Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 26 October 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey ,RH2 8EF

Contact: Vicky Hibbert or Huma Younis  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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    To note any apologies for absence.

    Additional documents:


    There were no apologies.


    The Leader announced that Jackie Foglietta, Strategic Director of People and Change had sadly passed away on the morning of Sunday 24 October. The Leader stated that Jackie was an outstanding officer who was realistic, cheerful and optimistic. Jackie was a great leader who was passionate about the council and will sorely be missed.


    There were no apologies.


Minutes of Previous Meeting: 28 September 2021 pdf icon PDF 237 KB

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    To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    The Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 28 September 2021 were approved as a correct record of the meeting.



    The Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 28 September 2021 were approved as a correct record of the meeting.



Declarations of Interest

    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:


    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting



    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.


    There were none.


Procedural Matters

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    Additional documents:


Members' Questions pdf icon PDF 264 KB

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    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (20 October 2021).


    Additional documents:


    There was one member question from Will Forster. The questions and responses were published as a supplement to the agenda.



    There was one member question from Will Forster. The questions and responses were published as a supplement to the agenda. Will Forster asked if the council would be implementing a poverty strategy and requested the council to reconsider the small area disadvantage fund. The Cabinet Member for Children and Families explained that a poverty strategy would be taken to Cabinet in November and Full Council in December in response to an increase in families struggling financially. The report will address the pathways into poverty. The Cabinet Member for Education and Learning explained that over 22,000 children in Surrey had benefited from supermarket vouchers since December 2020 and the Surrey crisis fund had provided support to many families in Surrey. It was added that there was a broad range of services already on offer to families who were struggling.





Public Questions pdf icon PDF 264 KB

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (19 October 2021).


    Additional documents:


    There was one public question. The question and response was published as a supplement to the agenda.



    There was one public question. The question and response was published as a supplement to the agenda.




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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


    Additional documents:


    There were none.



    There were none.



Representations received on reports to be considered in private

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    To consider any representations received in relation why part of the meeting relating to a report circulated in Part 2 of the agenda should be open to the public.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



    There were none.



Reports from Select Committees , Task Groups, Local Committees and other Committees of the Council pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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    Cabinet to consider the following:


    A.    Referral of County Council motion to Cabinet (Motion 8 iv)

    B.    Referral of County Council motion to Cabinet (Motion 8 v)


    Additional documents:






    At the County Council meeting on 12 October 2021, Lance Spencer moved a motion under Standing Order 11. It was agreed for the motion to be referred to Cabinet for consideration.


    1.    That the Cabinet Member for Environment write to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, the new Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Alok Sharma, President of COP26 to urge sufficient funding and policy change to allow local government to make urgent progress in meeting its challenges meaningfully in the financial year 2022/23.

    2.    That the Cabinet Member for Environment review and update the existing communications and engagement plan, before the next meeting of the Council, to set out how we will engage with the 1.2 million residents, eighty-one Members and businesses across Surrey so they fully understand the transformation needed for Surrey to meet its carbon reduction targets.


    The Community, Environment and Highways Select Committee scrutinised, as part of its pre-decision scrutiny process, the Government’s new National Bus Strategy for England (Bus Back Better). Recommendations were considered by Cabinet at its meeting.


    3.    That the recommendations from the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee on the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better be noted.



    Motion 8IV on the agenda had been deferred pending a government consultation outcome.


    Motion 8V was introduced by Lance Spencer who explained that the global average temperature had already increased by roughly 1.1 to 1.2 degrees and if action wasn’t taken it could hit 3 degrees a catastrophe for earth. Although there was currently a focus on net zero pledges including pledges by Surrey County Council, these net zero pledges lacked the policy detail and delivery mechanisms, and the deficit between the targets and the global carbon budget was widening every year. The battle against climate change was being lost and will have various knock on effects for societies and businesses in different regions of the world. The member asked that Cabinet approach the national government and ask them release those funds necessary for this Council to hit the various targets that have been set in the ambitious plans as laid out in the greener Futures delivery plan and also for the Cabinet to consider how it is going to communicate and engage with members, residents and numerous businesses to get them to truly understand what needs to be done to save the planet.


    The motion was seconded by Catherine Baart who added that it was important to limit the amount of carbon released before we reach a net zero. Bold changes in policy at national level were vital as well as a strong communications plan.


    The Cabinet Member for Environment welcomed the motion and was happy to write to ministers regarding policy change and funding. The engagement plan would be discussed later in the meeting under the greener futures item. The work on the plan would begin immediately and discussions would be taking place with the district and boroughs. The Leader also supported the motion and explained that the focus over the last few months had been to adopt a county wide plan with district and boroughs.


    The report of the Select Committee was introduced by John O’Reilly who welcomed the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) but raised some concern around government uncertainty with funding for this plan. The Member explained the recommendations put forward by the Select Committee. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure welcomed the Select Committee report explaining that writing the BSIP had been a challenge as government kept changing its advice to local authorities. A number of options to reduce bus fares were being consider to encourage people to use buses more. The Cabinet Member had written to Baroness Vere regarding the cuts to bus funding.




    1.    That the Cabinet Member for Environment write to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, the new Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Alok Sharma, President of COP26 to urge sufficient funding and policy change to allow local government to make urgent progress in meeting its challenges meaningfully in the financial year 2022/23.

    2.    That the Cabinet  ...  view the full minutes text for item 186/21


Leader / Deputy Leader / Cabinet Member/ Strategic Investment Board Decisions Taken Since the Last Cabinet Meeting pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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    To note any delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Members, Strategic Investment Board and Committees in Common Sub-Committee since the last meeting of the Cabinet.

    Additional documents:




    That the delegated decisions taken since the last meeting of the Cabinet be noted.


    Reason for decision:


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by Cabinet Members, Strategic Investment Board and the Committee in Common subcommittee under delegated authority.



    The decisions taken since the last Cabinet meeting were noted.




    That the delegated decisions taken since the last meeting of the Cabinet be noted.


    Reason for decision:


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by Cabinet Members, Strategic Investment Board and the Committee in Common subcommittee under delegated authority.



Covid-19 Delegated and Urgent Decisions Taken pdf icon PDF 211 KB

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    To ensure transparency of decisions taken in response to Covid-19, Cabinet are asked to note the attached decisions taken since the last meeting.

    Additional documents:




    1.    That the decision taken by officers since the last meeting be noted.


    Reason for decision:


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by officers under delegated authority.



    The Leader explained that £5.4m had been received from the household support grant. Of this £330,000 would be used to provide food vouchers for children entitled to benefit related free meals for the October half term. The remaining balance would be allocated alongside partners.




    1.    That the decision taken by officers since the last meeting be noted.


    Reason for decision:


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by officers under delegated authority.



Cabinet Member of the Month pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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    For the Cabinet Member for Environment, Marisa Heath to provide an update on the environment service.

    Additional documents:




    That the Cabinet Member of the Month report be noted.



    The report was introduced by Marisa Heath, Cabinet Member for Environment. The following points were made:


    ·         The environment portfolio had undergone huge change and had become proactive and high profile in the local authority. The council now ensures public value over all else and decisions are being based on ambitions to tackle climate change and improve our residents quality of life and to protect the things that are precious to all of us. That  includes green space, cleaner wildlife and wellbeing.

    ·         A new lead officer was working on the Surrey Environment Partnership which will bring us together with district and boroughs to tackle waste problems.

    ·         The Cabinet Member was working with Councillor Kevin Davies from Woking Borough Council who is the lead portfolio holder for environment to think about how we can provide facilities for people to recycle the items that we don't actually include in our wider recycling programme.

    ·         The Cabinet Member spoke about the importance of the countryside and explained work which was being undertaken to improve access and preserve the countryside.

    ·         There was a recognition that climate change contributed to flooding and the Cabinet Member stated that the council was committee to helping residents tackle flooding.


    The Leader stated that the council was investing £250m into the River Thames Scheme. Members welcomed the report and the work being undertaken to tackle climate change. Members also welcomed the commitment to preserve the countryside.




    That the Cabinet Member of the Month report be noted.



Surrey's Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (CCDP) pdf icon PDF 566 KB

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    This report sets out plans to reduce emissions and tackle the effects of climate change in line with net-zero carbon targets between 2021 and 2025. 

    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)



    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet approves the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 – 2025 (Delivery Plan).

    2.    That Cabinet approve the Council’s 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme (the 2030 Programme), which sets out how the Council’s organisational emissions will be reduced, on the basis that any resulting significant new policy will be brought to future Cabinet meetings for approval.

    3.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Finance Strategy (the Finance Strategy), noting the quantum of investment necessary to meet our 2030 and 2050 carbon reduction targets, that the plan will be reiterated over time and recognising that where appropriate future investment will need to be considered as part of the Council’s MTFS.

    4.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Communications and Engagement Plan (the Engagement Plan), whose priorities will be updated on a six-monthly basis; recognising the critical role of partners in delivering net zero carbon.

    5.    That delegated authority for approving any further changes to the Delivery Plan is given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to enable the plan to evolve and adapt to local and national developments.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The Delivery Plan and associated annexes document the proposed approach to meeting the targets set out in the Climate Change Strategy agreed by the SCC Cabinet in May 2020. The Delivery Plan is Surrey-wide, not a plan solely for SCC. It must have broad ownership by the public sector, residents, communities and business for successful delivery, and it must continue to remain relevant to existing and new partners to ensure continued ownership. National policy and technology are rapidly changing so the Delivery Plan must also be agile. Therefore, it is recommended that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to evolve the Delivery Plan.

    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



    The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment who explained that The Climate Change Strategy (CCS) published in May 2020 sets out what needs to be achieved to decarbonise the county by 2050 and Surrey County Council by 2030. Cabinet were being asked to approve various plans including the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 2025 (Delivery Plan). Real progress had been made with the plans but extensive work would need to be done over the coming months around the finance and communication plan. All the work being undertaken is driven by a desire to have better outcomes for the next generation. The council had not been directed by government and had taken its own initiatives to develop its greener future work. There was a short discussion amongst the Cabinet around the finance strategy and the Your Fund initiative which would support the greener agenda.


    Andy Macleod, Chairman of the Greener Futures Member Reference Group introduced the recommendations of the group explaining that ongoing engagement had taken place with the Cabinet Member and officers to reach the set of recommendations. The member pressed the Leader on the importance of online meetings for members to support the climate change agenda. The Leader explained that he had spoken with the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who supported the idea of hybrid meetings although primary legislation would be required to impose this.


    Jonathan Essex welcomed the report but argued that the council needed to be more ambitious in its aims and felt that there was a gap between the strategy and the delivery plan. The member queried what needed to be done in terms of the evidence base asks of government with regards to funding. The Cabinet Member for Environment explained that ambitions in the strategy were set at a realistic level. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment welcomed the comprehensive report and stated that housing growth and road improvements/expansions should not always be viewed in a negative light and are a vital requirement for a growing society. Roads and homes could be built in a sustainable manner.




    1.    That Cabinet approves the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 – 2025 (Delivery Plan).

    2.    That Cabinet approve the Council’s 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme (the 2030 Programme), which sets out how the Council’s organisational emissions will be reduced, on the basis that any resulting significant new policy will be brought to future Cabinet meetings for approval.

    3.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Finance Strategy (the Finance Strategy), noting the quantum of investment necessary to meet our 2030 and 2050 carbon reduction targets, that the plan will be reiterated over time and recognising that where appropriate future investment will need to be considered as part of the Council’s MTFS.

    4.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Communications and Engagement Plan (the Engagement Plan), whose priorities will be updated on a six-monthly basis; recognising the critical role of partners  ...  view the full minutes text for item 190/21


National Bus Strategy - Bus Back Better - A Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey pdf icon PDF 327 KB

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    A new National Bus Strategy for England (Bus Back Better) was published by the Government on 15 March 2021. This report explains the next stage of this council’s response to Government, namely the creation of a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).


    Annex 1 is to follow.


    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)


    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet welcomes the level of aspiration and the proposed initiatives set out in the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey, including the proposed measures aiming to ensure buses can operate reliably on Surrey’s roads.

    2.    That Cabinet agrees that the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey be submitted to the Department for Transport by the 31 October 2021 deadline, with authority delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure to agree the final document.

    3.    That Cabinet support the proposed draft governance arrangements that will oversee the delivery and further development of the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan.

    4.    That a further report is taken to Cabinet once levels of Government funding are confirmed, setting out the interventions and improvements to be delivered in partnership with Surrey’s bus operators.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The Government’s aspirations in the National Bus Strategy, to be delivered through Bus Service Improvement Plans and Enhanced Partnership schemes, support the Council’s own intentions within the emerging new Surrey Transport Plan, to encourage modal shift and a deliver a reduction in carbon and other emissions from the transport sector.

    A Cabinet Member for Highways & Infrastructure report on 29 June 2021 gave approval to proceed with the development of Enhanced Partnerships with bus operators and to issue a notice of intent to prepare Enhanced Partnership Schemes, as set out in section 138F of the Transport Act 2000.

    The Bus Service Improvement Plan in the next task, to be completed and submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) by 31 October 2021.

    This council and our bus operator partners will then develop and enter into formal Enhanced Partnership arrangement, to commence on 1 April 2022.

    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]




    The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure who explained that a new National Bus Strategy for England (Bus Back Better) was published by the Government on 15 March 2021 and requires a Local Transport Authority to consider its role in encouraging more people to travel by bus post-Covid 19 and sets out aspirations for bus services that are more frequent, more reliable, easier to understand and use, better-coordinated, cheaper to use and with high quality information for passengers. The BSIP sets out the interventions and investment proposed by the council and the bus industry to deliver Bus Back Better in Surrey, alongside the funding ask from Government. The BSIP had been developed with bus operators, community transport providers, adjoining Local Transport Authorities and other stakeholders. £9m for bus priority measures has already been allocated within the Council’s capital pipeline and a half-fare scheme and a free fare scheme for young people under 20 years of age, irrespective of whether in full time education is also being costed for potential inclusion in the BSIP. There was a recognition that buses would be more important going forward as the cost of driving goes up. The punctuality of buses and greener buses was vital as part of the BSIP.


    Marisa Heath left the meeting at 15:33 and returned at 15:36


    Jonathan Essex queried how hydrogen bus trials had progressed and what was being done to keep the cost of bus fares down. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure explained that an update on the trials would be submitted to the relevant Select Committee. The fuel type used by buses was determined by the route taken so shorter routes would use electric and longer routes hydrogen. The cost of taking a bus was significantly higher than trains but in a resident survey fares for buses was listed as the sixth most important factor when taking a bus. The council was working with operators to reduce fees for under 20-25s.




    1.    That Cabinet welcomes the level of aspiration and the proposed initiatives set out in the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey, including the proposed measures aiming to ensure buses can operate reliably on Surrey’s roads.

    2.    That Cabinet agrees that the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey be submitted to the Department for Transport by the 31 October 2021 deadline, with authority delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure to agree the final document.

    3.    That Cabinet support the proposed draft governance arrangements that will oversee the delivery and further development of the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan.

    4.    That a further report is taken to Cabinet once levels of Government funding are confirmed, setting out the interventions and improvements to be delivered in partnership with Surrey’s bus operators.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The Government’s aspirations in the National Bus Strategy, to be delivered through Bus Service Improvement Plans and Enhanced Partnership  ...  view the full minutes text for item 191/21


Economy And Growth Update Report: Delivering A Programme For Growth pdf icon PDF 334 KB

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    This Cabinet report provides an update on the activities taken forward to deliver on the economic opportunities set out within the economic strategy and help address the economic challenges in Surrey following the COVID-19 pandemic. Cabinet is asked to agree the key elements of the future work programme which will include the incorporation of five new projects within the delivery plan. 


    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)



    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet note the update on the work undertaken to address the challenges and opportunities set out within Surrey County Council’s Economic Strategy Statement to 2030: Surrey’s Economic Future.

    2.    That Cabinet acknowledges the role and contribution of the One Surrey Growth Board to the development of the economic growth future work programme set out

    3.    That Cabinet agrees the forward programme of work to deliver Surrey’s Economic Future, as detailed in Annex 1.

    4.    Cabinet notes that a further update will be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2022.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The work programme to deliver on Surrey’s Future Economy Strategy is at an early stage of development and needs to remain agile to take advantage of current opportunities as well as responding to the challenges which are limiting the productivity and growth of the Surrey economy. Updates are presented to Cabinet to ensure the work programme remains aligned to the Council’s priorities and responsive to the needs of residents and businesses.

    Since the last update to Cabinet in April 2021, the programme of work has been significantly refined and expanded to incorporate detailed and deliverable projects. A further five projects have been identified for feasibility work to deliver on the objectives of the Strategy. Approval is sought from Cabinet to agree the updated work programme to reflect the addition of the five new projects detailed in section 21 of this report.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



    The report was introduced by the Leader who explained that report provides an update on the activities taken forward to deliver on the economic opportunities set out within the economic strategy and help address the economic challenges in Surrey following the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an update on the work

    to establish a core Inward Investment Programme, examples of developing local

    economies and High Streets work and the implementation of a Digital

    Infrastructure Programme. The council was redesigning and reinvigorating its inward investment service, including a refreshed online presence promoting the County as an attractive and highly competitive business destination. There was a big presence from the pharmaceutical industry with a major company looking to locate its HQ in Surrey. Work was being undertaken with district and boroughs to implement a community-led visioning and engagement process for the High Street. Surrey had seen a dramatic change in the labour market both through the pandemic and in the post EU context. Work was being undertaken to upskill people for the future. The Leader explained that there were around 200k residents that were digitally excluded. A targeted work programme had been established to tackle barriers to investment in digital infrastructure within Surrey.  




    1.    That Cabinet note the update on the work undertaken to address the challenges and opportunities set out within Surrey County Council’s Economic Strategy Statement to 2030: Surrey’s Economic Future.

    2.    That Cabinet acknowledges the role and contribution of the One Surrey Growth Board to the development of the economic growth future work programme set out

    3.    That Cabinet agrees the forward programme of work to deliver Surrey’s Economic Future, as detailed in Annex 1.

    4.    Cabinet notes that a further update will be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2022.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The work programme to deliver on Surrey’s Future Economy Strategy is at an early stage of development and needs to remain agile to take advantage of current opportunities as well as responding to the challenges which are limiting the productivity and growth of the Surrey economy. Updates are presented to Cabinet to ensure the work programme remains aligned to the Council’s priorities and responsive to the needs of residents and businesses.

    Since the last update to Cabinet in April 2021, the programme of work has been significantly refined and expanded to incorporate detailed and deliverable projects. A further five projects have been identified for feasibility work to deliver on the objectives of the Strategy. Approval is sought from Cabinet to agree the updated work programme to reflect the addition of the five new projects detailed in section 21 of this report.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



Surrey Infrastructure Plan- Phase 1 Schemes pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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    The Surrey Infrastructure Plan Prioritisation Framework was approved by Cabinet in February 2021.  This report recommends the approval to implement the first phase of schemes, highlights those schemes requiring further development and proposes the governance arrangements through which the development and implementation can be overseen.


