Agenda item


Following the cancellation of this meeting, the following information was supplied to members to enable them to comment and inform urgent decisions made by officers under delegated powers.


This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the current Financial Year 2019-20.


The Local Committee’s Highways budgets for next Financial Year 2020-21 have now been confirmed.  Following consultation with Members of the Local Committee recommendations are now made to amend budget allocations for 2020-21, which were previously agreed in September 2019, and to revise the ITS programme for 2020-21, which was previously agreed in December 2019.



Decision taken under delegation by virtue of:

Scheme of Delegation Part 3 – Specific Delegation to Officers

EAI16 Highways and Transportation



This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the current Financial Year 2019-20.


The Local Committee’s Highways budgets for next Financial Year 2020-21 have now been confirmed.  Following consultation with Members of the Local Committee recommendations are now made to amend budget allocations for 2020-21, which were previously agreed in September 2019, and to revise the ITS programme for 2020-21, which was previously agreed in December 2019.


These reports are published online here item 2 and annexes A-D:


Decision made:


It was AGREED to:


(i)    Approve the amended allocations of the Local Committee’s budgets for next Financial Year 2020-21, which were previously approved in September 2019, as set out in Table 4 [in the Highways Update report] (paragraphs 2.1.5 to 2.1.8 [of the Highways Update report] refer);

(ii)   Implement Option 1 [Do minimum – implement new double yellow lines and install bollards to resolve congestion and obstructive parking concerns] for the East Street, between Chuters Grove and Windmill Lane scheme as part of the 2020-21 ITS programme (paragraphs 2.2.2 to 2.2.6 refer);

(iii)  Implement one element of the East Street, between Kiln Lane and High Street cycle route scheme – a new shared route on the northwest side of East Street, between the existing cycle route behind the Ebbisham Centre and The Kings Arms (paragraphs 2.2.2 to 2.2.6 refer);

(iv)  Approve the revised ITS programme for next Financial Year 2020-21, which was previously approved in December 2019, as set out in Table 6 below (paragraphs 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 refer);

(v)   Give permission for Epsom & Ewell Borough Council to extend the hackney carriage rank in Epsom High Street near TK Maxx as shown in Annex D, to make it easier to enforce this rank and to ease confusion currently experienced by members of the public (paragraphs 2.8.2 to 2.8.4 refer);

(vi)  Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons for Decision:


Recommendations have been made to amend the allocations of the Local Committee’s budgets for 2020-21 following an increase in budget provision announced by the Cabinet Member for Highways in December 2019.


Decisions are now needed to be able to move forwards with the East Street, between Chuters Grove and Windmill Lane layby scheme and the East Street, between Kiln Lane and High Street cycle route scheme.


The Area Highway Manager reviewed the ITS forward programme with the Local Committee at its informal meeting in January 2020, in view of the confirmed Highways budgets for 2020-21, and the emerging cost estimates for the developing ITS schemes.  Changes are recommended to this programme to ensure the delivery of all schemes for which developer funding is available.


As part of the Northern Footway resurfacing scheme in Epsom High Street it is proposed to extend the hackney carriageway rank to provide space for one additional hackney carriage.


Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver its programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.


Decision taken by:                  Nick Healey, Area Highway Manager (NE)

Decision taken on:                  3rd April 2020

To be implemented on:           8th April 2020 for Financial Year 2020-21


Alternative options considered

Options are outlined in the reports.


Summary of any financial implications

The schemes proposed are within the financial budget for this committee.  Further details are outlined in the report.


Declarations of conflicts of interest



Consultation/Process Followed

All Members of the Local Committee were given the opportunity to comment on the recommendations, the reasons for which are detailed in the respective reports.  All four Members (including the Chairman) who commented were in favour. No objections were raised by any Members.


For the East Street, between Chuters Grove and Windmill Lane scheme, three Members expressed a preference for Option 1:  Do minimum – implement new double yellow lines and install bollards to resolve congestion and obstructive parking concerns.  No other Members expressed any preference.  The Area Highway Manager previously met local Members (Division and Ward) to discuss this scheme; option 1 was favoured by the majority of local Members.



Background Documents       

Highways Update Report


Annex A - East Street Layby


Annex B - East Street Layby


Annex C - LTP Schemes ranking


Annex D - Northern footway


Annex D - Northern footway

Supporting documents: