Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.

Information about Council

The County Council is made up of 81 democratically elected Councillors (also referred to as Members) who represent the people of Surrey. The County Council meets approximately every six weeks on a Tuesday. The meetings are open to the public, although the public are not able to participate in the meeting.

The Council sets the framework within which the Cabinet operates through the corporate plan, budget and major policy plans. It elects the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council annually and appoints the committees of the Council. It also elects the Leader of the Council for a four year period and may remove him/her from office.


More information can be found in the Constitution:


Chair of the Council


The Chair of the Council presides over meetings of the County Council and acts as the principal spokesman for the Council on civic and ceremonial occasions. The Chair also fulfils a range of ceremonial and public functions as the civic leader of the Council. The Chair always acts on behalf of the whole Council.


You can watch the County Council meeting take place live or archived through our Webcasting facility.


Watch Webcasts here


If you would like to attend Council meetings, please contact Amelia Christopher: / 07929 725663.