This application is for the construction of a new artificial grass surfaced Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), macadam-paved access route, provision of new perimeter gates and fencing and associated works.
The recommendation is to PERMIT subject to conditions.
It was decided to take item 8 first to allow time for the public speaker to arrive for item 7.
Alan Stones, Planning, Development and Control Team Manager
Chris Northwood, Planning Regulation 3 Team Leader
Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager
Nancy El-Shatoury, Principle Solicitor
There were no public speakers and the Local Member had not registered to speak.
A member of the Committee who was also Chairman of the Council Overview Board informed the meeting that he had initiated a call-in of a Cabinet decision regarding the funding arrangements for the Multi-Use Games Area at Reigate Parish Church School. However, this call-in had not addressed the planning aspects of the proposal which the Member would be considering with an open mind.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Planning Regulation 3 Team Leader introduced the report and informed the Committee that the overgrown land on the site belongs to Surrey County Council (SCC) and the application proposed to replace the entire .existing grassed area with an artificial surface Access to construction would be through the wooded area; this would result in the loss of several trees. It was added that the significant loss to trees would avoid bigger trees minimising the loss. The grass area used by the school would be resurfaced with artificial surface. Five representations of objection had been received; mainly on the issues of traffic and noise, it was noted that there were no plans for the school to use the space more frequently then it was currently being used. Finally the Committee was informed that there were plans in the future to expand the school to a primary school but the application should be considered as stand alone item.
2. A Member commented on the suggested timing for the construction of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).It was expressed that 3-4 months was a long period of time and it was suggested that this could be completed over the school holidays as well as any other development. Members were informed that birds’ nests are a constraint on site clearance workover the spring/summer period meaning work was not scheduled for then. Officers commented that the MUGA was higher quality than standard causing the longer construction period.
3. The Committee raised concern at the loss of high grade trees and suggested that smaller construction vehicles could be used during the building period and the loss of any trees should be avoided. Officers noted that the proposed construction route avoided the larger trees and there were no sensible alternatives, a temporary surface would be laid to protect tree roots. It was added that the trees removed could be re-placedi within 12 months as a condition.
4. Members expressed concern that the applications for the MUGA and for expansion of the school were being determined separately. Officers explained that this was what the applicant had wanted to submit to committee and that the MUGA was something that the applicant wished to construct regardless of future plans to expand.
5. Officers informed the Committee that Sport England had not been consulted on the plans as the size of the area did not meet the threshold.
The Committee resolved that, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, application no. RE15/01766 be PERMITTED subject to conditions for the reasons set out in the report.
Action/further information required:
Supporting documents: