Contact: Omid Nouri, Scrutiny Officer
No. | Item |
Purpose of the item: To report any apologies for absence and substitutions. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Ernest Mallett. Carla Morson attended the meeting remotely. There were no substitutions. .
Purpose of the item: To agree the minutes of the previous meeting of the Adults and Health Select Committee as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting. |
Purpose of the item: All Members present are
required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as
possible thereafter:
Any disclosable pecuniary interests and /
or II. Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting.
Members are reminded that they must not participate
in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary
interest. ·
As well as an interest of the Member, this includes
any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the
Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the
Member is living as a spouse or civil partner). · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial. Additional documents: Minutes: Trefor Hogg declared a personal interest as a community representative at NHS Frimley CCG.
Purpose of the item: To receive any questions
or petitions. NOTES: 1. The deadline for Members’ questions is 12:00pm four working days before the meeting (9 June 2023).
2. The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting(8 June 2023).
3. The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received. Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses:
Mark Nuti, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health
Key points raised in the discussion:
1. One Member question and one public question were received, and the responses are appended to these minutes.
2. The member of the public asked a supplementary question and was critical of the written response and the Council’s Adult Social Care management of the provider at Greenways. How can the Committee be certain that public money is being spent responsibly and safety managed effectively in these circumstances. The Cabinet Member referred to the written response and advised that senior staff had visited the home to inspect and felt confident the Council was using the taxpayer’s money in the right way. The Chair would seek further briefings to make sure processes were in place and being followed.
3. The Member’s supplementary question sought a review by the Committee at its next public meeting on 4 October 2023. The Chair requested that the Cabinet Member meet with affected residents to which he agreed. The Chair reiterated that the Committee would be seeking a briefing on the processes before taking any further action |
Purpose of the item: To inform Select Committee on the delivery of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Strategy and highlight main areas of co-ordination with Surrey County Council Priorities.
Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses: Mark Nuti, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health Rachel Crossley, Executive Director for Public Service Reform Lucy Clemence, Health Integration Policy Lead Liz Bruce, Joint Executive Director Adult Social Care and Integrated Commissioning
Key points raised in the discussion: 1. A Member asked about areas of deprivation in Surrey and the prevalence of health issues therein and how this strategy will benefit residents. The Health Integration Policy Lead responded that the rationale for the strategy was to show what the Council and NHS were there to do for all residents and to bring together the new partnership and demonstrate how it will work together. Furthermore, the strategy was a guide for the Integrated Care Board to direct its resources.
2. The Chair asked about the place-based approach, the connections between this strategy and the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy and for witnesses to elaborate on how the strategy would contribute to the Council’s climate goals. The Executive Director stated that the places were based on the former Clinical Commissioning Group areas and hospital footprints that did not align with local government boundaries which presented some organisational challenges for example, how to delegate more decision making to a place what would governance look like. There was already place representation on the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Executive Director was the net zero lead for the NHS in Surrey and there were now green plans for each of the ICSs and hospital trusts with a 2050 target with a lot of work ongoing on but limited funding.
3. A Member asked to what extent did the Fuller’s stocktake report shape this Strategy particularly around access to urgent care and the national need for more investment in primary care. The stocktake was reflected throughout, particularly in Ambition 2 around how the integrated neighbourhood teams would influence how person-centred care across health and social care was delivered to populations across Surrey Heartlands and support services like same day urgent care. A response to the Fuller Stocktake called One Service, One Plan had been submitted to NHS England. The Executive Director highlighted cloud telephony in primary care as an example of investment in that sector.
4. A Member asked about rural deprivation and how NHS Surrey Heartlands would manage risk. The Executive Director talked about investment in data teams and access to more information at a lower level than before and how this would allow them to look at smaller populations and their needs. The Cabinet Member commented that the Neighbourhood Teams would support this as well integrating with the Council’s No One Left Behind priority.
5. Regarding bed management the Joint Executive Director referenced the work that the Council had been doing with two hospitals. Surrey and Sussex Hospital (SaSH) and the Royal Surrey, that had lower performance on discharge to assess and could now evidence greater numbers of patients discharged in a more safe and timely way with a reduced period of stay.
6. The Chair raised the demand for mental health ... view the full minutes text for item 26/21 |
Purpose of the item: To provide an update to the Adults and Health Select Committee on progress since the October 2022 meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses:
Mark Nuti, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health Liz Bruce, Joint Executive Director Adult Social Care and Integrated Commissioning Liz Uliasz, Chief Operating Officer
Lucy Gate, Public Health Principal
Jonathan Perkins, Independent Chair Surrey Mental Health System Delivery Board
Graham Wareham, Chief Executive - Surrey and Borders Partnership (SaBP) NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Helen Rostill, Deputy Chief Executive - Surrey and Borders Partnership (SaBP) NHS Foundation Trust
Jonathan Fisher, Chair – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
Maria Millwood, Non-Executive Director – Healthwatch Surrey
ImmyMarkwick, Mental Health Lead, Independent Mental Health Network
Patrick Wolter, Chief Executive – Mary Frances Trust
Key points raised in the discussion:
1. The Chair asked about unmet need in the system and what plans there were to improve data collection. The Deputy Chief Executive stated that current modelling showed that only a third of need is being met in Surrey in line with national trends so there was a lot to do and that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment stated the need for improved measurements of need based on studies within Surrey. There also needed to be more focus on reporting and measuring local needs accurately instead of the high level of local variations in the level of reporting. There was a willingness in the system to work together to identify this level of data and the impact of interventions. This would help to target resources more effectively. The Chief Operating Officer advised the Committee that Adult Social Care was developing a business case to allow them to increase their staffing levels to meet need.
2. In response to the witnesses’ emphasis on a holistic approach to mental health a Member asked for their views on the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner’s statement that Surrey Police would not be attending all mental health incidents. The Chief Executive of SaBP said that there was ongoing joint work with Surrey Police and recognition that the force would continue to be involved when their unique skills were appropriate. There were plans to allow the Police not to have to wait with people in a state of distress in Emergency Departments by creating mental health clinical decision units. Partners would work through the new guidance for Police attendance.
3. A Member queried the impact of social media on service demand. The Chief Operating Officer reported that they had seen an increase in referrals for children and young people. Social media could be a factor in this but could not directly attribute social media to these referrals. The Chief Executive of SaBP agreed that social media could be an aggravating factor but not an exclusive reason in its own right.
4. On the topic of the national funding allocation the Independent Chair advised that when developing the Mental Health Improvement Plan they chose to prioritise other areas they could influence within Surrey rather than on lobbying for greater funding from central government. It was important to have good data in Surrey ... view the full minutes text for item 27/21 |
Purpose of the item: To provide the Adults and Health Select Committee with a detailed report on the findings and recommendations of the Health Inequalities Task Group, which was set up to explore Health Inequalities/disadvantages amongst key priority population groups within Surrey. Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses: Angela Goodwin, Vice-Chair (Task & Finish Group Lead) Key points raised in the discussion: 1. The Vice-Chair as Chair of the Task & Finish Group introduced the report and the approach that was taken going on to highlight the 21 recommendations made by the group. The Vice-Chair asked for any feedback on the report from the Committee by 26 June 2023 before the report was shared with witnesses directly. The Vice-Chair thanked the witnesses, the Members of the Group and the Public Health team.
2. The Cabinet Member thanked the Task Group for their work. He agreed with the importance of education and described some collaborative work that was starting on education people about their health and how to navigate the health system.
3. A Member thought that it was important to publish the findings widely. The Member also asked whether the Military Covenant was considered. The Vice-Chair advised that it was not considered on this occasion primarily due to the size of the brief and where the Group could add most value. This could be considered in a future scrutiny review.
RESOLVED: The Committee agreed the content of the report.
Purpose of the item: For the Select Committee to review the attached recommendations tracker and forward work programme, making suggestions for additions or amendments as appropriate. Additional documents: Minutes: Key points raised in the discussion: 1. The Committee noted the reports.
The next public meeting of the committee will be held on 4 October 2023 at 10:00am. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted its next meeting would be held on 4 October 2023. |