Councillors and committees

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8EF

Contact: Amelia Christopher 


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    To receive any apologies for absence and substitutions.

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    Apologies were received from Dr Charlotte Canniff, Professor Helen Rostill, Kate Barker, Joanna Killian, Dr Pramit Patel, Mari Roberts-Wood, Graham Wareham, Sinead Mooney, Clare Curran, Borough Councillor Ann-Marie Barker, Steve Flanagan, Sue Murphy - Michelle Blunsom MBE substituted, Fiona Edwards - Tracey Faraday-Drake substituted, Tim De Meyer - Chris Raymer substituted, Carl Hall - Jack Budgen substituted (remote), Karen Brimacombe (remote), Jo Cogswell (remote), Karen McDowell (remote), Kate Scribbins (remote).




    To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.

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    The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.




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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter


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            Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.


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    There were none.




Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (8 December 2023).


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    None received.



Public Questions

    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (7 December 2023).


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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting. No petitions have been received.


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    There were none.



    This paper presents a final draft Terms of Reference for the HWB Board and outlines minor changes to the Key Neighbourhoods.


    This paper also provides an overview of the progress of local shared projects and communications activity supporting delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWB Strategy) as of 20 November 2023.

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    Karen Brimacombe - Chief Executive, Mole Valley District Council (Surrey Chief Executives’ Group) (Priority 1 Sponsor)

    Phillip Austen-Reed - Principal Lead - Health and Wellbeing, SCC

    Liz Williams - Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, SCC and Surrey Heartlands ICS (Priority 2 Co-Sponsor)

    Lisa Andrews - Public Health Principal, SCC

    Sarah Haywood - Serious Violence Programme Lead, Office of the PCC 

    Rebecca Brooker - Prevention and Communities Lead, SCC


    Key points raised in the discussion:


    1.    The Chair referred to the Board’s Terms of Reference (ToR) in the agenda, noting that due to some recent initial discussions on maximising the alignment of the Board with the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and Integrated Care Board (ICB), she proposed that the Board: approves the ToR as interim as it might need to be revisited later in 2024 once the review had progressed. She highlighted the small changes in the boundaries for the Key Neighbourhoods bringing those in line with the ward boundary changes which occurred earlier in the year.


    Priority 1


    2.    The Priority 1 Sponsor referred to the spotlight item: Changing Futures Sustainability - Next Steps, to be funded until March 2025 and it was hoped that the programme would continue beyond that.

    3.    The Principal Lead - Health and Wellbeing (SCC) detailed the spotlight item:

    ·         That the work on multiple disadvantage had been brought together with a greater focus due to the alignment of national policy and local prioritisation of the issue. Since 2020 there had been better multi-agency working through the Surrey Adults Matter approach.

    ·         That in 2021 funding from the national Changing Futures grant had been secured, enabling greater collaboration with (VCSE) Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise partners; trauma informed outreach was being provided and the data showed the improved outcomes in line with SCC’s ambition of ‘no one left behind’ (NOLB). Funding although flagged as a risk, had been secured for next year; highlighted the positive engagement with the commissioning collaborative and the local joint commissioning group chairs.

    ·         That the JSNA chapter on multiple disadvantage which would help inform the way forward for the specific areas around trauma informed outreach and multi-agency working, and broader areas under the Board’s remit.

    ·         That such programmes would be useful to reflect on at the Better Care Fund (BCF) Strategy workshop in February in terms of how such programmes which appear to meet both national and local strategies, could be built into BCF processes and structures in a better way.

    4.    A Board member noted that he had been interviewed regarding the work on the multiple disadvantage JSNA chapter, noted that he had visited a centre in Guildford where speaking to people with lived experience was invaluable; stressed that prevention was fundamental.

    5.    The Chair noted that not only were the aims important and aligned with the strategies, but so was the data being gathered which could be used elsewhere.

    6.    A Board member welcomed the vital work in the preventative space and thanked the team for their work on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38/23



    This report provides the Health and Wellbeing Board with an update on Surrey’s delivery against the Serious Violence Duty.


    Additional documents:




    Lisa Townsend - Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

    Sarah Haywood - Serious Violence Programme Lead, Office of the PCC 


    Key points raised in the discussion:


    1.    The PCC emphasised the importance of the second recommendation around endorsing the establishment of the Surrey Serious Violence Reduction Partnership, its establishment was necessary to provide the strategic leadership and governance needed. Reminded the Board that whilst the OPCC was a recipient of funding for the Serious Violence Duty, there were several partners which had a statutory responsibility to follow it to ensure all residents are and feel safe. Thanked the Serious Violence Programme Lead (OPCC) for her hard work.

    2.    The Serious Violence Programme Lead (OPCC) noted that:

    ·         She was employed by and worked across the Partnership, with funding via the PCC from the Home Office.

    ·         The Serious Violence Duty came into force in January 2023 and required those specified authorities to work together to understand and then reduce violence locally. It required a whole system multi-agency approach to understand and address the drivers of serious violence, protecting people from becoming victims and perpetrators of violence.

    ·         A Strategic Needs Assessment and Surrey Serious Violence Reduction Strategy were being developed, working with partners such as the Surrey Office of Data Analytics (SODA), SCC and Surrey Police.

    ·         The needs assessment looked at hot spot areas and cohorts: those more at risk were males aged 30 to 34 years old, hot spots were in urban areas, and there was a growth in violence in the young female cohort; and identified gaps and areas requiring in-depth work. Police data would form the core, building around the contextual factors to understand the Surrey picture.

    ·         Whilst Surrey was safe and there was low crime, serious violence greatly impacted victims and communities; preventing the increase of crime numbers was vital and she would circulate a comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation.

    ·         Partnership connectivity and networking was crucial, whilst there were several mature workstreams around violence; having that single place through the Partnership to discuss serious violence, understand the risks, collect data and commission responses was vital. The Partnership had oversight of the strategy and the delivery plans, and four overarching priorities had been identified: leadership, evidence-based response, community connections and focused prevention.

    ·         The funding for this year’s Serious Violence Home Office grant had been assigned and there was an opportunity next year to use the insights from the needs assessment and learning to target support to projects and communities, linking into the towns and the place-based work.

    3.    The Chair valued the extended presentation that she had received, she asked what the governance pathway was for the Partnership. The Serious Violence Programme Lead (OPCC) noted that the overarching governance sat with the Board where the Partnership would report to, as referenced in Priority Three with milestones built into those delivery plans. The Chair recognised the cross fertilisation of the Partnership’s work with many of the other activities under the Board’s remit and welcomed regular updates in the Highlight Report.

    4.    A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39/23



    This report summarises the work completed on both these reports which are the housing homes and accommodation strategy and housing JSNA chapter and makes a case for the recommendations outlined in both. 




    Additional documents:




    Michael Coughlin - Executive Director - Prosperity, Partnership and Growth, SCC

    Poppy Middlemiss - Public Health Registrar, SCC


    Key points raised in the discussion:


    1.   The Chair noted that the updated Housing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) chapter provided a good opportunity to revisit the strategy and endorse the recommendations given the significance of housing as a wider determinant of health and its impact on the cost of living. She thanked the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (SCC) for her hard work.

    2.   The Executive Director - Prosperity, Partnership and Growth (SCC) noted that:

    ·      The One Surrey Growth Board received a similar item with an economic development and economy focus. There were two parts of the strategy: Call to Action and the Call to Government arose from the work undertaken with stakeholders over the last eighteen months; identified the affordability of housing as a significant barrier to recruitment.

    ·      Good quality, affordable and secure housing was a key determinant of positive mental and physical health.

    ·      Work began around the state of Surrey’s housing market and a baseline assessment by the consultants had been produced collating national and local data; concluding that there was a housing crisis in Surrey. Several months after the work, a national housing crisis had been identified.

    ·      Acute to Surrey was high demand matched against insufficient supply for several years, resulting in high purchase, mortgage and rental costs.

    ·      Extensive stakeholder engagement tested the accuracy of the findings and gain a complete picture of the baseline assessment; not all the borough and district councils agreed with or signed up to the strategy.

    ·      It was acknowledged that the strategy must be system-wide and multi-agency, agencies were asked to respond to the Call to Action.

    ·      The conclusions drawn from the work was the need to prioritise partnership working and to better understand public opinion around housing. Issues identified: aging population, underoccupancy of housing, affordability, vulnerable groups suffering from poor or no housing, land availability and the need for housing developments to focus on essential and key worker housing, and the contribution to net zero and climate change targets.

    ·      The recommendations in the Call to Action and the Call to Government - submitted to the Housing Minister - focused on policy and funding changes that would help Surrey with its housing crisis.

    ·      Whilst SCC did not have a statutory housing duty it was part of the One Public Estate partnership and it was taking the lead with a report scheduled for February’s Cabinet setting out multiple work programmes where SCC could have a direct influence on particularly vulnerable children's and adult social care accommodation and services.

    3.    The Public Health Registrar (SCC) noted that:

    ·      The updated JSNA chapter was expected to be published in early January and was developed in collaboration with many stakeholders including district and borough councils, and set out the picture of the housing situation in Surrey looking at how it was affecting people’s health and was to inform commissioners and stakeholders going forward.

    ·      The current provision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40/23



    The Board is asked to note the update provided on the recent activity within the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICS) regarding the Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.



    Additional documents:




    Karen McDowell - Acting Chief Executive Officer, Surrey Heartlands ICS

    Jo Cogswell - Place Based Leader, Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance

    Tara Marshall - Principal Project Manager - Transformation Design, SCC

    Tracey Faraday-Drake - Executive Director and SRO for Children and Young People, Learning Disabilities and Autism; and Place Convenor for Surrey Heath, Frimley ICB


    Key points raised in the discussion:


    1.    The Acting Chief Executive Officer (Surrey Heartlands ICS) noted that:

    ·         There would be a symposium in February bringing partners together to discuss opportunities and challenges.

    ·         Over the last few months several place-based deep dives had been held and the ICB received an update around the VCSE Alliance’s work.

    ·         Work was ongoing around the primary care recovery plan on access and the winter recovery plan on managing winter pressures.

    ·         Work was underway around dental, optometry and pharmacy, there had been an engagement session with Healthwatch Surrey on co-design.

    ·         There was a strong focus and work was ongoing on EDI.

    ·         Large pressures across the health system included: upcoming industrial action, winter pressures and implementation of the operating model to reduce 30% of the management costs across the system.

    2.    The Place Based Leader (Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance) noted that work had been undertaken across Guildford and Waverley with the Public Health team (SCC) looking at engagement with communities and system-wide alignment to population health and care need. The ICP roadshows demonstrated that good capabilities and methodologies for better working with communities had been developed. That led to the ICP chair championing the creation of a Library of Experiences; organisations sharing good practice and experiences and methods of doing things that others might be able to replicate.

    3.    The Principal Project Manager - Transformation Design (SCC) noted that in determining what to produce for the Library of Experiences, various pieces of work had been considered around capturing and sharing knowledge, people's varied communication and learning preferences and how information is accessed and consumed, best practice through case studies, and community engagement efforts in North Guildford. Three products covering varied audiences and requirements had been produced: an overarching summary, a short video with partners reflecting on the experiences of those involved and their stories, a detailed written explanation of the approach including successes and challenges. Each initiative was unique, so it was vital to select the right methodologies and build in evaluation.

    4.    The Chair referred to the work done with Healthwatch Surrey on the Pharmacy and Dental engagement event noting that it would be good to know that the opportunities for residents regarding that engagement could improve. Epsom had lost two pharmacies and dental appointments were hard to get. The Acting Chief Executive Officer (Surrey Heartlands ICS) would provide event feedback.  

    5.    The Chair requested detail on the System Development Funding.

    6.    The Executive Director and SRO for Children and Young People, Learning Disabilities and Autism; and Place Convenor for Surrey Heath (Frimley ICB) noted that:

    ·         There were similar pressures and challenges as in Surrey  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41/23



    The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be on 20 March 2024.

    Additional documents:


    The date of the next public meeting was noted as 20 March 2024. Prior to that there would be an informal Board meeting in February: Better Care Fund Strategy Workshop.