Issue details

Amendment to Waste Contract

Following approval of the Waste Disposal Authority action plan on 24 April 2012; revision of the waste strategy; update to Cabinet on 26 March 2013 on proposal to deliver the Eco Park; and other developments Cabinet to:

·         approve the waste solution and

·         reconfirm the decision made on 14 March 2011 and provide necessary legal and financial approvals to enable the Waste Contract to be amended to deliver the waste solution, including an Eco Park.


Part 2 annex


Type: Information Only

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/05/2013

Considered on: 25 Jun 2013 by Cabinet

Lead director: Executive Director Community Protection, Transport and Environment

Contact: Ian Boast Email: Tel: 020 8541 9479.

Consultation process

Dept for Environment, food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Surrey Waste Partnership


Agenda items