Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 1 June 2017 1.30 pm

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2DN

Contact: Andrew Baird or Joss Butler 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence and substitutions.


    Apologies were received from Dr Charlotte Canniff, Dr Claire Fuller, Helen Atkinson John Jory, Mel Few and Dr Elango Vijaykumar


    Ruth Hutchinson acted as a substitute for Helen Atkinson

    Sue Robertson acted as a substitute for Charlotte Canniff.

    Tom Kealey acted as a substitute for John Jory.

    Eileen Clark acted as a substitute for Claire Fuller




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    To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


    The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.



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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter


    (i)      Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)      Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting




            Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

            As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

            Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.



    There were none.



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    There were none.


Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (25/05/2017).



    None were received.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (25/05/2017).



    Four questions from Mr Mick Moriarty were received. The questions and responses were tabled at the meeting and attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.


    Two supplementary questions were asked in which Mr Moriarty sought clarity on whether the Health and Wellbeing Board had seen the final plans submitted to NHS England as part of the Surrey Heartlands Devolution Bid. Members responded by stating that these had not been seen by the Board but that the Board had reviewed the Surrey Heartlands (Strategic Transformation Partnership) STP submission which was very similar to plans contained within the Devolution bid. Mr Moriarty was advised that the County Council elections followed by the announcement of a general election had impacted on the work of the Board and had meant it had not had the opportunity to view the plans contained within the Devolution bid. 


    Mr Moriarty drew attention to the £115 – £125 million worth of efficiency savings committed to within the Surrey Heartlands STP plan and enquired as to where these savings would come from. Members reiterated the delays caused by the elections but stated that the Board would be reviewing all of Surrey STPs at its meeting in September. Mr Moriarty was further informed the STP plans would be subject to robust scrutiny by the Adults and Health Select Committee.




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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting. No petitions have been received.



    There were none.


CASE STUDY pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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    The Board will be presented with a short presentation on young carers in Surrey schools.


    Declarations of interest:






    Jamie Gault, CEO, Action for Carers Surrey

    John Bangs, Carers Strategy & Development Manager, Surrey County Council


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The Health & Wellbeing Board received an introduction to the case study and were given a summary of the work being undertaken by Action For Carers to identify and support young carers in Surrey Schools. It was explained that a play had been developed entitled ‘People Like Us’ which aimed to raise awareness amongst young people and education professionals of the challenges that come with the responsibility of being a young carer as well as to outline the support available to them. Members were made aware of a survey of young people who watched the play which demonstrated that 17% (510) considered themselves to be young carers. Following this, the Board were shown a trailer of ‘People Like Us’ and were informed that a recording of the play would be distributed to private and community schools around Surrey with the hope of identifying more young carers. It was further agreed that the recording would be circulated to Members of the Health & Wellbeing Board for their consideration.
    2. The Board sought clarification on the format the show would be disrupted and if it would have an impact on the question and answer session originally held after the show. Officers confirmed that it would be a digital recording circulated to schools which did mean a Q&A session after the show would not be held. Members recognised that despite the benefits of exposing children to a live performance it would not be possible due to the expense. 
    3. Members discussed the needs of young carers highlighting that Surrey was recognised as a national exemplar by NHS England for supporting young carers. Members expressed concern that so many young carers in Surrey were unable to access the support that was available to them as they had not yet been identified.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    1. Circulate Surrey Young Carers video to Health & Wellbeing Board Members once it has been filmed (Action Ref: A8/17).




    Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed the proposed approach of encouraging all schools and colleges in Surrey to make use of the resources available and to work together with staff from health, social care and Action for Carers’ to identify and support young carers.





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    To review and agree the Board actions tracker.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:






    Andy Baird, Regulatory Committee Manager, Surrey County Council


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The Board received an introduction to the Actions Tracker and were informed that the one outstanding action on the tracker was now  completed.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:






    The Health & Wellbeing Board monitored progress on the implementation of actions from previous meetings.




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    To review and agree the Board forward work program.


    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:






    Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Surrey County Council


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. Officers introduced the forward plan to the Board and highlighted that the item on the Forward Planning Workshop had been moved to the Board’s meeting on 5 October 2017.
    2. Officers further stated that the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board’s Annual Report had not been finalised and was therefore unable to be considered until the Board’s meeting on 7 September.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:






    The Health & Wellbeing Board reviewed and agreed its forward work programme for the remainder of 2017.




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    hanTo update the Board on any key issues relevant to its areas of work, membership and terms of reference.


    Declarations of interest:






    Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Surrey County Council


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The Board was informed that following discussions at its meeting in April 2017, an expression of interest was submitted for Surrey to graduate from the current Better Care Fund (BCF) programme oversight was submitted to NHS England, after being signed off by all partners of the Health and Social Care Integration Board. A draft version was then circulated to Board members for comment and the final version was distributed also. Officers stated that they hope to hear about the success of the application after the General Election, but before the end of June. It was highlighted that if successful, Surrey would be among the first six - ten systems nationally who were able to evidence enough local maturity to deliver on the conditions of the BCF.
    2. Members of the Board were informed that following a request from the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Partnership Board protocol had been amended to include the Local Criminal Justice Board. The revised protocol was formally agreed and circulated to Board members.
    3. The Board were made aware that both Peter Waddell and John Kingsbury had stepped down from their roles as the Leaders of Runnymede Borough Council and Woking Borough Council respectively. It was confirmed that this would mean that the former Borough Leaders both relinquished their roles as representatives on the Health and Wellbeing Board. Two new Members would be appointed from among the Surrey Leaders’ Group at the end  of June and the Board would return to full Membership.
    4. A resident raised concerns with the relationship between the Health & Wellbeing Board and Borough / District Councils. It was discussed that a detailed induction process was key to building strong connections with the Health and Wellbeing Board and Borough / District representatives. Their comments were noted and it was reassured that a full induction and necessary training was given to every new member of the Board.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:





Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board communications and engagement update pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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    To update the Health and Wellbeing Board on activity and progress relating to communications and engagement, to receive support from Board Members for overcoming current challenges and to secure endorsement for the next steps.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:






    Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Surrey County Council


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager provided members of the Board with an update on the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board Communication and Engagement Sub-Group. Members were given details of the successful, joined-up winter campaign that had taken place across winter 2016/17 and which had encouraged residents to be prepared, keep warm and keep well during the winter period.
    2. A discussion took place regarding residents’ awareness of the Surrey Winter Communications Campaign which highlighted that, although there was room for improvement, there had been a significant increase in the number of residents who had seen the campaign compared to the previous year. 
    3. Members also discussed the Summer 2017 Communications Campaign which would cover a range of issues key to staying safe and well during the summer months. The summer campaign would focusing on three key areas: Hydration, Skin cancer prevention and safety during the day. It was agreed that the Summer Communications Plan would be shared with Board Members once it became available.
    4. Members spoke of the different platforms used to communicate health advice to Surrey residents. It was highlighted that the ‘Surrey Matters’ magazine, which had previously been a printed resource, had now moved to an online only format. Removing this printed resource was both an opportunity and a challenge as new lines of communication would be needed to reach residents without access to the internet. Members agreed that in the interest of Surrey residents, other means of distribution should be evaluated to ensure campaigns reach the widest possible range of Surrey residents.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    1.      Health and Wellbeing Board Summer Communications Plan to be shared with the Board Members (Action Ref: A9/17).

    2.      Develop simple diagram to channel Health & Wellbeing Board      communications to different types of audience. (Action Ref: A10/17).

    3.      The Health & Wellbeing Board Communications and Engagement Sub-Group to evaluate the distribution of off-line materials. (Action Ref: A11/17).




    It was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board:


    1. note the progress made on communications and engagement since December 2016;
    2. identify solutions to key challenges; and
    3. endorse the activity of the Communications Sub-Group for the next six months.


    Clare Curran left the meeting at 3:00pm




Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board - Annual Report 2016 - 2017 Executive Summary pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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    The Independent Chair of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) presents the SSAB Annual Report each year. This is to inform Health and Wellbeing Board members of progress in implementing the SSAB Annual Plan and priorities for the following year.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:






    Simon Turpitt, Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. Officers introduced the annual report and provided members with a presentation outlining the key principals and priorities of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board’s (SSAB) Annual Report. The key achievements of the SSAB were also outlined to the Board including the involvement in the establishment of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the Multi agency quality assurance programme. Officers highlighted the importance of sharing information with other Boards as a means of sharing lessons learned and best practise.
    2. Discussions took place regarding the importance of involving the Prison Service in the work of SSAB due to having five large prisons in Surrey with the responsibility for the wellbeing of a significant number of vulnerable adults.
    3. The Board enquired on the extent to which the SSAB has considered the impact that cuts in local authority funding in Surrey would impact on safeguarding adults. Members were advised that it was hard to determine what impact reduced budgets would have on safeguarding although partners recognised the significant financial challenges facing SCC and would seek to mitigate any implications that this would have on safeguarding. It was agreed that a Surrey Community Action Report on ‘understanding the potential impact of Surrey’s Cuts to the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector’ would be circulated to the Board.
    4. Members highlighted the benefit of the SSAB engaging with outside organisations such as the Voluntary Sector and CCGs in promoting safeguarding across the County. It was agreed to recirculate a report on the potential inclusion of Surrey Community Action on the Board to Members.
    5. Discussions took place highlighting the difficultly in reaching ethnic minority groups in Surrey and how to best communicate safeguarding services available.  A member of the Board suggested that a report on engaging with Gypsy Roma Traveller communities be circulated for further detail on the subject.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    1. Circulate report on engaging with Gypsy Roma Traveller communities to the Independent Chair of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (Action Ref: A12/17).
    2. It was agreed that a Surrey Community Action Report on ‘understanding the potential impact of Surrey’s Cuts to the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector would be circulated to the Board (Action Ref: A13/17).



    The Health and Wellbeing Board:


    1. considered and noted the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report Executive Summary; and
    2. identified any opportunities for the two Boards to work jointly to achieve shared priorities.



Public Engagement Session

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    A chance for members of the public in attendance at the meeting to ask any questions that they may have.



    No additional questions were asked under this item.  



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    The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be on 7 September 2017.  


    The Board noted that its next meeting would be held on 7 September 2017.