Venue: Mess Conference Room, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2DN
Contact: Anne Gowing or Andrew Baird
No. | Item |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. |
Members' Questions
The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (22 July 2015). |
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (21 July 2015) |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting and no petitions have been received.
To Determine a Proposal to make a Significant Change to Three Schools in Ewell PDF 249 KB
In response to a public consultation process the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement is asked to determine whether to approve the re-organisation of primary schools in Ewell.
This proposal allows for the conversion of West Ewell Infants and Ewell Grove Infants to primary school status in conjunction with the GLF proposal to convert Danetree Junior School to primary school status. The joint re-organisation will create more school places in Ewell.
Additional documents: Decision: Taking into account the perceived educational benefits, the area pupil place planning forecast and all consultation responses that:
1. West Ewell Infant and Nursery School changes to become a two form entry (2 FE) primary school with a nursery in September 2017. 2. Ewell Grove Infant and Nursery School changes to become a 2 FE primary school with a nursery in September 2017 (NB. As Danetree is an academy its Governing Body and the GLF Trust have already determined that it will convert to primary status subject to approval by Surrey County Council that the two infant schools will become primaries. Once Surrey County Council has determined this proposal GLF will submit its Business Case to the Secretary of State for Education to seek similar approval through the Fast Track process for making a Significant Change to an academy). 3. If the changes at all three schools are approved, Surrey County Council (SCC) undertakes building and refurbishment programmes on each school site to ensure the required accommodation is provided.
Approval of Schools Deficits 2015 PDF 197 KB
This report provides summary details of total schools’ balances and seeks Cabinet Member approval for licensed deficits where schools are projecting deficits in excess of 5% of their budget share. Four schools are seeking this approval in 2015/16.
Decision: 1. That the level of balances held by Surrey maintained schools be noted.
2. That one-year licensed deficits be approved for Gosden House, Fordway Pupil Referral Unit, Send C of E First School and St Bede’s Junior School.
Primary and Secondary Fair Access Protocols 2015/16 PDF 178 KB
The proposed Protocols set out the criteria that the Local Authority will use to determine which children will be placed under Surrey’s Fair Access Protocol in 2015/16 and how cases will be considered. The changes proposed to the Protocols for 2015/16 take into account comments received from schools and Surrey County Council officers.
Additional documents: Decision: That the proposed Primary and Secondary Fair Access Protocols for 2015/16 be approved.
Determination of the Proposal to Redesignate Limpsfield Grange School in Oxted PDF 159 KB
Surrey County Council has consulted on a proposal to redesignate Limpsfield Grange School from September 2015. The school would be redesignated for pupils with Communication and Interaction Needs. The Cabinet Member is asked to review the proposal and comments received during the consultation period.
Additional documents: Decision: That the Statutory Notice stating the local authority’s intention to re-designate the School be determined, such that the school be referred to as a school for pupils with Communication and Interactions Needs (CoIN) from 1 September 2015.
Surrey County Council has consulted on a proposal to change the age range of The Willows so that only primary pupils are accommodated at the provision from 1 January 2016. The Cabinet Member is asked to review the proposal and comments received during the consultation and statutory notice periods.
Additional documents: Decision: That the Statutory Notice stating the Local Authority’s intention to change the age range of the school be determined, such that the school will be for primary aged pupils only from 1January 2016.
Proposed Expansion of St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School PDF 206 KB
The Cabinet Member is asked to review the summary of the consultation process provided within this report and associated Annexes and, on that basis, determine whether to ratify the decision made by the school from Surrey County Council’s perspective.
Additional documents: Decision: That the formal decision of the Governing Body of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School to expand by 1 Form of Entry (1 FE) be ratified by the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement.