Venue: Godalming Baptist Church
Contact: David North, Community Partnership & Committee Officer Godalming Social Services Centre, Bridge Street, Godalming, GU7 1LA
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Ms Denise Le Gal. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2013 were agreed as a correct record. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.
· Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
· Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.
· Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Minutes: Ms J Potts asked the Committee to note a non pecuniary interest in Item 13: Surrey Cycling Strategy on the grounds that she is Portfolio Holder at Waverley Borough Council for Leisure, Culture and Young People. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
Notice of petition received:
· Request that the Committee supports the introduction of:
1. A pedestrian crossing in Station Road, Bramley 2. A 20mph speed limit from The Street in Wonersh and along Station Road to its junction with the A281 in Bramley.
Minutes: Mr D Starr presented a petition on behalf of residents in Bramley and surrounding areas requesting the Local Committee to support the introduction of:
· A pedestrian crossing on Station Road · A 20mph speed limit from The Street in Wonersh, along Station Road to its junction with the A281 in Bramley
Residents believe that the proposed measures would benefit the whole community, including St Catherine’s School, children using school buses which stop in Station Road, users of bus routes 53 and 63 and other road users. In his presentation Mr Starr referred to a number of recent road accidents and drew attention to residents’ concerns about the increasingly heavy use of the road and inappropriate vehicle speeds in circumstances where there are felt to be a number of hazards, e.g. poor visibility and sight lines, low pavements and obstructions caused by the location of bus-stops. Residents would prefer two pedestrian crossings: one close to the Downslink and one near to St Catherine’s School.
The Chairman thanked residents for their petition and confirmed that the Committee would consider a report on the matter at its next meeting. |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Minutes: The text of ten public questions received and the responses provided are attached at Annex 1. The Chairman announced that she would consider questions 8-10 which related to Item 8 (Annual review of on-street parking in Waverley) during discussion of that item.
Supplementary questions relating to questions 1-7 were received as follows.
1. Mrs Sandars asked whether consultation on further secondary school places in Farnham would extend to members of the public. The Chairman replied that this would take place, but to a limited extent. Projections of need are currently being carried out and nothing is excluded at this stage.
2. Mr Price felt the response provided in relation to the junction of Frith Hill Road with Deanery Road, Godalming was inadequate, as was a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request on Highways’ handling of the matter. The Area Highways Manager understood that further information would be provided to fulfil the FOI request. Mr S Cosser, as local County Councillor, requested that officers ensure that information on Highways’ reasons for their position on this matter be provided to residents.
3. Mr P Hunter (on behalf of Thursley Parish Council) referred to the County Council’s responsibility to ensure that emergency services are able to reach those in need promptly and pointed out that recent closures of the A3 would have caused substantial delays. The Chairman replied that the Council is taking the impact of closures on Thursley and other areas very seriously.
5. Mr D Wylde sought an assurance that the needs of disabled people would be given consideration in assessing the feasibility of relocating day centre provision in Farnham. The Chairman confirmed that she had made this assurance. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. Minutes: There were no member questions. |
To provide a verbal update on the Commissioner’s first year in office and to respond to public questions. Minutes: The Chairman introduced Mr Kevin Hurley, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Surrey. Mr Hurley summarised the responsibilities of the PCC:
· Establish the priorities of the public · Establish a budget for the force · Hold the Chief Constable to account · Broaden partnership working
The priorities on which Mr Hurley was elected are:
· Take a zero-tolerance approach to policing in Surrey · Deliver more visible street policing · Put victims at the centre of the criminal justice system · Give you more opportunities to have your say about policing · Protect local policing, standing up for officers and promoting the highest standards of service
The principal challenge facing the PCC is financial and he is faced with the need to make savings, noting that salaries account for the largest element in the Police budget. In his first year in office, the PCC has worked with Sussex Police to maximise joint back-office and operational support functions and with partners in Surrey to explore savings on emergency services through more collaboration. Progress has been made in developing a regional capacity to address criminal activity which is best addressed at that level. He is making representations to central government for increased funding for Surrey Police and has cancelled a major computer development project; the sale of Police Stations has been resumed following a review. Mr Hurley feels that he and his deputies are visible to the public and will be holding a Crime Summit in Waverley on 11 March 2014 at Farnham Maltings.
Mr Hurley reassured the Committee that he has a clear understanding between his role and that of the Chief Constable in terms of operational matters and that he holds her to account on a monthly basis for progress against his priorities. He is equally alert to the need for care in measuring policing outcomes and, alone amongst PCCs nationally, he has not given the force performance targets. In response to a question about specific activity to focus on crime and antisocial behaviour in rural areas, Mr Hurley referred to the comprehensive nature of his “zero tolerance” commitment and explained that the Chief Constable constantly keeps the balance of her resources under review, including that between rural and urban policing. The Chairman added that the Police and Crime Panel, which scrutinizes the PCC at the county level, has established a task group to examine rural crime.
Mr Hurley responded to a question on amalgamation of forces, by reflecting his view that the public’s interest is principally in visible, front-line policing and that support and managerial functions can be shared amongst forces; his own opinion is that there should be fewer forces nationally.
The PCC confirmed his commitment to neighbourhood policing and, although the number of Police and Community Support Officers would decrease overall, the local presence would not reduce.
Finally, Mr Hurley responded to a member of the public who had raised a question about the Police’s capacity to respond to human trafficking (especially involving children): the scale of this problem in Surrey is unknown, but ... view the full minutes text for item 65/13 |
To consider the proposals contained in the review and agree the next steps. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to agree that:
(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in the report, shown in detail on drawings in Annex A of the report and adjusted in certain locations at the meeting (see below) are agreed as a basis for statutory consultation..
(ii) necessary adjustments can be made to the proposals agreed at the meeting by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and local member prior to statutory consultation. An additional member may be invited for comment.
(iii) it allocates funding as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.
(iv)the intention of the County Council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in Annex A (and subsequently modified by (ii)) is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.
(v) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice-Chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor. An additional member may be invited for comment.
(vi)the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager be authorised to agree with the Chairman of the committee a process for deciding which of those proposals considered under the arrangements described in (v) above should return to this committee for final decision, bearing in mind the committee’s wish not to delay the overall programme.
Adjustments agreed at meeting
Minutes: Consideration of proposals for Farnham Central was completed before Item 7.
The following locations were discussed (plan reference in brackets):
Farnham Central
Guildford Road (24015, 24016) It was noted that consideration would need to be given to mitigating possible displacement.
Station Hill (24025) The location is noted for poor air quality and the proposals have been designed to alleviate congestion in the vicinity of the level crossing and to improve movement.
Weydon Lane (24032) It was recognised that there are opposing views in the community on these proposals which are best assessed through statutory consultation.
Farnham North
Upper Hale Road area (24127) It was hoped that, subject to satisfactory enforcement, concerns about parking adjacent to the school and children’s centre would be addressed through the proposals. Officers agreed to review the possibility of advertising additional restrictions on the corners at the junction of Spring Lane with Folly Lane North.
Farnham South
Lancaster Avenue/Little Austins Road/Mavins Road area (24121, 24130) The complexity of this area and the pressures of commuter parking were noted, along with a recognition that there are concerns about consequential displacement into adjacent roads. It was felt that Lancaster Avenue needs to be included in an area solution and Mr D Munro, as local County Councillor, requested that the proposals return to the Local Committee for decision after statutory consultation.
Frensham Road j/w Gold Hill (Private) (24039) Local members expressed some concerns about the impact of the proposed measures on the viability of the local shops.
Godalming North
Town End Street, Latimer Road, Carlos Street, Croft Road, Upper Queen Street and South Street (24075, 24076) Mr S Cosser, as local County Councillor, reported that residents and businesses had been given the opportunity to develop their own proposals and their representatives, invited to address the Committee, were satisfied with the extent to which these had been reflected in the published plans. Mr P Martin, however, expressed serious concerns that users other than residents, e.g. town centre workers, would be excluded and that displacement elsewhere would lead to the extension of restrictions into adjacent roads in subsequent reviews. He felt that a piecemeal approach was inappropriate and requested that his vote against the proposals be recorded.
Mint Street and Station Road (24077) It was suggested that careful implementation would be necessary in view of the proposed changes to established parking arrangements.
Catteshall Lane j/w Langham Close (no plan) Officers undertook to advertise restrictions at this location.
Godalming South, Milford and Witley
Portsmouth Road, Milford (24067) While members wished to improve sight lines at this location it was noted that some opposition would be revealed in the consultation process. It was pointed out that current discussions about traffic mitigation measures for the Upper Tuesley development may have some impact on the parking proposals and officers were asked to make contact with Waverley Borough Council Planning colleagues to explore the implications and any funding which might be released by the development.
Brook Road, Wormley (24135) Officers undertook to include in ... view the full minutes text for item 66/13 |
To agree a response to the petition presented at the previous meeting. Decision: Resolved to:
(i) Note the proposed response to the petition.
(ii) Consider inclusion of the proposed scheme in the programme set out in Item 11 on this agenda.
The Committee is required to respond to petitions presented.
Minutes: This item was taken before Item 9 on the published agenda.
Mr D Jones, presenter of the original petition, was invited by the Chairman to respond: he welcomed the officers’ proposal and commended the scheme to the Committee.
Resolved to:
(i) Note the proposed response to the petition.
(ii) Consider inclusion of the proposed scheme in the programme set out in Item 11 on this agenda.
The Committee is required to respond to petitions presented.
To note the progress made and agree an additional scheme. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to:
(i) Note progress. (ii) Agree to extend the 30mph speed limit on the A281 Horsham Road at Bramley by approximately 130 metres to the north of the village.
Bramley Parish Council had requested extending the 30mph limit through the village both north and south along the A281 (see the report presented to the 20 September 2013 meeting of the Committee at Item 12). Highways officers and the Police have agreed it would be appropriate to extend the limit to the north only, but by a considerably lesser distance than originally requested by the Parish Council.
Minutes: The proposal relating to the A281 in Bramley was welcomed. Mr M Byham will discuss the precise location of the northern terminal signage with officers.
Resolved to:
(i) Note progress. (ii) Agree to extend the 30mph speed limit on the A281 Horsham Road at Bramley by approximately 130 metres to the north of the village.
Bramley Parish Council had requested extending the 30mph limit through the village both north and south along the A281 (see the report presented to the 20 September 2013 meeting of the Committee at Item 12). Highways officers and the Police have agreed it would be appropriate to extend the limit to the north only, but by a considerably lesser distance than originally requested by the Parish Council.
To agree arrangements for the allocation of budgets in 2014-15. Decision: Resolved to:
(i) Agree that the improvement (ITS) schemes described in this report form the Waverley LTP programme for 2014/15, with Maintenance Capital and Revenue funding reserved to implement the programme, also that the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham (as agreed at Item 10) be added to the programme, £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum. (ii) Agree allocations to the Lengthsman scheme and other revenue and capital headings as described at 1.3 of this report. (iii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes included in the programme in consultation with local elected members and associated task groups. (iv) Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) authorise the AHM to consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors. (v) Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner. (vi) Agree that Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division
The committee was asked to agree 2014/15 allocations at this stage so that scheme design can start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.
Minutes: The Committee debated the proposed funding arrangements for the Lengthsman scheme. While recognising the success of the scheme in some parishes, a number of members were concerned about a lack of equity across the borough, in that residents in areas whose town/parish councils had opted not to apply to participate, were disadvantaged. These members would prefer an alternative arrangement in which the budget is made available on a divisional basis for members to allocate for additional work as appropriate. There was an opposing view, however, that rural parishes benefited from the existing form of the scheme and that the process need not be onerous. It was noted that the matter would return to the next meeting for a formal decision on allocations for 2014-15 and the Chairman undertook to consider the comments made.
Following the decision made in Item 10, Mr D Harmer proposed an amendment to recommendation (i) to enable the proposed 40mph limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham to be added to the programme, funding to be allocated as follows; £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum. The amendment was seconded by the Chairman and agreed by the Committee.
Mr S Cosser requested that his opposition to resolution (ii) be recorded.
Resolved to:
(i) Agree that the improvement (ITS) schemes described in this report form the Waverley LTP programme for 2014/15, with Maintenance Capital and Revenue funding reserved to implement the programme, also that the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham (as agreed at Item 10) be added to the programme, £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum.
(ii) Agree allocations to the Lengthsman scheme and other revenue and capital headings as described at 1.3 of this report.
(iii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes included in the programme in consultation with local elected members and associated task groups.
(iv) Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) authorise the AHM to consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.
(v) Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.
(vi) Agree that Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division
The committee was asked to agree 2014/15 allocations at this stage so that scheme design can start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.
[Ms J Potts, Mr D Munro, Mr A Young and Mr M Byham ... view the full minutes text for item 69/13 |
To agree the next steps following a speed limit assessment of various roads in Witley. Decision: Resolved to agree:
(i) A283 Peworth Road, Witley (between Chichester Hall and Witley Court): to retain the existing 40mph speed limit.
