Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

A Cabinet made up of the Leader and nine Cabinet Members is responsible for all executive decisions, with each Member holding the brief for a portfolio of services. Decisions can be taken by individual members of the Cabinet or collectively by the full Cabinet. The Leader determines what decisions are delegated to individual Members and this is set out in Table 2 of the Scheme of Delegation (Part 3 of the Council's Constitution).


The Cabinet leads the preparation of the Council's policies and budget and makes recommendations to the County Council on the major policy plans and the budget and Council Tax. The Cabinet and Cabinet Members take decisions within this framework of plans and procedural rules approved by the Council, including key decisions. It is held to account by the Council for its performance.


The Council produces a forward plan containing notice of key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet and Cabinet Members in the next 28 days and indicative programme of proposed decisions for the following months. The Notice of Decisions also gives notice of which meetings may be held in private (in whole or part) and how residents can make representations about this.


Members of the public wishing to attend a Cabinet meeting should please contact Huma Younis on Cabinet meetings are live-streamed and can be watched via a webcast; a link can be found on the public website under Cabinet.



Cabinet Member Portfolios

Notice of Decisions and Forward Plan

Webcasts of Cabinet meetings