    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)

    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet agree the implementation of the Phase 1 projects identified in this report and set out in Appendix 1, within the approved budget envelope, subject to the final business case for each scheme being approved by the Capital Programme Panel.

    2.    That Cabinet agree to the establishment of a Surrey Infrastructure Programme Board to oversee development and delivery of schemes to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The recommendations will enable the development and delivery of infrastructure    schemes that meet a wide range and outcomes and demonstrate deliverability and affordability.  They enable the implementation of the first phase of schemes and the introduction of a second phase that requires further feasibility work, creating a flexible system for developing and delivering infrastructure schemes. The process is intended to remain dynamic with new schemes added to the long list as they are identified, and a continuous programme of schemes developed taking them from concept through to delivery identifying suitable funding opportunities as they progress.

    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



    The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure explained that the Surrey Infrastructure Plan Prioritisation Framework was approved by Cabinet in February 2021.The plan introduces a continuous cycle of schemes as they move from concept to implementation stages. The report recommends the approval to implement the first phase of schemes, highlights those schemes requiring further development and proposes the governance arrangements through which the development and implementation can be overseen. The engagement with partners led to the conclusion that this should be an ongoing, dynamic process rather than a one-off exercise. A list of over 100 infrastructure schemes has been identified between Surrey County Council and its partners. The majority of these are in the transport and highways category. The estimated cost of the schemes noted in appendix 1 is £30m made up of £14.2m from the county council which in turn leverages in approximately £16.7m from external partners or S.106/CIL. The Cabinet Member listed all the schemes in phase 1 of the project and the Category 2 and 3 projects.  




    1.    That Cabinet agree the implementation of the Phase 1 projects identified in this report and set out in Appendix 1, within the approved budget envelope, subject to the final business case for each scheme being approved by the Capital Programme Panel.

    2.    That Cabinet agree to the establishment of a Surrey Infrastructure Programme Board to oversee development and delivery of schemes to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    The recommendations will enable the development and delivery of infrastructure    schemes that meet a wide range and outcomes and demonstrate deliverability and affordability.  They enable the implementation of the first phase of schemes and the introduction of a second phase that requires further feasibility work, creating a flexible system for developing and delivering infrastructure schemes. The process is intended to remain dynamic with new schemes added to the long list as they are identified, and a continuous programme of schemes developed taking them from concept through to delivery identifying suitable funding opportunities as they progress.

    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



Acquisition of Land at Tice's Meadow, Farnham pdf icon PDF 403 KB

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    Cabinet is asked to approve acquiring the freehold interest in approximately 22 hectares (55 acres) of land, a restored former quarry, at Tice’s Meadow Farnham.


    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)


    N.B There is a Part 2 Annex at Item 18.

    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet approves the freehold purchase of land known as Tice’s Meadow, Farnham, dependent on receipt of 45% of the purchase price from a consortium of key partners, as previously agreed. The purchase price and transaction costs are commercially sensitive at this time and are set out in the Part 2 report.

    1. That Cabinet delegates authority to the Director of Land and Property and the Executive Director of Resources, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Property, to conclude contracts and completion and to recover agreed capital contributions from its key partners. The capital contributions are commercially sensitive at this time and are set out in the Part 2 report.


    1. That Cabinet agrees that Surrey County Council takes over as lead accountable body for the Aftercare and Management Scheme, in partnership with its public sector partners and approved private bodies.


    1. That Cabinet notes that Surrey County Council will become responsible for the Aftercare Management Scheme as set out in paragraph 8 in this report, and the associated costs noted in the Part 2 report.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    It is recommended that Cabinet approves Surrey County Council purchasing land in Farnham as set out in the Part 2 report. The land is a former quarry which has been restored and remains subject to a 20-year management plan for its enhancement and protection delivered in partnership with Waverley Borough Council, Farnham Town Council, Guildford Borough Council, and both Hampshire County Council and Rushmoor Borough Council, supporting the Blackwater Valley Partnership.

    The purchase of land, on behalf of its local authority partners, protects against the risk of a private purchaser taking over and seeking to reduce public access or amenity benefit, and also averts the risk of land disposal possibly into small parcels that would make future purchase potentially more complex and expensive.

    The Council’s Natural Capital Estate provides 10,000 acres of high-quality landscape and recreational space. However, in Waverley open space of this kind is currently limited, so the purchase of this land provides an ideal opportunity to expand space available for residents and visitors. The area complements Surrey’s existing land ownership known as Tongham Pool to the immediate east, and the Blackwater Valley Way (owned by Rushmore Borough Council) which sits along the northern boundary. It will also provide the opportunity for a number of circular walks within the site, and an additional attraction for visitors to explore wildlife and the natural environment.

    Since the landscape quality of the site as a quarry was very low, there is a high net biodiversity value to be gained from active management of the site to maximise value delivered by the new wetland, woodland and grasslands.

    By approving the purchase of the land Surrey County Council will support both its public sector partner authorities and the Greener Futures priority objectives.

    (This item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]





    The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Property who explained that the Cabinet was being asked to approve acquiring the freehold interest in approximately 55 hectares

    (137 acres) of land, at a restored former quarry, at Tice’s Meadow Farnham. The proposal would be for Surrey County Council to purchase the land in conjunction with district, borough and neighbouring authorities for the purposes of supporting the community and offering additional benefit through mutual management controls. Purchasing the land would safeguard it and also enable the development of an important natural habitat adjacent to existing county and district holdings for recreational and habitat creation purposes in support of Surrey County Council’s wider green agenda. The report was welcomed by members who commented on the wellbeing benefits it would provide to residents and the biodiversity benefits. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure stated that the decision to purchase this land had been welcomed locally by residents.




    1.    That Cabinet approves the freehold purchase of land known as Tice’s Meadow, Farnham, dependent on receipt of 45% of the purchase price from a consortium of key partners, as previously agreed. The purchase price and transaction costs are commercially sensitive at this time and are set out in the Part 2 report.

    1. That Cabinet delegates authority to the Director of Land and Property and the Executive Director of Resources, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Property, to conclude contracts and completion and to recover agreed capital contributions from its key partners. The capital contributions are commercially sensitive at this time and are set out in the Part 2 report.


    1. That Cabinet agrees that Surrey County Council takes over as lead accountable body for the Aftercare and Management Scheme, in partnership with its public sector partners and approved private bodies.


    1. That Cabinet notes that Surrey County Council will become responsible for the Aftercare Management Scheme as set out in paragraph 8 in this report, and the associated costs noted in the Part 2 report.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    It is recommended that Cabinet approves Surrey County Council purchasing land in Farnham as set out in the Part 2 report. The land is a former quarry which has been restored and remains subject to a 20-year management plan for its enhancement and protection delivered in partnership with Waverley Borough Council, Farnham Town Council, Guildford Borough Council, and both Hampshire County Council and Rushmoor Borough Council, supporting the Blackwater Valley Partnership.

    The purchase of land, on behalf of its local authority partners, protects against the risk of a private purchaser taking over and seeking to reduce public access or amenity benefit, and also averts the risk of land disposal possibly into small parcels that would make future purchase potentially more complex and expensive.

    The Council’s Natural Capital Estate provides 10,000 acres of high-quality landscape and recreational space. However, in Waverley open space of this kind is currently limited, so the purchase of this land provides an ideal opportunity to expand space available  ...  view the full minutes text for item 194/21


SEND Transformation pdf icon PDF 428 KB

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    The purpose of this report is to provide Cabinet with a progress update on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transformation programme.


    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)

    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet notes the work being undertaken through the SEND Transformation programme, and endorses the strategic priorities, implementation plan and next phase of delivery, which will drive improvements across Surrey’s SEND system.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    Surrey County Council is two years into a long-term programme of SEND transformation and is developing the next phase of planning and delivery to accelerate and embed change.