(ii) C31 Brook Road Wormley (entire length between the A283 Petworth Road and the A286 Haslemere Road): to introduce a 40mph limit between the A283 Petworth Road and Church Lane, the ‘Preferred Limit’ according to policy; to introduce a 30mph limit between the junction with Church Lane and the junction with the A286 Haslemere Road; to introduce a 30mph limit in the D151 Church Lane between the junction with Brook Road and the A286 Haslemere Road.
(iii) C31 Combe Lane, Wormley (between the A283 Petworth Road and a point just south of Coopers Place): to introduce a 40mph limit, the ‘Preferred Limit’ according to policy; the same 40mph limit should be introduced in New Road, which is currently 60mph.
(iv) C32 Station Lane, Milford (entire length): reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph.
(v) That where recommendations are to change the speed limit to give authority to advertise a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effects of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit changes and revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the changes subject to no objections being maintained the Order be made.
(vi) That authorisation is given to the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Local Committee and Local Member resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals.
(vii) Where recommendations are that the speed limit should remain, that no further action is necessary.
Recommendations were made based upon existing policy, in consultation with Surrey Police.
Minutes: On the recommendation of the relevant local councillors, the Committee agreed on options presented in the report as set out below.
Resolved to agree:
(i) A283 Petworth Road, Witley (between Chichester Hall and Witley Court): to retain the existing 40mph speed limit.
(ii) C31 Brook Road Wormley (entire length between the A283 Petworth Road and the A286 Haslemere Road): to introduce a 40mph limit between the A283 Petworth Road and Church Lane, the ‘Preferred Limit’ according to policy; to introduce a 30mph limit between the junction with Church Lane and the junction with the A286 Haslemere Road; to introduce a 30mph limit in the D151 Church Lane between the junction with Brook Road and the A286 Haslemere Road.
(iii) C31 Combe Lane, Wormley (between the A283 Petworth Road and a point just south of Coopers Place): to introduce a 40mph limit, the ‘Preferred Limit’ according to policy; the same 40mph limit should be introduced in New Road, which is currently 60mph.
(iv) C32 Station Lane, Milford (entire length): reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph.
(v) That where recommendations are to change the speed limit to give authority to advertise a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effects of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit changes and revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the changes subject to no objections being maintained the Order be made.
(vi) That authorisation is given to the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Local Committee and Local Member to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals.
(vii) Where recommendations are that the speed limit should remain, that no further action is necessary.
Recommendations were made based upon existing policy, in consultation with Surrey Police.
To consider the outcome of the recent consultation (report to follow). Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to note the consultation response and proposed Cycling Strategy.
The Surrey Cycling Strategy has been developed following extensive consultation. The Surrey County Council Cabinet will consider the strategy on 17 December 2013.
Minutes: The intention to disaggregate the responses to borough level was welcomed. Members shared a concern that the proposal that local committees should oversee the development of local cycling plans may create public expectations that could not be met. There was interest in having oversight of events and an input into proposals for cycle routes, but also a recognition that resources for cycling would need to be balanced by the other highways priorities assessed by the Committee. It was noted that a programme of developed schemes may put the council in a stronger position in applications for government funding. It was agreed that local task groups should consider cycling proposals. Members were reminded that there is an active Cycle Forum in Waverley.
Resolved to note the consultation response and proposed Cycling Strategy.
The Surrey Cycling Strategy has been developed following extensive consultation. The Surrey County Council Cabinet will consider the strategy on 17 December 2013.
This report provides an overview of the South East Permit Scheme (SEPS) and the implications to both works promoters and the highway authority and provides information gained within the first month of operation.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to note the contents of the report.
The report was for information only.
Minutes: The Committee noted updated data from the scheme which covered the additional period since preparation of the report: this was proportional in scale to that published. It was reported that approximately 50% of Fixed Penalty Notices issued to contractors in the first month of operation were issued for not displaying the required information on site. It is possible that the number of notices issued at this stage may reflect initial unfamiliarity with the scheme’s requirements.
Officers undertook to review the accuracy of the periodic list of highway works issued to County Councillors and to consider the wider context of applications received, e.g. the potential impact on businesses at particular times.
The Chairman thanked the officers involved with implementing the scheme.
Resolved to note the contents of the report.
The report was for information only.
To note the proposed forward programme and agree any additional items for inclusion. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to agree the Forward Programme, as outlined in Annex 1 of the report.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.
Minutes: Resolved to agree the Forward Programme, as outlined in Annex 1 of the report.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.