Venue: Waverley Borough Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR
Contact: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer Waverley Borough Council offices, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR
Link: Click here for the webcast
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mrs Penny Rivers and Mr Andy MacLeod
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on 22 March 2019 as a correct record. Minutes: Dr Andrew Povey proposed an amendment to the minutes, under 12/19 Local Committee Forward Programme 2019-20, Member discussion - key points: Remove the sentence starting ‘However, …’, so that the paragraph ends after the sentence: ‘There was discussion regarding SCC Highway planners attending a future meeting to discuss their policies.’ All members agreed.
Minutes of the Waverley Local Committee on 22 March 2019 were then agreed and approved as an accurate record.
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial Minutes: There were two declarations of interest: - Dr Andrew Povey declared that he is a trustee of Surrey Hills Society. - Mr Peter Martin declared that he is a board member of Surrey Hills Enterprises.
There were no other declarations of interest.
To receive any Chairman’s announcements.
Agenda item only
Minutes: The Chairman Mrs Victoria Young made two announcements:
1. I would like to thank Richard Hampson, who stood down from being a councillor, for his service to this Committee. I would like to welcome Nikki Barton as the new county councillor for Haslemere.
2. I would also like to welcome new members of the Local Committee from the Borough: Cllrs Baker, Clark, Cosser, Gray, Merryweather and Wilson.
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
Two petitions have been received:
From Mrs Lesley Ross which contains 61 signatures and reads:
From Mara Plater which contains 30 signatures and
Petition response reports attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: Two petitions.
Two petitions were received:
From Mrs Lesley Ross which contained 61 signatures and read:
The petitioner and her companion spoke for the allotted three minutes. The petition response report was presented by the Area Highway Manager.
Member discussion – key points:
The Area Highway Manager stated that the road had been built many years ago without parking provision. There may be an opportunity to introduce parking restrictions, which the residents may not like. SCC own very little of the land and he asked members to note that Waverley Borough Council officers had been consulted regarding the petition response.
Mrs Ross asked if SCC would consider removing 18 inches off the verge so that it would not look like a churned-up field. The Area Highway Manager replied that it may be possible, depending on cost and depending on whether there are any utility facilities in the verge. Costs to move utilities would cost more than the work to remove the verge.
Members said that parking was a borough wide issue which Waverley is already looking at, but that they would also bring this particular issue to Waverley officers’ attention.
As the road is in her division, the Chairman offered to meet with Mrs Ross and would invite the local borough councillor, Chris Howard, to review how they can take the matter forward.
The Local Committee agreed to:
(i) Note the officer’s comments. ________________________________________________________
From Mara Plater which contained 30 signatures and
The petitioner spoke for the allotted three minutes. The petition response report was presented by the Area Highway Manager.
Member discussion – key points:
Mrs Plater stated that she was happy that some of the petition concerns had been addressed in the report. She requested that the junction at the top be looked at again, as she has photographs of lorries mounting curbs. The pavements are narrow but extra signing could be required.
The Chairman suggested a site meeting. SCC divisional member Nikki Barton offered to meet with the petitioner and the SCC Highways engineer, to review what is required.
The Local Committee agreed to:
(i) Note the officer’s comments.
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Minutes: Three Written Public Questions were received from Waverley Borough and Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse; Alistair Smith, Chair - The Guildford Society; Paul Osborne.
The questions and answers were published on the SCC Waverley Local Committee web pages before the 28 June Local Committee and were available at the meeting.
Question 1 – Supplementary Question Cllr Hesse asked: “Please would officers review the timing?”
Response to supplementary question: The Area Highway Manager replied that short term patching will be carried out but drainage work has to be done as detailed in the written answer.
Question 2 – Supplementary Question Mr Smith was not present at the meeting. The Chairman stated that she has now spoken to the SCC Deputy Leader Colin Kemp, who said that he would consider a feasibility study into an East – West route.
Question 3 – Supplementary Question Mr Osborne was not satisfied that his question had been answered. The Chairman invited him to ask a supplementary question during Item 8. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Notice should be given by email to the Partnership Committee Officer.
Minutes: One Written Member Question was received from Cllr Peter Clark.
The question and answer were published on the SCC Waverley Local Committee web pages before the 28 June Local Committee and were available at the meeting.
Question 1 – Supplementary Question Cllr Clark asked: “Would the review include input from other councillors? Would there be photographs included in the review?”
The Waste Task Group is chaired by Dr Andrew Povey, who was present as a member of the Local Committee. Dr Povey explained that the review’s aim is not to have to close the four community recycling centres and there is a lot of work to be done. Another review session will be held and Waverley Borough Council will be invited.
Cllr Clark thanked Dr Povey for his answer and said that he looked forward to receiving more information. |
SCC Cabinet Member Matt Furniss to provide a verbal update on Highways, including rural rat runs.
Agenda item only Minutes: Presenter: Surrey County Councillor and Cabinet Member for Highways, Matt Furniss, gave a verbal update to the Local Committee on Surrey Highways.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: One question during the Open Forum and one supplementary question during Item 6: Written Public Questions. The Chairman took the questions during this item.
Summary of verbal update from Mr Furniss:
“Update on the progress of the increased investment in roads this year
Town centre agreements report going to Cabinet
Surrey Infrastructure Academy launch
Update on LED rollout |
To receive an update from the Area Highway Manager (South West).
Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works being progressed during 2019/20.
(ii) To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation to enable a bus stop clearway together with associated signing and road markings, to be introduced to the southbound bus stop on Petworth Road, Wormley (section 2.8.6 to 2.8.9 of the report).
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The Area Highway Manager explained information in the annexes detailing Section 106 monies. He was asked where s106 money is held. He replied that SCC Transport Development Planning (TDP) team hold the money handed over by Waverley Borough Council from developers. Some money is held in Waverley. The report annexes list values of monies held or going to be held. S106 money is agreed with the developer at the time of signing. Members commented that things change and the Chairman asked that what is agreed with the developer is checked, as often it is signed by people who do not know the local area. It was felt that often it is too late for local members to influence the agreements. There was a request that TDP and Waverley’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) officers attend future meetings to provide members with information.
Mr Stephen Spence asked that it be noted that his Highway SCC member spend in Annex 2 was no longer ‘0’ and also that he has had agreement for some s106 money to be spent on a traffic island in his division, which should now appear on the s106 list.
Cllr Jerry Hyman thanked officers for grit bin support (reference paragraph 2.4.3). Cllr Hyman commented that the diagram in paragraph 2.8.4 regarding Farnham trains service pattern was not the most up-to-date and that he had a more accurate version. The Area Highway Manger replied that the pie chart came from Southwestern Trains and that it was not as they had originally explained.
Members requested that the Area Highway Manager produces a list of intended and then completed works from the SCC members’ £5,000 allocation to the vegetation gang. He replied that he can include a list of completed works in the Highways Update.
Mr Wyatt Ramsdale requested that officers check the information in paragraphs 2.1.12 and 2.1.19 with Waverley Council. The Area Highway Manager replied that he will check the information with TDP, who supplied the PIC figures.
New Committee members queried the list in Annex 1 and asked about timings. The Chairman explained that the list was prioritized by the Local Committee, for when money is available to spend on the schemes.
Cllr Mark Merryweather offered to supply members with the link to Waverley’s s106 public database and the link should be included in the minutes: Cllr Merryweather encouraged all to refer to the user guide provided online.
Corrections to the report were noted: Paragraph 2.1.10 should say 2018 (not 2108); some locations in Annex 1 were spelt incorrectly.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works being progressed during 2019/20.
(ii) To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation to enable a bus stop clearway together with associated signing and road markings, to be introduced to the southbound bus stop on Petworth ... view the full minutes text for item 22/19 |
To receive a report detailing the £3,000 community safety funding from 2018/19 was spent and how SCC is going to manage the allocation of the £3,000 for 2019/20.
Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) The committee’s delegated community safety budget of £3,000 for 2019/20 be retained by the SCC Community Safety Team, on behalf of the local committee, and that the Community Safety Partnership and/or other local organisations be invited to submit proposals for funding that meet the criteria and principles set out in section 3 of this report. (ii) Authority be delegated to the SCC Community Safety Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the local committee and divisional members as appropriate, to authorise the expenditure of the community safety budget in accordance with the criteria and principles stated in section 3 of this report. (iii) The committee receives updates on the project(s) that was funded, the outcomes and the impact it has achieved. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: None.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The item was agreed without any discussion.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) The committee’s delegated community safety budget of £3,000 for 2019/20 be retained by the SCC Community Safety Team, on behalf of the local committee, and that the Community Safety Partnership and/or other local organisations be invited to submit proposals for funding that meet the criteria and principles set out in section 3 of this report. (ii) Authority be delegated to the SCC Community Safety Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the local committee and divisional members as appropriate, to authorise the expenditure of the community safety budget in accordance with the criteria and principles stated in section 3 of this report. (iii) The committee receives updates on the project(s) that was funded, the outcomes and the impact it has achieved. |
To appoint a Member as the Local Committee representatives on the Community Safety Partnership (‘Safer Waverley Partnership’) during the current municipal year.
Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) One Member be appointed to the Safer Waverley Partnership, as detailed in the report, section 2.2.
(ii) The Member be allowed to bring update reports from the Safer Waverley Partnership, when relevant.
(iii) Members note the terms of reference in Annex A and note the information in Annex B and Annex C.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: None.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
Cllr Jerry Hyman, Cllr Liz Townsend, Cllr George Wilson and Mr Peter Martin put themselves forward to represent the Committee on the Safer Waverley Partnership. Paragraph 2.2 of the report recommended that Mr Martin be the representative. Cllr Steve Cosser proposed that the Committee should agree to this recommendation. Cllr Carole Cockburn seconded the proposal.
Members voted: 7 for, 0 against, 9 abstentions. The Chairman declared that the vote was carried and Mr Martin would be the representative.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) One Member be appointed to the Safer Waverley Partnership, as detailed in the report, section 2.2.
(ii) The Member be allowed to bring update reports from the Safer Waverley Partnership, when relevant.
(iii) Members note the terms of reference in Annex A and note the information in Annex B and Annex C.
To review any outstanding Local Committee decisions.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
Cllr Liz Townsend requested that a date be included in ‘comments’ of when the improvements scheme in Amlets Lane is due to be completed. The Chairman agreed that this should be added to future decision trackers.
Cllr Carole Cockburn asked the Committee to note that the tracker refers to ‘Hopfields’ housing development in Farnham, but the development is now being marketed as ‘Abbey View’.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
The item from 22 March 2019 from the Open Forum should be removed from the Decision Tracker, as the matter is now closed.
Other decision tracker items shall remain ‘open’.
To note the proposed forward programme and consider any additional items for future discussion. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The forward programme was agreed. New members requested that future committee dates be re-circulated by the committee officer.
Members requested that SCC Cabinet Member Colin Kemp be invited to a future meeting, to update the Local Committee on Surrey County Council’s infrastructure plans. |
To be held on Friday 27th September 2019 at 10am in Waverley Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR.
(10am – 10.30am: Open Forum / Informal Public Question Time)
Minutes: To be held on Friday 27th September 2019 at 10am in the Waverley Borough Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR.
(10am – 10.30am: Open Public Questions Forum)