    The report ensures that Cabinet is assured on the next phase of transformation, its delivery and the impact of the programme.

    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)



    The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Education and Learning who provided Cabinet with an update on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transformation programme. The report seeks endorsement on the strategic priorities, implementation plan and next phase of delivery, which will drive additional improvements across Surrey for children and young people with SEND. The Cabinet Member provided the Cabinet with key achievements to date. The Cabinet Member was commended on the progress achieved to date.  




    1.    That Cabinet notes the work being undertaken through the SEND Transformation programme, and endorses the strategic priorities, implementation plan and next phase of delivery, which will drive improvements across Surrey’s SEND system.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    Surrey County Council is two years into a long-term programme of SEND transformation and is developing the next phase of planning and delivery to accelerate and embed change.

    The report ensures that Cabinet is assured on the next phase of transformation, its delivery and the impact of the programme.

    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)



Surrey Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2020-2021 pdf icon PDF 349 KB

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    The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) is a statutory multi-agency Board with responsibilities set out in the Care Act 2014. To support the transparency of the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board, the Annual Report 2020/21 is presented to Cabinet.


    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet notes the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Annual Report for 2020/2021.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    This recommendation demonstrates that the Council is fulfilling its statutory requirement under the Care Act 2014 in having established a Safeguarding Adults Board in its area.

    It will support the SSAB to be transparent by providing information to the public on the performance of the Board and its strategic plan.



    The Cabinet Member for Adults and Health introduced the report and explained that it had been a very busy year for safeguarding adults especially with the challenges of Covid. The Independent Chairman of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults board, Simon Turpitt was thanked along with his team for the work undertaken to protect vulnerable adults. The Independent Chairman commented that it had been a challenging year for the board but there had been a great response from all partners especially during lockdown. The Board was seeing a continual rise in referrals for Domestic Abuse and towards the end of the year there had been a significant increase in requests for

    Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR’s) some of which had been joint reviews with

    Domestic Homicide.




    1.    That Cabinet notes the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Annual Report for 2020/2021.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    This recommendation demonstrates that the Council is fulfilling its statutory requirement under the Care Act 2014 in having established a Safeguarding Adults Board in its area.

    It will support the SSAB to be transparent by providing information to the public on the performance of the Board and its strategic plan.



2021/22 Month 5 (August) Financial Report pdf icon PDF 503 KB

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    This report provides details of the County Council’s 2021/22 financial position as at 31st August 2021 (M5) for revenue and capital budgets, and the expected outlook for the remainder of the financial year. 

    (The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)


    Additional documents:




    1.    That Cabinet notes the Council’s forecast revenue and capital budget positions.

    2.    That Cabinet approves the reset of Directorate budgets to distribute Covid-19 funding set out in paragraphs 7 to 10.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    This report is to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval of any necessary actions. 

    (This item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]





    The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources explained that at Month 5, the Council was forecasting a full year £19.1m deficit against the revenue budget. However a plan was in place to close the gap by the year end and work was being undertaken with directorates across the council to close this gap by the year end. The council intends to balance the budget at the year end without the use of reserves. There was significant pressures in the adult social care children, social services and special education needs and disabilities. This was very much driven by an increase in demand for services, predominantly as a result of COVID. The Cabinet Member stated that she hoped to see funding sufficiency for these demand led areas addressed in the spending review.




    1.    That Cabinet notes the Council’s forecast revenue and capital budget positions.

    2.    That Cabinet approves the reset of Directorate budgets to distribute Covid-19 funding set out in paragraphs 7 to 10.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    This report is to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval of any necessary actions. 

    (This item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]






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    That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

    Additional documents:


    RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



Acquisition of Land at Tice's Meadow, Farnham



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    To consider whether the item considered under Part 2 of the agenda should be made available to the Press and public.

    Additional documents:


    It was agreed that non-exempt information may be made available to the press and public, where appropriate.