Agenda item


To receive an update from the Highways Area Team Manager (North East).






Decision taken under delegation by virtue of:

Scheme of Delegation Part 3 – Specific Delegation to Officers EAI16



Recommendations relating to the Highways Programme for 20/21 were made to Members of the Spelthorne Joint Committee in a Highways Update report that was published in line with legal guidelines ahead of the meeting and which can be found here:



This report would have been considered at Committee’s meeting of 23rd March 2020.  This meeting was cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The subsequent decisions were made by the Delegated Officer, in consultation with committee members, in accordance with the Remote Working protocols.



Decision made:


With reference to the recommendations in the Highways Update report:


(i)            Delegate authority to the Area Highways Manager to decide preferred option(s) for the Shepperton High Street ITS scheme, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, and to undertake all necessary legal processes, to enable to enable this scheme to be delivered next Financial Year 2020-21


(ii)          Approve the advertisement of an extension of the Thames Street 20mph Zone to include the one-way sections of Church Street and Green Street, Lower Sunbury, to authorise the Area Highways Manager to consider any representations in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, and if there are no significant objections to implement the scheme.



(iii)         Delegate authority to the Area Highways Manager to decide preferred option(s) for the Walton Bridge Road, Shepperton ITS scheme, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, to enable the scheme to move forwards through detailed design and consultation next Financial Year 2020-21.


(iv)         Delegate authority to the Area Highways Manager to decide preferred option(s) for the Chertsey Road ITS scheme, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, to enable the scheme to move forwards through detailed design and consultation next Financial Year 2020-21.

(v)          Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Subsequent to the cancellation of the meeting, there was considerable discussion by e-mail and telephone about which projects should be priorities for the 2020-21 capital ITS programme.  There was a consensus among Members to introduce a new project for feasibility, consultation and detailed design – this new project being to renew the rising bollards in Staines High Street which was brought about by a Members’ question from the Divisional Member for Staines and which has been published to the website as item 6. Members were made aware that introducing a new project would mean other projects would need to be deferred.  To conclude the discussion, the Area Highway Manager recommended the following programme:


For construction / implementation

Shepperton High Street

Construction of pedestrian improvements.


Lower Hampton Road, Sunbury

Implementation of speed management scheme to address persistent pattern of casualties.


Church Street / Green Street, Lower Sunbury

Implementation of extension of 20mph Zone to start of one-way system


For development, in order of priority

1)     Staines High Street Rising Bollard

Feasibility, detailed design, legal and consultation costs

£37,000 available in total (including £7,000 from the parking surplus) to work through these in priority order.  This means the lower priority schemes may not move forwards during the current Financial Year 2020-21.

2)     Buckland School phase 1:  junction of Worple Road and Staines Road

Consultation and detailed design

3)     Chertsey Road

Consultation and detailed design

4)     Walton Bridge Road, Shepperton

Consultation and detailed design

5)     Gresham Road, Staines

Consultation and detailed design

6)     Buckland School phase 2:  Worple Road pedestrian crossing

Consultation and detailed design

7)     Buckland School phase 3:  outside the school itself

Consultation and detailed design



It is decided that this programme will be delivered in 2020-21.



Reasons for Decision:


1.    This decision was made to allow the 20/21 programme to progress


2.    All Members of the Local Committee were given the opportunity to comment on the recommendations, the reasons for which are detailed in the respective reports.  A number of Members expressed their support to the recommendations number with roman numerals above, which appeared in the original Highways Update report.  No objections were raised to these recommendations.


Members indicated their consensus to introduce a new project to renew the rising bollards in Staines High Street, being aware that starting this new project would mean other projects would need to be deferred.  After some discussion, there were no objections to the programme recommended by the Area Highways Manager (shown above).  Therefore it is decided to adopt this programme for 2020-21.


Decision taken by:

Nick Healey, Area Highway Manager (NE)

Decision taken on:

20th April 2020

To be implemented on: 

Financial Year 2020-21


Alternative options considered

See referenced reports.


Summary of any financial implications

See referenced reports.


Declarations of conflicts of interest



Consultation/Process Followed

Consultation by e-mail with all Members of the Spelthorne Joint Committee.


Background Documents

Not applicable.





Supporting documents: