Agenda, decisions and minutes

Woking Joint Committee - Wednesday, 21 September 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Woking Borough Council Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL

Contact: Sarah Goodman, Community Partnership and Committee Officer 


No. Item

Notes from Open Public Questions (Annex) pdf icon PDF 7 KB

Additional documents:





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    To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record and agree that the Chairman signs the minutes.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes from the last meeting held on 29 June were agreed and signed.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·         Members are bound by the Code of Conduct of the authority which appointed them to the Woking Joint Committee.

    ·         In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living with as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.

    ·         SCC Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. WBC Members need to disclose all disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests, whether or not they have previously been recorded in the Register of Members’ Interests.

    ·         SCC Members must notify SCC’s Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. WBC Members must notify WBC’s Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting which are not already recorded in the Register of Members’ Interests.

    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.

    Additional documents:


    There were no declarations of interest.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1.  Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council or Woking Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    No petitions have been received



    Additional documents:


    There were no petitions received.



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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Woking Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 14.2. Notice should be given in writing or email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting. (Thursday 15 September)

    Additional documents:


    Two public questions were received and tabled.  A copy of the questions and answers are annexed to these minutes.  The supplementary questions and responses are below:


    Question 2:

    The local member noted that he will take up the issue of the removal of the parking bay with the Parking Team.



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    To receive any written questions from members under Standing Order 13.  The deadline for member questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. (Thursday 15 September)

    Additional documents:


    Three member questions were received and tabled. A copy of the questions and answers are annexed to these minutes. The supplementary questions and responses are set out below:


    Question 1:

    Cllr Cundy asked for further confirmation that the new 28 service will go via St Johns.  Officers would confirm outside the meeting, but it was understood the route would be the same as the previous service.


    Question 2:

    Cllr Hunwicks was disappointed that it was not possible to have a Vehicle Activated Sign. It was noted that the Speed Management Plan lists sites of concern put forward by officers, councillors and the Police.  It is prioritised and reviewed quarterly and is used as the basis for localised speed checks and enforcement. The document would be shared with members of the committee.


    Question 3:

    Cllr Chrystie noted that there had been a survey previously carried out on the junction in West Byfleet and Andrew Milne agreed to see whether there is any data showing whether the traffic at the junction was getting worse or not.


    It was agreed that Jason Russell and Dominic Forbes would be asked the following question:

    Members are interested in the cumulative impact of a number of developments on certain roads rather than individual developments.  They queried the process and asked how highways would be able to have their say on anything that could have a highways impact, such as change of usage, even if they were not a statutory consultee?



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    [Kathy Slack]

    (Approximate starting time – 6.50pm)


    To receive a presentation that will provide an update on the benefits of Enterprise M3 for Woking

    Additional documents:


    The Chairman and Vice Chairman welcomed Kathy Slack, Executive Director of Enterprise M3 to the meeting.


    Kathy gave a very interesting and detailed presentation to the committee, which covered the structure and aims of Enterprise M3, funding allocated, key themes and how the Local Enterprise Partnership has supported Woking’s economy.


    Key points raised in the discussion included:

    ·         EM3 are considering the impact of Brexit on the LEP area and future funding.

    ·         It is important to explain to residents the importance of economic growth and what it will mean to them.

    ·         LEPs work together around infrastructure across boundaries, for example they are working across the Thames Valley on the A320. Members asked whether the A322 could also be looked at.

    ·         An update will be provided by the Transport Manager after the meeting on the North Downs Line and the Woking Station upgrade.

    ·         Focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) for young people is important to ensure good future talent. EM3 has an active higher education group which gives some funding and is involved in Post 16 reviews.  EM3 is supporting of University Technical Colleges. Value can be added by working with the business sector and getting them to work with teachers/young people on the Skills and Employment Board.

    ·         The Digital High Street Skills Programme supports niche retailers.  The digital skills agenda is key –need to think how things could be improved in terms of digital technology – need to look at everything through a digital lens.


    The Chairman and the committee thanked Kathy very much for her interesting and informative presentation.



