Cllr Dallen)
· To review this proposed cut and restore the funding to at least the allocation figure for 2020/2021
To amend the formulae for allocating
Local Highway funding so that it reflects road usage and not the
length of road or geographical area.
Approve the proposed allocate of the 2021-22
Highways budgets as set out in table 3 of the report;
Defer a scheme to improve pedestrian crossing
facilities on Cheam Road at its junction with Bramley
Approve the commissioning of three new feasibility
studies to start in April 2021, as set out in table 4, to be funded
from Committee’s 2021-22 capital allocation; (v) Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reasons for decisions
Each Financial Year the Local Committee is allocated budgets for Highway maintenance and improvement schemes – these budgets must be spent within their respective Financial Years. The Committee wished to draw the attention of the Cabinet Member to the level of funding provided for this area and the criteria used. It takes a number of months to work with Committee as a whole and individual members to prioritise individual schemes, and then to make arrangements for schemes to be delivered as part of a countywide programme of work. Therefore it is necessary for Committee to decide high level allocations of its budgets well ahead of the start of the following Financial Year, to enable programmes of work to be developed in good time. It is anticipated that there will be capacity to commission new feasibility studies from April 2021. Therefore Committee is asked to approve the next round of prioritised schemes for feasibility studies. Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver its programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officers attending: Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager (AHM)
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points
Members thanked the AHM for his report.
Cllr Eber Kingston tabled a motion as follows, which was seconded by Cllr Dallen:
The Epsom and Ewell Local Committee expresses its concern that the Local Committee Highway allocation is facing a proposed cut from £254,500 in 2019/2020 to £193,100 in 2020/2021. The funding is already inadequate, and the lowest in Surrey, and a budget cut of £61,400 equates to nearly 25%. In addition the current formula for allocating local funding does not reflect road usage, which penalises Epsom and Ewell with its high road usage compared to much of Surrey.
The Local Committee therefore calls upon the Cabinet Member for Highways
To review this proposed cut and restore the funding to at least the allocation figure for 2019/2020
To amend the formulae for allocating Local Highway funding so that it reflects road usage and not the length of road or geographical area.
Some Members commented that this was not a cut to the budget, as this had been the base figure for the budget in the current financial year, but there had been a later addition to the budget which had not been made for next year.
An amendment to the motion was proposed by Cllr Mountain and seconded by Cllr Muir that the word “cut” be replaced with “reduction”. On a vote this amendment was LOST by 3 votes FOR to 6 AGAINST
Resolved: to:
(i) [by 8 votes FOR and 1 ABSTENTION] Express its concern that the Local Committee Highway allocation is facing a proposed cut from £254,500 in 2020/2021 to £193,100 in 2021/2022. The funding is already inadequate, and the lowest in Surrey, and a budget cut of £61,400 equates to nearly 25%. In addition the current formula for allocating local funding does not reflect road usage, which penalises Epsom and Ewell with its high road usage compared to much of Surrey. The Local Committee therefore calls upon the Cabinet Member for Highways
· To review this proposed cut and restore the funding to at least the allocation figure for 2020/2021
To amend the formulae for allocating Local Highway
funding so that it reflects road usage and not the length of road
or geographical area.
Approve the proposed allocate of the 2021-22
Highways budgets as set out in table 3 of the report;
Defer a scheme to improve pedestrian crossing
facilities on Cheam Road at its junction with Bramley Road;
Approve the commissioning of three new feasibility
studies to start in April 2021, as set out in table 4, to be funded
from Committee’s 2021-22 capital allocation; (v) Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reasons for decisions
The Committee wished to draw the attention of the Cabinet member to the level of funding for highways ... view the full minutes text for item 25/20 |
This item provides an update on previous decisions and actions agreed by the Committee. The Committee is asked to agree that the items marked as complete are removed from the tracker. Additional documents: Minutes: The Decision Tracker was noted and it was agreed that those items marked as closed should be removed.
Item 4 in the tracker to be updated to ensure that the stretch of pavement from the Station to Horsley Close is included.
Item 6 – Parking at Rosebank - Members and the AHM set a date for this review of the situation (Mon 14th at 2.45pm, outside the school gates). |
The Committee is asked to note the forward plan for the Committee and propose any items which they would like to see added. Additional documents: Minutes: The forward plan was noted. |
Monday 22 March 2020 tbc Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting of the Epsom and Ewell Local Committee was provisionally booked for 22 March 2021 at 2pm – a virtual meeting MS Teams. |