Agenda item


The report presents the representations received as a result of the formal advertisement of proposals in Onslow Village and a number of other locations already within the Guildford town centre controlled parking zone.  This report makes recommendations to implement the proposals with minor amendments


The Local Committee(Guildford)agreed:


(i)       that in respect to the proposals for Onslow Village, the traffic regulation order is made to introduce the changes to the parking restrictions set out in Annexe 1 of the committee report, but with minor amendments which lessen the proposed level of control.  The minor amendments are detailed in paragraphs 2.20 & 2.21 and shown in Annexe 6 of the committee report;

(ii)      that in respect to the proposals for Guildford Park Road and Pewley Way, and the various other locations for which no representations were received, the traffic regulation order is made to introduce the changes to parking restrictions set out in Annexe 7 of the committee report, so that the controls can be implemented


To assist with safety, access, traffic movements, increase the availability of space and its prioritisation for various user-groups in various localities, and to and make local improvements.



The Guildford Borough Council Parking Services Manager presented the report.


The report provided the responses received as a result of the formal advertisement of proposals in Onslow Village and also for a number of other locations already within the Guildford town centre controlled parking zone (CPZ).


Public speaking under Chairman’s discretion

Under his discretion the Chairman invited four members of the public in attendance to speak to the item in advance of the member debate. Three members of the public objected to the Onslow Village recommendations of the officer report which they considered did not accurately represent the majority of the resident’s views. They were concerned that implementation of restrictions could shunt local parking issues to new areas. They asked for a greater number of spaces to remain unrestricted and queried the motives for making the proposed changes. One resident spoke in favour of the officer recommendations.


Member debate

Local members representing Onslow noted that the current officer recommendations arose from one formal consultation, two informal consultations and one exhibition. It was felt that best efforts had been made to engage residents on the matter and, although it was regrettable that resident response rates to consultations had remained low, it was the right point in time to make a decision. The local members were in support of the officer recommendations. The meeting heard that the agreed restrictions could be reviewed again in the future if necessary. It was noted that this was the first occasion that unrestricted bays had been included in the package of recommendations and this was as a direct result of resident feedback.



The Local Committee(Guildford)agreed:


(i)       that in respect to the proposals for Onslow Village, the traffic regulation order is made to introduce the changes to the parking restrictions set out in Annexe 1 of the committee report, but with minor amendments which lessen the proposed level of control.  The minor amendments are detailed in paragraphs 2.20 & 2.21 and shown in Annexe 6 of the committee report;

(ii)      that in respect to the proposals for Guildford Park Road and Pewley Way, and the various other locations for which no representations were received, the traffic regulation order is made to introduce the changes to parking restrictions set out in Annexe 7 of the committee report, so that the controls can be implemented


To assist with safety, access, traffic movements, increase the availability of space and its prioritisation for various user-groups in various localities, and to and make local improvements.


Supporting documents: