Meeting attendance

Thursday, 17 February 2022 2.00 pm, Surrey Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Venue:   Remote

Contact:    Amelia Christopher

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Tim Oliver Leader of the Council, Surrey County Council Committee Member Absent
Joanna Killian Chief Executive, Surrey County Council Committee Member Absent
Ruth Hutchinson Director of Public Health, Surrey County Council Committee Member Present
Sinead Mooney Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, Surrey County Council Chairman Present
Clare Curran Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Surrey County Council Committee Member Present
Karen Brimacombe Chief Executive, Mole Valley District Council Committee Member Present
Annie Righton Strategic Director, Waverley Borough Council Committee Member Present
Borough Councillor Mark Brunt Leader of the Council, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Vice-Chairman Present
Borough Councillor Chris Sadler Leader of the Council, Elmbridge Borough Council Committee Member Absent
Dr Charlotte Canniff Clinical Chair, Surrey Heartlands Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Committee Member Apologies
Sue Sjuve Chair, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust Committee Member Present
Dr Pramit Patel Lead Primary Care Network (PCN) Clinical Director, Representing the collective voice of PCNs across Surrey Heartlands Committee Member Absent
Gavin Stephens Chief Constable, Surrey Police Committee Member Apologies
Lisa Townsend Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Committee Member Absent
Dr Priya Singh Chair-designate, Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care Board Committee Member Absent
Louise Punter Chief Executive, Surrey Chambers of Commerce Committee Member Absent
Rebecca Pritchard Surrey Care Association Committee Member Present