Venue: Mytchett Canal Centre, Mytchett Place Road, Mytchett, Surrey, GU16 6DD
Contact: Joss Butler Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes: Apologies were received from Akmal Gani, Bill Hansell, John Turner, Adam Bates, Riasat Khan, Peter Wildsmith and Paul Taylor.
Celia Griffiths acted as a substitute for John Turner. |
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Minutes: The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.
Minutes: Richard Lucas declared an interest that he was a member of the Basingstoke Canal Canoe Club. |
To receive either any questions or petitions.
Notes: 1. The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting (14 November 2023) 2. The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (13 November 2023) 3. The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.
One Member question has been recevied. The question and response is attached to this agenda. Minutes: One Member question was submitted by Ellie Ann May. The question and response were published within the meeting agenda.
Ellie Ann May thanked the Chairman for the response and did not ask a supplementary question. |
The Joint Management Committee to note the Action and Recomendation Tracker. Additional documents: Minutes: Key points raised during the discussion:
The Joint Management Committee (JMC) agreed the action tracker and Forward Work Programme.
Basingstoke Canal Society (BCS) Report to Joint Management Committee
The Joint Management Committee to note a report from the Basingstoke Canal Society. Minutes: Officers: Ian Moore, Basingstoke Canal Society
Key points raised during the discussion:
a. Thanks to officers from Surrey County Council for helping to gain access to a grant of £75,000 from Your Fund Surrey which would be put toward a new electric trip boat in Woking. b. That the Basingstoke Canal Society would contribute £6,000 to the Basingstoke Canal Authority’s (BCA) training budget. c. That 20 Corporate Volunteer teams had delivered over 1,300 hours of labour into supporting the Basingstoke Canal. d. That an oil spill had delayed the start of the season however the Society were reimbursed over £1,300 by loss adjusters for lost revenue. 2. The Chairman thanked the Basingstoke Canal Society for their work and said that he was pleased to see that the Society’s campaign objectives were to raise major funds to support agreed projects, to work with councils to ensure they realise the benefits to their council tax payers and actively support the canal, and to raise awareness in the local community of the risks and need to support the canal through donations and membership. 3. A Member thanked the Society for their work to maintain the foliage on towpaths on the Canal. 4. Members noted the history and issues associated with the floating pennywort plant on the Basingstoke Canal and the negative impacts towards conservation.
The Joint Management Committee noted the report.
Canal Management Report
To inform the Committee of actions taken by the Strategic Manager and BCA Canal Manager in managing, maintaining and operating the Canal since the preceding meeting, to look forward to work likely to happen in the 2nd half of 2023; and to report the work of the Conservation Steering Group. Minutes: Officers: James Taylor – Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The officer introduced the report and provided a brief summary. Members noted that: a. Length Inspections, Supplementary Inspections and Reservoir Surveillance Inspections had all been carried out as planned. b. That a break in at Ash Lock Depot had resulted in the loss of £12,000 worth of tools. c. That Rangers worked with the Environment Agency and volunteers to clear and isolated outbreak of the highly invasive Floating Pennywort in Fleet. d. That the Canal Operations Manager left the role in July 2023 and despite a recruitment exercise a replacement had not yet been found. e. That the Santa Cruise event tickets went on sale on 25 September and all 164 trips were sold out in two days. f. That Rosebud public trips sales had been very strong. g. That the results of a dragonfly and damselfly survey had shown that there were 29 species using the canal which was two more than the previous survey. The surveyor had also observed that there were two nationally rare species using the canal, and that the assemblage was “outstanding” and of “national importance”. h. That in the financial year to date 10,565 hours have been logged by volunteers. i. Noted detail related to the Mytchett Lake Reservoir 10-year assessment as outlined in the report. j. Noted that works towards the Deepcut Towpath Improvement were ongoing. k. That the first of three new sluices had been successfully installed. 2. Officers noted that a leak had been found at the Aqueduct over the River Whitewater and that contractors were on site to resolve the issue. 3. Officers highlighted the vulnerability of pollution from the Canal from road drainage in Woking and confirmed that contact had been made with loss adjusters however a figure for losses had not get been agreed. It was further noted that officers from Woking Borough Council and the Environment Agency were aware of the issues. 4. A Member gave their thanks to the volunteers who had given their time to support the Basingstoke Canal. 5. A Member requested that the results of the dragonfly survey be circulated to members of the Conservation Steering Group which was agreed. Further to this, Members agreed that it was important to communicate the successful dragonfly survey through the appropriate channels to publicise the good news. 6. A Member stated that it was important that the Basingstoke Canal Society and its Biodiversity Team contribute to the work of the Hampshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. Officers confirmed that there would be opportunities for stakeholders to be involved with conservation workshops going forward.
Actions / Further information to be provided:
That the results of the dragonfly survey be circulated to members of the Conservation Steering Group
The Joint Management Committee noted the report.
To inform the JMC of the key risks associated to the BCA Canal Partnership after annual review and to ensure risks are mitigated as far as possible. Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: James Taylor – Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The officer introduced the report and provided a brief summary. Members noted that:
a. The highest risks were associated with partnership finance and the withdrawal of partner funding and rising costs leading to an unsustainable financial position. b. That the business case to grow income into the Basingstoke Canal was looking increasingly impossible without investment. c. That the Invasive Non-Native Species Order 2019 had made trapping the North American Signal Crayfish increasingly difficult as it prevented the transport of the crayfish alive and therefore prevented trapping and therefore increasing risk to Canal infrastructure. d. Noted the increased risk around staffing.
2. In regard to issues related to the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019, officers highlighted that, before the order was put in place, a Trapper had removed seven tonnes of North American Signal Crayfish which showed that there was a significant population within the canal resulting in the damaging of infrastructure. The Joint Management Committee raised significant concern with the impact of the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019 on the removal of crayfish and agreed to write to Natural England to highlight members’ concerns.
Actions / Further information to be provided:
To write to Natural England to highlight concerns related to the negative impact of the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019 on the increasing population of the North American Signal Crayfish leading to damaged infrastructure
The Joint Management Committee noted the report.
The Joint Management Committee agreed to write to Natural England to highlight concerns related to the negative impact of the Non-Native Species Order 2019 on the increasing population of the North American Signal Crayfish leading to damaged infrastructure
Scheme of Charges 2024/25
The existing scheme of charges have been reviewed and adjustments made either in line with inflation or by considering local market forces. A new visiting boat licence charge is proposed to attract live-aboard boaters continuously cruising on other waterways in need of a winter mooring. Minutes: Officers: James Taylor – Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal explained that the existing scheme of charges had been reviewed and adjustments made either in line with inflation or by considering local market forces. A new visiting boat licence charge was proposed to attract live-aboard boaters continuously cruising on other waterways in need of a winter mooring. Members noted that the proposed charges were set out within the report. 2. A Member agreed that the new boat licence charge would be attractive to live-aboard boaters continuously cruising and said that it was important to market the opportunity appropriately. Officers confirmed that eight spaces were available and that there could be an opportunity to invest in further moorings in the event that the licences were successful.
The JMC approved the scheme of charges for 2024/25 and approved the BCA officers to offer 6-month winter visitor licences for vessels registered with other waterways with immediate effect.
Forecast Outturn 2023/24, Forward Budget 2024/25
The purpose of this report is to present the forecast outturn for the year ending 31 March 2024 as at September 2023, and the Forward Budget for the year ending 31 March 2025 to the Joint Management Committee for approval. Minutes: Officers: Jenny Wadham, Honorary Treasurer
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Honorary Treasurer introduced the report and provided a brief summary. Members noted:
a. That the figures were based on the operating model as is and so was separate from the proposals highlighted within the report at Item 10. b. That the revised budget for the 2023/24 financial year was presented for approval to reflect extra works agreed for 2023/24 at the previous Board meeting on 7 June and that this increased the budgeted draw from reserves for 2023/24 from £nil to £99,000. The forecast outturn for the year to 31 March 2024 was now a £192,000 draw on reserves, £93,000 higher than the revised budget draw. c. That partner contributions were forecast at £427,000 which was £53,000 below the budgeted £480,000 as a result of Woking Borough Council being unable to pay their planned contributions following the Section 114 notice. d. That income was forecast to be £706,000 which was £93,000 below the budgeted £799,000 primarily due to lost partner funding and the cold and wet weather over summer reducing demand for all the Canal’s facilities. e. Expenditure was forecast to be on budget however there was increased spend on tree works. f. That due to increasing pressures on both expenditure and income the proposed Forward Budget had a draw on reserves of £140,000. g. That largely due to inflationary pressures on pay and non-pay costs, no inflationary increases to Partner contributions for several years had represented a real term cut. h. The budgeted spend on Canal Maintenance had been reduced by £25,000 to £127,000, which is also considerably less than the £195,000 spend forecast for 2023/24. i. That the unallocated reserve was originally budgeted to reduce by £99,000 to £510,037 by 31 March 2024, however with the worsened financial position, but allowing for interest receivable, the balance was now projected to decrease to £435,487. This equated to under six months budgeted expenditure, just over three months after factoring in the £200,000 minimum unallocated reserve balance. j. That the current funding model was not sustainable over the long term.
2. A Member asked for detail on what the outcome would be in the event that the reserves were exhausted. Officers explained that the two authorities would likely need to only carry out their statutory duties and that more details would be provided within the next item.
The JMC noted the forecast outturn for the 2023/24 financial year.
The Committee approved the forward budget for the 2024/25 financial year.
Basingstoke Canal Futures
This report sets out the work that has been undertaken to consider options for how a more sustainable financial future for the Canal could be delivered, with associated risks and implications.
It proposes resultant changes to the operations and governance of the Canal, for which Joint Management Committee (JMC) members are invited to provide feedback. Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: Jo Heath, Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services (HCC) Katie McDonald, Natural Capital Group Manager (SCC)
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. Officers introduced the report and stated that the report set out the work that had been undertaken to consider options for how a more sustainable financial future for the Canal could be delivered, with associated risks and implications. Members were provided with a PowerPoint presentation which is attached to these minutes as Appendix 1. Following the presentation, JMC members were invited to feedback on proposals. The decision to introduce proposed changes would then be made via Executive Member decisions at the respective landowning authorities. 2. The Chairman thanked officers for a clear and honest appraisal of the current situation. 3. A Member gave their thanks to all the authorities within the partnership for their contributions to the Basingstoke Canal over previous years. The Member added that it was important to choose an option that was sustainable and allowed the Basingstoke Canal to continue to have a positive impact on residents going forward. The Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services stated that the exercise to consider future options was important as it had brought the attention of the senior leaders within the two landowning authorities to what the statutory minimum duties were and the finances needed to support it. 4. A Member gave their thanks to officers within the Basingstoke Canal Authority, Surrey County Council and Hampshire County Council for efforts to support the canal through the years and said that the main priority should be to continue the service that the Basingstoke Canal provided. The Member suggested that officers within the Basingstoke Canal Authority contact officers within Woking Borough Council as they could share their experience with understanding statutory duties and building relationships with external providers. 5. A Member said that he believed that there was an opportunity for Surrey Heath Borough Council to become more involved with the work of the Basingstoke Canal Authority and that there was especially an opportunity to build a strong relationship between the Canal Centre and Frimley Lodge Park. The Member further added that he welcomed Surrey County Council’s recognition of the community value of the Basingstoke Canal and the important services provided by the Canal Centre. The Chairman asked that the representative from Surrey Heath Borough Council pass the comments made to their senior leaders within the authority. 6. Officers highlighted that all JMC members were invited to provide comment on the proposed changes by 30th January 2024 via the dedicated inbox: 7. The Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services stated that the proposals provided were believed to be the statutory minimum and were not intended to be an interim measure. 8. The representative from the Basingstoke Canal Society thanked officers for their work towards the proposals. 9. A Member asked whether consideration had been put into extending the use of the caravan sites or other commercial opportunities such as advertising and crowdfunding. The ... view the full minutes text for item 2123. |
The next meeting of the Basingstoke Joint Management Committee will be held on 6 June 2024. Minutes: The Committee noted that its next meeting was noted. |