The Local Authority must consult on any changes it wishes to make to the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2017. Consultation must run for at least six weeks between 1 October 2015 and 31 January 2016 and admission arrangements for 2017 must be determined by 28 February 2016.
This report seeks authorisation to proceed to consultation on the following: · Chennestone Junior School - introduction of a feeder link from Beauclerc Infant Schools · Publishing a later start date for the primary admissions round (Reception and Year 3) · Reduction in Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for Ewell Grove Infant School (due to become an all through primary school in September 2017) from 70 to 60 · Reduction in PAN for West Ewell Infant School (due to become an all through primary school in September 2017) from 120 to 60
In addition, this report provides a summary of other proposed changes to PAN in 2017 which are not subject to consultation. |
Additional documents:
That the Cabinet Member authorises the Principal Manager Admissions and
Transport (Strategy) to go out to statutory consultation on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2017.