Agenda and draft minutes

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Wednesday, 20 March 2019 10.30 am

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Contact: Huma Younis  Email:


No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions under Standing Order 41.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies were received from Mr Stephen Cooksey.

    Mr Jonathan Essex substituted for Mr Cooksey.




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    To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on (21 November 2018).

    Additional documents:


    The Minutes were APPROVED as an accurate record of the previous meeting.


    The Planning Development Manager notified the Committee that at the 17 October 2018 Planning and Regulatory Committee, Members considered Minerals and Waste Application TA12/902- Oxted Quarry, Chalkpit Lane, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0QW.


    Under Resolution (III) as minuted, a motion was carried against the Officer’s recommendation and in accordance with the Code of Best Practice, Member reasons had to be provided. It was agreed for these reasons to be brought back to the Chairman of the Committee for agreement. The following reasons had now been approved by the Chairman;


    The reasons for Members imposing a lower HGV cap than proposed by officers were as follows:


    1. Safety concerns as a result of the number of HGVs accessing the site;
    2. That no evidence had been provided by the applicant to indicate that the economic viability of the site would be prejudiced adversely to an unreasonable degree by a lower daily HGV cap figure.




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    To receive any petitions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 84 (please see note 7 below).

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    To answer any questions received from local government electors within Surrey in accordance with Standing Order 85 (please see note 8 below).

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    To answer any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 68.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter

    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting


    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.


    Additional documents:


    Dr Andrew Povey declared an interest that he was a trustee of the Surrey Hills Society.


WASTE APPLICATION REF. WA/2018/0097- Broadwater Park Golf Club, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3BU pdf icon PDF 459 KB

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    This is an application for the capping of a historic 8ha landfill; remodelling and enhancement of existing driving range and 9-hole par 3 golf course with associated ecological and public access improvements; provision of new 490m2 driving range building, adventure golf facility, practice putting green, 17 additional car parking spaces and rainwater harvesting scheme; involving the use of 342,578 tonnes (214,111m3) of inert waste material and 70 HGV trips (140 HGV movements) per working day over a period of 18-24 months.



    Additional documents:



    Dustin Lees, Principal Planning Officer

    Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager

    Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager

    Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer


    Mr Martyn Sandford, made representations in objection to the application. The following key points were made:

    ·        Resident of Farncombe and is broadly in support of the application which he believes will benefit the local community but opposes one aspect of the application which is the erection of a new steel perimeter fence. This fence will exclude the public from approximately one third of the park.

    ·        Steel mesh construction will dominate the south eastern corner of the park and views from the park will be obscured by this fence.

    ·        There is mention of dog fouling, vandalism and public safety as a reason for requiring the fence. There are now improved powers to deal with dog fouling. With regards to vandalism no records of incidents have been presented in the report and with regards to public safety many golf courses have public footpaths running through them.

    ·        Report talks of improved public access but only route being referred to has been in use for over 24 years.

    ·        Ask Committee to reject this element of the application.

    Mr Adrian Johnson, the Applicant, raised the following key points:

    ·        There are major concerns around the safety of young children. The corner of the golf course has become an extension of the park with young children running onto the course and stealing golf balls and abusing golfers. If a child was struck by a golf ball from the driving range this would lead to serious injuries.

    ·        With regards to vandalism, netting from the driving range has been slashed and stolen, two golf buggies have been stolen, flood lights have been stolen which has cost the applicant a great amount.

    ·        Drug taking paraphernalia has been found at the back of the golf course.

    ·        Dog fouling is a big issue and this is a reality the applicant has to deal with when working on the golf course.

    ·        There are also cases last summer of cyclists riding their bicycles over the course and ruining the land. This stops golfers from returning to the course. It is important the business gets the protection to stop this detrimental activity.

    The Local Member, Penny Rivers will not speak as Local Member but will address the application in her capacity as a Member of the Committee.


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The report was introduced by the Principal Planning Officer.
    2. The Local Member for the application area stated that the application site was very much loved as an open space by the local community and the remedial work required on the site was a benefit to the community. However the Local Member was objecting to the new 2m high dark green weldmesh perimeter fence which she believed was too high.
    3. A Member of the Committee explained that he was a keen golfer and had concerns around public safety and golf balls potentially hitting members of the public walking across the site.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7/19


APPLICATION FOR VILLAGE GREEN STATUS-Land at The Green, Landen Park, Horley pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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    The Committee is asked to consider whether or not to register the land the subject of this application as a Village Green. Application for Village Green status by Adrian Woolsey, Philippa Parry, Tina Constanti and Lynda Muggeridge dated 15 January 2017 relating to land at Landen Park, Horley.


    Additional documents:



    Helen Gilbert, Commons Registration Officer

    Joanna Mortimer, Principal Lawyer




    No Members of the public had registered to speak on this item.


    The Local Member, Ms Kay Hammond registered to speak on this application, the following key points were raised:


    • Delighted with the inspectors report and believes it is a thorough examination of the issues at hand. Commend the work of applicants with providing evidence to the inspector.
    • Ms Kay Hammond has been the County Councillor for the area since 1997 and has known the area since then.
    • This is a much loved area within the local community and believes that all the criteria the inspector reviewed has been satisfied.
    • Have been involved with the local community in this area for a number of years.
    • Hope the Committee support the inspector’s recommendation.


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The report was introduced by the Commons Registration Officer.
    2. A Member of the Committee stated his support for the application and was happy to see that this application had not been as complex as previous Village Green applications. 
    3. The Chairman moved the recommendation to accept the application. The Committee unanimously voted to accept the application; therefore the recommendation was carried and the application accepted.




    That with the omission of the pavement between Landen Park and Arne Grove, the application to register land at the Green, Landen Park, Horley is ACCEPTED and the remainder of the area edged green be registered as a new town/village green for the reasons explained in detail in the Inspector’s report dated 11 December 2018.



MINERALS/WASTE WA/2018/1613- Land adjacent to Wetwood Cottage, Chiddingfold Road, Dunsfold, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4PB pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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    This is an application for the construction and use of an importation, sorting, processing and storage facility for green waste on a site of approximately 0.85 hectares comprising 2no office and storage buildings,10 parking spaces, open storage bays and log storage area, additional tree planting and a new access off the Chiddingfold Road.


    Additional documents:



    Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager

    Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager

    Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer


    No Members of the public had registered to speak on this application.

    The local Member, Victoria Young could not attend the meeting but submitted a statement for the Chairman to read out on her behalf:

    I wish to object to this application on the basis that firstly the development will have a harmful impact on the setting and appearance of a very rural location, and secondly on the basis of the noise and traffic created by the operations which will be inconsistent with the rural location of the site.  We should be protecting our rural countryside which is a great asset to the county and not let it simply be destroyed. In terms of traffic, the vehicle movements created by this application should be taken together with those that are already being created by the adjacent Chiddingfold Storage Depot. Chiddingfold Road is a minor C class road and is simply not suitable for large HGVs, which will have to travel along unsuitable narrow minor roads to reach the site. I am also concerned about the noise that the operations will cause at the site, and the ensuing disruption to neighbours.  If this permission is granted, I would ask that the hours of operation are reduced so that they do not start earlier than 7.30 am and finish” by 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday.  There should be no working at weekends or bank holidays.”


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The report was introduced by theDeputy Planning Development Manager.
    2. It was confirmed that there would be 17 vehicle movements in total per day with the application. These would comprise of 6 vehicles coming into the site in the morning and then 3 vehicles leaving shortly after. There would then be 3 vehicles returning back into the site in the afternoon and 5 vehicles departing in the evening, making it 17 movements in total. It was explained that this was a very small site with little room to increase traffic movements and capacity.
    3. With regards to noise pollution, the Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that the application may involve an element of chipping but the majority of processing would be done off site. There was a condition within the report to monitor the noise level which the County Noise Consultant supported.
    4. It was further added that a transport plan would be submitted under condition in due course by the Applicant.
    5. A Member of the Committee queried if Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) were treated the same as Areas of Natural Beauty (AONB) in planning policy terms. Officers commented that in the context of the setting and scale of the site they do not believe there would be an adverse impact on the AGLV.
    6. It was queried why the Chilworth site was no longer being used and if this due to traffic concerns. The Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that the Chilworth site  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9/19



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    This report covers the period from 1st March 2018 to 1st March 2019.


    Additional documents:



    Ian Gray, Planning Enforcement Team Leader


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The Planning Enforcement Team Leader introduced the report adding that there was disappointment regarding Ridgeways Farm and legal advice was being sought on the matter. The case regarding Stoney Castle was becoming more complex on a daily basis even though there was a judgement against Mr Hill.

    2.    The Chairman thanked the Planning Enforcement Team Leader and the Enforcement Team for their hard work, stating that this work made a difference to the lives of Surrey residents.



    The report was noted.




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    The next meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Committee will be held on 17 April 2019 in the Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston Upon Thames.

    Additional documents:


    It was explained that the meeting scheduled for 17 April had been cancelled and the next meeting would take place on 22 May 2019.