All meeting papers, decision sheets and minutes are available on Surrey County Council’s website. Members of the public can view the meeting proceedings, either live or a later date, on the Farnham Town Council - YouTube
The purpose of the Board is to bring partners, residents and businesses together to ensure our deliverables are met (below) and that Farnham maintains its position as a thriving community and town as set out in the adopted Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.
In line with our community vision, we want Farnham’s residents to be able live, move and work in ways that promote health and wellbeing, and for businesses to thrive whilst safeguarding the environment and enhancing economic prosperity. There are currently constraints in delivering these ambitions. We want to address them as a Partnership, with Surrey County Council providing the strategic leadership in collaboration with Waverley Borough Council and Farnham Town Council to accelerate action on the things that matter most to local people.
Specifically, the Board will:
1. Consider the Farnham Town Centre, A31 Hickley’s Corner and A325 Wrecclesham Infrastructure Schemes, together with any related impacts
2. Determine and agree the specific outcomes and objectives for the Schemes
3. Ensure that the necessary resources from the various partners will be made available in a timely way
4. Set up specific task and finish working groups as required
5. Take evidence and advice from members of the community and representative bodies, as well as professional experts
6. Consider national initiatives and good practice in respect of the proposals to ensure the future prosperity of the town, especially in regard to business, retail, personal wellbeing and climate change
7. Consider and make recommendations on the projects, plans and resources to achieve the agreed outcomes and priorities
8. Seek to secure the capital and revenue investment to deliver agreed projects and plans, including from Government, LEP and other sources
9. Oversee the commissioning, procurement, sponsorship and delivery of agreed projects
10. Take cognisance of other planning and design processes for example the extant Master-planning process, the Waverley Local Plan and the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan