Agenda item

MINERALS/WASTE MO/2014/1006/SCC: Land at Bury Hill Wood, off Coldharbour Lane, Holmwood, Surrey.

This application is for an underground drilling corridor of an exploratory hydrocarbon borehole.


The recommendation is to PERMIT subject to conditions.


Chairman informed the committee that the applicant had notified of their intention to film the discussion.



Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning and Development Team Manager

Mark O’Hare, Senior Planning Officer

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager



Max Rosenberg, a local resident, made representations in objection to the

application. The following points were made:

·         Informed the Committee that he is a retired Technology Teacher and is an amateur geologist

·         Noted that there was a risk to ground water and principal aquifer

·         Expressed a concern regarding potential contamination of aquifers that could affect the public water supply.  A worst case scenario could affect 70,000 properties in the surrounding villages.

·         Requested members to consider a financial bond ensuring an appropriate sum of money was ring-fenced in the event of environmental pollution.

·         Expressed that Europa did not have the appropriate means to comply with the Environment Agencies requirements to prevent contamination.


Janet Housden, a local resident, made representations in objection to the application.  The following points were made:

·         Expressed to the Committee that the Highways Management plan had not been assessed on site

·         Expressed a lack of due diligence and questioned whether comprehensive monitoring would take place

·         No safety for cyclists in the areas surrounding the site.


Steven Kosky, the applicant, spoke in support of the application. The following

points were made:

·         Re-iterated that the item being discussed was solely in relation to the underground drilling corridor, a wider range of issues had already been addressed and agreed.

·         Noted that there was a tangible need for development on the site, this had been established in principle by the inspector.

·         Noted that hydrology noise was the only issue that needed action, all other issues had been addressed by the Secretary of State and mitigation was judged to be fully acceptable.

·         Risk of ground water contamination had been fully considered and mitigated

·         The Committee were lastly informed that the Environment Agency (EA) were completely satisfied with the plans and accepted the mitigation plans.


The Local Member, Hazel Watson, registered to speak and made the following points in reference to the application:

·         Noted her objection to the application

·         Expressed concern of the risk of pollution and contamination to the aquifer which provides water to 70,000 households.


A Member of an adjoining division,, Stephen Cooksey, registered to speak and made the following points in reference to the application:

·         Noted his objection to the application

·         Informed the Committee that Surrey and Sussex Water had raised concern of the aquifer

·         Expressed that there would be major highways implications

·         Understood that rejection of the application was harder because of the Appeal decision but that the committee had to make the final decision.


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Senior Planning Officer introduced the report and informed the committee the EA raised an objection to the application due to the risk to the water supply.  A risk assessment has since been provided and the objection was removed.  He highlighted that the applicant could not continue unless all conditions had been met.

2.    The committee expressed that further mitigation should be given to the risk of damage to the aquifer resulting in contaminated water.  Officers noted that experience had been gained from working on previous sites.  A Member commented that the service had a good understanding of these matters.

3.    The committee noted that a Traffic Management Scheme was required as a condition of the permission for construction of an exploratory drillsite.  A Member gave notice that he would be requesting that the Scheme is determined by the committee



The Committee agreed to GRANT subject to conditions, for the reasons set out in the report.


Action/further information to be provided:




The committee adjourned from 12.15pm to 12.25pm for a short break.  Upon reconvening the Chairman stood down from the committee and the Vice-Chairman took the Chair.


Supporting documents: