Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions
Contact: Angela Guest tel: 020 8541 9075 Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions under Standing Order 40. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Carol Coleman, Margaret Hicks and Marisa Heath. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 August 2016. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes were APPROVED as an accurate record of the previous meeting. |
To receive any petitions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 65 (please see note 7 below). Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To answer any questions received from local government electors within Surrey in accordance with Standing Order 66 (please see note 8 below). Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To answer any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 47. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
These three applications at Weydon School are seeking to use the existing external sports facilities, including floodlights, at the school for community use for longer hours extending into the evenings. The hours that the school can currently use the facilities and floodlights are controlled by conditions attached to the various planning permissions for those facilities. The details of each of the three applications and what this application is seeking in terms of these current applications is set out in Table 1 appended to the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee that the Applicant had asked for the Application to be deferred to a future meeting so this item would not be considered.
Resolved: To note that this Application had been deferred by the Applicant and would return at a later date.
Erection of 2 storey building comprising 8 classrooms, hall, staff and group rooms, preparations area, WCs and library, associated circulation, play areas and landscaping; alterations to footpath access and car parking layout to facilitate expansion of school from a 2FE infant to a 2FE primary.
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager Chris Northwood, Planning Regulation Team Leader
Dr Grant-Duff, the local Member, made the following points:
1. The local Member informed the Committee that she wanted to convey the anxiety of her local residents with the potential school expansion and the parking problems that it may cause. Members noted the local Members comments that the school was in a good transport zone with a bus route and was within walking distance from the local town. 2. The local Member showed appreciation to the Officers for working with her to review the conditions to include new proposals for parking restrictions in the area..
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Planning Regulation Team Leader introduced the report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. The Committee were informed of the details of the report and the significant redesign during the process which resolved some issues that had been faced. It was noted that during the construction two trees would need to be removed. Parking restrictions on the road and road opposite would be implemented to prevent all day parking as parents would find it hard to find space to pick up and drop of children. The Officer concluded by informing the Committee that overall they were assured that all the main issues were resolved and that Officers recommended approval the report. 2. A Member of the Committee showed concern that two trees would need to be removed but after visiting the site understood that there was no other alternative. Another Member agreed with this but noted that the trees that would be lost were not visible from the public domain as they were covered by other trees. 3. Members stressed the importance and necessity of working with the Local Committee when making plans for parking with school expansions as they were better placed to understand the repercussions at a local level. 4. Members confirmed the need for school places in the local area and agreed that the land was right for development. In reference to parking, a Member highlighted that they were impressed that the school had many walking to school incentives which included a large scooter rack and different walking challenges. 5. A Member raised concern over the loss of play space and queried whether Sport England had been consulted. The Planning Regulation Team Leader responded to this by informing the Committee that the application did not fall into the criteria to consult Sport England. The Officer went on to notify the Committee that an artificial pitch had been built to address the extra pressures on play space. 6. Members questioned the Conditions which referred to indicative parking restrictions, The Transport Development Team Manager confirmed that this allowed flexibility when fixing the issues with local parking.
The resolution of the Committee was unanimous.
That application RE16/00337/CON Land at and adjoining Reigate Parish School, Blackborough Road, Reigate, Surrey ... view the full minutes text for item 134/16 |
Details of noise barriers for the conveyor switch points submitted pursuant to Conditions 22 and a Bird Hazard Management Plan submitted pursuant to Condition 36 of planning permission ref: SP2012/01132 dated 23 October 2015.
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager Susan Waters, Principal Planning Officer
Speakers: Denise Turner Stewart, the local Member, made the following points:
1. The Committee were asked to require monthly monitoring and for reports to be brought to the Liaison Committee to ensure there were no noise exceedances and that details of the monitoring programme to be fully accessible and made available to residents requested that details of this report be made freely available to residents. The local member explained that this would give residents the assurances they required and give them the opportunity to ensure the noise levels were managed properly.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and provided Members with the details of the conditions regarding noise barriers and the bird hazard management plan and how birds would be monitored on the site. It was noted that if bird numbers of species of concern on site were to exceed trigger numbers then measures would be put in place for them to be reduced. The site would be monitored by the County Enforcement Monitoring Team which did not involve undertaking noise monitoring on a regular basis but in the event of a complaint then monitoring could be undertaken and information would be made available on the County Council website. 2. A Member of the Committee questioned if it was normal practice to decide how often monitoring takes place on mineral sites, in which the Planning Development Control Team Manager suggested an informative which would make any monitoring data collected from the site available to the Liaison Committee as and when it arises. 3. A Member of the Committee highlighted that the design of the new nature reserve would attract birds and suggested if monitoring showed that the design was defective then action should be taken to change the design if needed. The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that the management plan included regular monitoring to see how affective the nature reserve is and would be adapted if necessary.
The resolution was unanimous
That application SP12/01132/SCD1 - Manor Farm, Ashford Road and land west of Queen Mary Reservoir, Laleham, Surrey was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.
Actions/further information to be provided:
Details of a Groundwater Monitoring Plan submitted pursuant to Condition 32 of planning permission ref: SP/2012/01132 dated 23 October 2015.
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager Susan Waters, Principal Planning Officer
Denise Turner Stewart, the local Member, made the following points:
1. The local Member informed Members that the local residents were concerned with monitoring and asked that the data from the Annual Data review be made available to the Liaison Committee and residents, to allow confidence and assurance of the management process.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. The Committee were informed that the application scheme primarily dealt with the ground water level monitoring and ground water quality impacts. Annual monitoring reports to the County Council would also be made available to the Liaison Committee and the County Council website. 2. Members of the Committee queried why the monitoring report would be submitted annually and not more frequently and were informed that the site was seen as low risk due to its activity and it was seen as sufficient to submit the report annually, although there would be regularly monitoring throughout the year. 3. Members asked if the Environment Agency (EA) were happy with the proposed recommendation. The Officer confirmed that the EA hadn’t been consulted (no need to as they hadn’t required the condition). The EA had been satisfied with this aspect of the proposal when they considered the original planning application.
The resolution was unanimous
That application SP12/01132/SDC7 - Manor Farm, Ashford Road, and land west of Queen Mary Reservoir, Laleham, Surrey was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.
Actions/further information to be provided:
Details of measures to be taken and facilities to be provided to keep the public highway clean and prevent creation of a dangerous surface submitted pursuant to Condition 12(a), a Construction Management Plan submitted pursuant to Condition 15 and an updated bat survey and biodiversity mitigation strategy submitted pursuant to Condition 38.
Details of the design of the temporary Ashford Road access submitted pursuant to Condition 8 (a) and vegetation survey and tree and hedgerow protection plan submitted pursuant to Condition 47.
Details of the current and proposed design of the Worple Road access; tree and hedgerow removal, protection measures and replanting submitted pursuant to Condition 8(b)(i) of planning permission reference SP/2012/01132 dated 23 October 2015.
Additional documents: Minutes: [Michael Sydney left the meeting at 11:42am]
Officers: Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager Susan Waters, Principal Planning Officer
Denise Turner Stewart, the local Member, made the following points:
1. The local Member requested that the Committee to defer the item pending the final view of Spelthorne Borough Council, who had not yet responded to the consultation on Condition 15 and that it was still premature. It was highlighted that this would be in the interest of safeguarding the local environment and to make sure that development did not prejudice highway safety or cause inconvenience to other highway users.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. In response to the local Members comments the Officer explained that Spelthorne Borough Council views had been received on two of the three applications. On one (SP12/01132/SCD5) they were happy with the conditions for 12a and 38, and that Condition 15 was the only outstanding issue. The reason for this was because Environmental Health Officer had raised concerns with the potential modification aspects of the Construction Management Plan in connection with the separate work streams in the constriction works. The Officer confirmed the CMP would apply to all work streams. 2. A Member raised a question referring to the addition of bat hibernation boxes on site in which the Officer confirmed that once suitable trees were indentified then the mitigation strategy would be modified to include the hibernation boxes. 3. The Chairman stated that he believed that deferring the item would be counterintuitive as it was a implementation issue rather than a condition issue. It was suggested that a conversation was had with the Enforcement Team regarding implementation.
The resolution on each application was unanimous.
That application SP12/01132/SDC7, SP12/01132/SCD8 AND SP12/01132/SCD6 - Manor Farm, Ashford Road, and land west of Queen Mary Reservoir, Laleham, Surrey was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.
Actions/further information to be provided:
The next meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Committee will be on 12 October 2016. Additional documents: Minutes: The date of the next meeting was noted. |