    [Andrew Milne]

    (Approximate starting time – 7.20pm)


    To update the committee on highway schemes within the borough

    Additional documents:


    The Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)     Noted the progress with ITS highways and developer funded schemes and revenue funded works for the 2016/17 financial year and requested that Bateson Way be re-instated on the programme.

    (ii)    Noted the budgetary position.

    (iii)  Noted that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.



    The above recommendations are made to enable progression of all highway related

    schemes and works. It was noted that Bateson Way was not part of the Sheerwater Regeneration so should be re-instated on the programme.



    Andrew Milne introduced the report which updated the committee on highway schemes within the borough.


    Members had a discussion on the process of the parking review and the length of time it took from decision at the Committee to the time when lines are put down on the ground.  The revised parking policy stated that the lines would be down 6 months after decision but this has not been the case in Woking.


    The Chairman sought the committees’ views on the possibility of putting the responsibility of the Parking Review with Woking Borough Council.


    Members generally thought this would be a good way forward and could possibly be an annex to the Woking Town Centre Management agreement. Currently, they were concerned that residents’ expectations were not being met.


    Additional points made include during the discussion included:

    ·         If this was delegated to Woking Borough Council then the funding would need to be delegated too.

    ·         The need to lobby the local MP for a change in legislation around TROs to make the process quicker.

    ·         The process needs to be transparent and members and residents should be aware of when decisions will be implemented.

    ·         The current process of carrying out the review works well, it is the implementation which is a problem.

    It was suggested that a meeting should be organised to look at this issue further and for officers to bring a report back to a future informal meeting for further consideration.


    Other issues raised included:

    ·         It was agreed to discuss bridge maintenance over the Basingstoke Canal outside the meeting.

    ·         Confirmation was given that the funding for the maintenance of the Rive Ditch had been transferred to Runnymede Borough Council.

    ·         The timing of the delivery of schemes was raised, and it was agreed that this would be looked at further within an informal meeting.

    ·         It was requested that future updates on gully cleansing would reflect the new ward boundaries.


    It was noted that under Table 4, Bateson Way was not part of the Sheerwater Regeneration Scheme, and therefore the committee agreed to re-instate it on the programme.




    The Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)    Noted the progress with ITS highways and developer funded schemes and revenue funded works for the 2016/17 financial year and requested that Bateson Way be re-instated on the programme.           

    (ii)   Noted the budgetary position.

    (iii)  Noted that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.



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    [Rebecca Harrison]


    (Approximate starting time – 7.40pm)


    To provide an update to the Committee on School Travel Plans in Woking

    Additional documents:


    The Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)     Noted the Woking School Travel Plans Progress Report.

    (ii)    Agreed to encourage non-conforming schools to complete School Travel Plans and Monitoring forms.




    Noting the report will increase awareness and support for School Travel Plans, whilst encouraging all schools to complete STPs or monitoring forms. Councillors will discuss with officers informally supporting schools with their School Travel Plans.



    Rebecca Harrison introduced the report which provided an update for the committee on travel plans in Woking. It was noted that 10 years ago there was a grant available to help schools with their travel plans.  This is no longer available and in 2015/16 the team have been working primarily with the schools which are part of the school expansion programme.


    Councillors could support the team by encouraging their local schools to complete their travel plan monitoring. It was noted that it is important for all stakeholders to be involved especially parents and local residents. Headteachers should be encouraged to see the safeguarding perspective of effective travel plans.


    It was noted that a Travel Plan is required as part of the planning conditions for expanding schools, and officers are currently looking at possible ways to impose sanctions on those schools which do not meet their planning conditions. For the majority of schools within the school expansion programme, the County Council is the applicant. For other schools, the team will try and support them with their travel planning, but may have to start to charge in the future.


    It was agreed that the item would be brought to an informal meeting in February to explore innovative solutions to help encourage more schools to fully engage with the process. Alongside this, officers would bring along evidence showing the impact that a good travel plan can have on an area. Members agreed it would be good to focus on schools which have the biggest traffic impact first.




    The Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)    Noted the Woking School Travel Plans Progress Report.

    (ii)   Agreed to encourage non-conforming schools to complete School Travel Plans and Monitoring forms.



    [Geoff McManus]

    (Approximate start time – 8.00pm)


    To agree proposed parking restrictions along St John’s Lye

    Additional documents:


    Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)     Agreed the intention of the County Council to make a Traffic Regulation Order under the relevant part of the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 is advertised, the effect of which will be to implement “no waiting at any time” restriction for the unrestricted section of St John’s Lye from Gorsewood Cottage and that if no objections are maintained the Order is made; and

    (ii)    Agreed thatauthority be delegated to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Woking Joint Committee, and the relevant local Members to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals and due consideration is given to the displacement of vehicles.






    To improve public safety along St John’s Lye with the implementation of necessary parking restrictions. Officers were asked to consider the displacement of vehicles as a result of the decision.



    Cllr Kingsbury introduced the report which asked the committee to agree parking restrictions along St John’s Lye.  It was noted that Woking Borough Council would be introducing parking restrictions within the car park at the same time.


    St John’s Lye is maintained by Woking Borough Council and costs for implementing the decision would be covered by the Borough Council.


    Members noted that there is a constant issue with parking and there is not enough room for emergency vehicles to easily pass when cars are parked.


    Officers were asked to consider the displacement of vehicles as a result of the decision, which could be done through the statutory consultation process.




    Woking Joint Committee:


    (i)    Agreed the intention of the County Council to make a Traffic Regulation Order under the relevant part of the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 is advertised, the effect of which will be to implement “no waiting at any time” restriction for the unrestricted section of St John’s Lye from Gorsewood Cottage and that if no objections are maintained the Order is made; and


    (ii)    Agreed thatauthority be delegated to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Woking Joint Committee, and the relevant local Members to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals and due consideration is given to the displacement of vehicles.



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    [Sarah Goodman]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.20pm)


    To agree process for allocating delegated community safety funding


    Additional documents:


    The Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


    (i)                       The Community Safety Task Group considers the allocation of the £3,000 delegated Community Safety budget for 2016/17 on behalf of the Joint Committee

    (ii)                      Authority is delegated to the SCC Community Partnership Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Community Safety Task Group to authorise the expenditure in line with the recommendations of the Community Safety Task Group

    (iii)                    The Committee receives information on the projects awarded the local community safety funding and the outcomes and impact they have achieved as part of the regular quarterly updates.  



    A new process has been implemented countywide for the delegated community safety funding for local committees across the county to secure greater oversight. The proposed process set out in the recommendations recognise the different role that the Joint Committee has, compared to SCC Local Committees, in the process.



    James Painter introduced the report and highlighted the revised tabled recommendations.  It was noted that a new process has been implemented countywide for the delegated community safety funding for local committees across the county to secure greater oversight. The revised proposed process set out in the tabled recommendations recognises the different role that the Joint Committee has, compared to SCC Local Committees, in the process.




    The Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


    (i)                    The Community Safety Task Group considers the allocation of the £3,000 delegated Community Safety budget for 2016/17 on behalf of the Joint Committee

    (ii)                   Authority is delegated to the SCC Community Partnership Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Community Safety Task Group to authorise the expenditure in line with the recommendations of the Community Safety Task Group

    (iii)                  The Committee receives information on the projects awarded the local community safety funding and the outcomes and impact they have achieved as part of the regular quarterly updates.



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    [Sarah Goodman/Sue Barham]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.35pm)


    To note the forward programme of Woking Joint Committee


    Additional documents:


    Woking Joint Committee:


    Noted and commented on the forward programme and added Horizon to the December forward programme.




    To enable effective forward planning for the committee.




    Woking Joint Committee:


    Noted and commented on the forward programme and added Horizon to the December forward programme.



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    [Sarah Goodman]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.40pm)


    To set out an update on implementation of decisions made at Woking Joint Committee


    Additional documents:


    The updated Tracker was noted and officers agreed to review the RAG rating for the next meeting.