Agenda, decisions and minutes

Waverley Local Committee - Friday, 12 December 2014 1.30 pm

Venue: Godalming Baptist Church

Contact: David North, Community Partnership & Committee Officer  The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies for absence were received from Mr N Holder, Ms J Potts and Ms J Thomson.



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    To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


    The minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    Mr P Martin declared a pecuniary interest in Item 13 on the grounds that he is Chairman of Governors of St Catherine’s School, Bramley; he left the meeting during the Committee’s discussion on the proposed zebra crossing in Station Road, Bramley which is to be funded by the school.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    Notice of petitions has been received as follows:


    ·         Mr Simon Cross on behalf of residents of Stream Farm Close, Farnham: the petition asks the County Council to replace the single white lines at the entrance to Stream Farm Close with double yellow lines.


    ·         Mrs Victoria Leake on behalf of 58 residents and visitors to Haslemere.  The prayer of the petition is as follows:


    “On 24 January 2014 a speed check was carried out by Surrey Police in Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, Surrey.  According to data collected over 70% of vehicles were speeding, with some speeds reaching 59mph.  We, the residents of Haslemere, petition Surrey County Council to look at introducing Siemen SafeZone in Haslemere to promote safer roads and reduce casualties in Haslemere.  SafeZone combines Siemens’ new Sicore Automatic License Plate Recognition camera.  The systems reduce serious accidents by 77% on average. There is a high level of driver compliance (99.4%).  The camera has a compact design to reduce street impact.  A single camera is used for two lane bi-directional traffic which reduces the project cost.  The branding and technology enable a community-based approach to enforcement.  Siemen SafeZone is a scheme whereby the goal is to construct an individual and ideally self-financing solution based upon locally retained funds arising from Driver Awareness course participation.”


    ·         From residents of Frensham and surrounding areas: the petition requests the County Council to suspend the first 50 yards of the Rural Clearway imposed on Bacon Lane, Frensham starting from that end of the clearway adjacent to the A287 on the Common side only, pending re-instatement of the former car park previously accessed from within that section of Bacon Lane.


    Petitions were received as follows:


    ·         Mr Simon Cross presented a petition on behalf of residents of Stream Farm Close, Farnham asking the County Council to replace the single white lines at the entrance to Stream Farm Close with double yellow lines.  The petitioners asked the Committee to note their concerns that parked vehicles on the south side of the Close in the vicinity of its junction with the A287 force vehicles leaving the Close to move across to the right-hand side of the road where they risk colliding with vehicles entering.  There are also problems with visibility at night.  It was pointed out that there is space for safe parking further into the Close.


    Mr D Munro, as local County Councillor, supported the inclusion of this location in the next parking review and advised that residents should ensure that their support of published proposals is registered during the period of formal advertisement.  The Chairman confirmed that the residents’ request will be considered in the next parking review and that she would seek confirmation of the timing.


    ·         A petition was received via Mrs V Leake of Haslemere requesting the County Council to look at introducing Siemens SafeZone in Haslemere to promote safer roads and reduce casualties in the town


    The Chairman indicated that a response would be considered by the Committee at its next meeting.


    ·         Mr Len Davis of Frensham Parish Council presented a petition signed by local residents requesting  the County Council to suspend the first 50 yards of the Rural Clearway imposed on Bacon Lane, Frensham, starting from that end of the clearway adjacent to the A287 on the Common side only, pending re-instatement of the former car park previously accessed from within that section of Bacon Lane.  The rural clearway had been supported locally in the belief that this measure would be linked to the restoration of the car-park and residents are concerned that the existence of the clearway may now prevent this. 


    The Chairman indicated that a response would be considered by the Committee at its next meeting.





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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.



    The text of formal public questions received and of the responses provided is attached at Annex 1.


    By way of a supplementary statement to question 5, the following was read to the Committee on behalf of Mr Sean Ellis:


    I am very disappointed with the written answer supplied. The intent of my original question was to allow me to calculate the expected return on investment, so I specifically asked for concrete financial figures. The answer contains none of the information I asked for.


    Mr M Few, Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, replied that, in view of the fluctuating state of occupancy at the six residential homes included in the current consultation, the Council had been reluctant to supply financial information.  If the implied question related to the future return on the site, the response would be that no valuation is available as there is no current plan to sell it.



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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


    There were no member questions.



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    To provide an interim updated response to the petition received at the meeting on 26 September 2014.


    Resolved to note the update provided.




    The Committee had requested an update on progress.



    [Mr D Harmer took the chair.]


    Mr P Martin reminded the Committee of the extent of the County Council’s contribution to making fast broadband speeds available to premises in Surrey which would have been excluded from the commercial delivery programme.  The Council’s contract with BT Openreach allows for completion by the end of the March quarter of 2015; the Council will consider how to balance any remaining funds with the action needed to address the position of those premises without an appropriate connection or with slow speeds. The County Council had requested a report at the end of March 2015 which might delay the date of a further report to the Local Committee in response to the original petition.  The County Council is not permitted to intervene in the commercially provided area to ensure adequate coverage for all premises, but pressure is maintained at the highest level to promote this.


    [Mrs P Frost returned to the chair.]


    Resolved to note the update provided.




    The Committee had requested an update on progress.




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    To respond to the petition presented at the meeting held on 26 September 2014.


    Resolved to agree the response provided.




    The Committee is required to respond to petitions.



    Resolved to agree the response provided.




    The Committee is required to respond to petitions.




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    To respond to the petition presented at the meeting held on 26 September 2014.



    Resolved to agree the response provided.




    The Committee is required to respond to petitions.



    Mrs W Lockwood, who had presented the original petition, was invited by the Chairman to respond to the report.  The petitioners felt that the matters raised – most importantly the evidence from elsewhere as to how the costs for average speed cameras could be covered – had not been addressed.  Recent discussions with neighbouring speedwatch groups had suggested ways in which a shared scheme could be more cost-effective.  It was also felt that the Committee had, in the absence of an investigation into potential revenue streams or of a timetable for developing a policy, been presented with insufficient information to make a decision.  The petitioners were concerned that the existing policy on fixed cameras focuses only on accident black spots and ignores the other implications of excessive speed set out in their presentation.  Mrs Lockwood reflected the wish of residents for speeding laws to be enforced, but nevertheless noted evidence that average speed cameras are felt by the public to be fairer than fixed equipment.


    The Area Highways Manager hoped that a policy would be developed during 2015, pointing out that extensive consultation with all stakeholders would be required.  He stressed the importance of maintaining public support and the need to investigate revenue funding in view of the likelihood that a low number of violations would generate little income.


    Members who expressed a view were divided between, on the one hand, an expectation that average speed cameras would provide an opportunity to promote road safety for all users and, on the other, a concern that motorists may be unduly impacted upon by an unpopular measure.


    Resolved to agree the response provided.




    The Committee is required to respond to petitions.




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    To receive an update on the investigation included in 2014-15 highways improvement programme, following the presentation of a petition in September 2013.


    Resolved to note the update provided.




    The Committee had requested an update on progress.



    Mr D Jones, who had presented the original petition, thanked the Committee for its response.


    Resolved to note the update provided.




    The Committee had requested an update on progress.




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    To respond to a request from residents for enhanced speed management at this location.


    Resolved to note the update provided and to delegate resolution of the local detail of the proposed action to the Area Highways Manager in discussion with the relevant County Councillor and residents.




    The Committee had requested a response to residents’ concerns.



    It was noted that the Local Transport Plan Task Group recommended the installation of a single Vehicle Activated Sign to reinforce speed limits on the approach to Millbridge (Item 13).  It was agreed that further discussion with residents and the divisional County Councillor should take place to determine the most appropriate location for this sign.


    Resolved to note the update provided and to delegate resolution of the local detail of the proposed action to the Area Highways Manager in discussion with the relevant County Councillor and residents.




    The Committee had requested a response to residents’ concerns.




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    To receive an update on the programme for 2014/15 and agree associated speed limit changes.

    Additional documents:


    Resolved to:


    (i)         Note progress on the programme of minor highway works for 2014/15.


    (ii)        Authorise the introduction of a 40mph speed limit on the B2128 at Ellens Green between Pollingfold Bridge and the existing terminal signs 160m west of the junction with Somersbury Lane (currently 50mph).


    (iii)       Authorise the introduction of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 Gong Hill along

    that section of the road which currently has a 50mph limit between The Bourne and Millbridge.


    (iv)       Agree that the current speed limit of 40mph along the A283 Petworth Road between Cherry Tree roundabout and Rodborough School, Milford should be reduced to 30mph and to refer the introduction of this limit, which is lower than that recommended by officers, to the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.




    The Committee was asked to note progress the programme of work for 2014/15 and

    agree arrangements to enable the introduction of reduced speed limits.  In relation to (iv) the Committee voted not to proceed with the recommendation that the speed limit should remain unchanged: as set out in the County Council’s policy on Setting Local Speed Limits the matter must be submitted for decision to the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.



    The Committee discussed the appropriate speed limit for the section of the A283 Petworth Road, Milford between Cherry Tree roundabout and Rodborough School.  Members were mindful of the officers’ recommendation that the existing 40mph limit should remain, but noted the wish of local residents and Witley Parish Council that the limit should be reduced to 30mph, thereby creating consistency along this stretch of road.  It was noted that a resolution not to adopt the officers’ recommendation would, as set out in the County Council’s policy on Setting Local Speed Limits, need to be submitted for decision to the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.  Mr P Martin proposed that recommendation (iv) be amended to seek agreement that the speed limit on the section in question should be reduced to 30mph; having been seconded by Mr S Cosser, this was agreed  by ten votes to two, with three abstentions.


    There was no decision to change the Committee’s approach to allocating its “Lengthsman” funding, i.e. through applications from interested Parish/Town Councils and other appropriate agencies.  Some members, however, continue to feel that communities covered by local councils which do not wish to participate are disadvantaged by this approach.


    The Area Highways Manager felt confident that the outstanding schemes in the programme would be delivered in the fourth quarter of the year.  In relation to the Marshall Road cycle scheme (Godalming) it was reported that the legal agreement had been finalised and that signing was imminent.


    The Committee discussed progress against the planned maintenance works programme and concern was expressed that some schemes had been removed or delayed without discussion with relevant members.  The Chairman indicated that she would raise these concerns with the Assistant Director for Highways and Transport.  There were also concerns about the standard to which pot-holes were repaired, delays in attending to surface-dressing schemes which had failed and the risks of failure in resurfacing roads where long-term drainage problems had not been addressed.  The Highways Service was, however, congratulated on the quality of resurfacing work recently completed on the A286 and A287.


    Resolved to:


    (i)         Note progress on the programme of minor highway works for 2014/15.


    (ii)        Authorise the introduction of a 40mph speed limit on the B2128 at Ellens Green between Pollingfold Bridge and the existing terminal signs 160m west of the junction with Somersbury Lane (currently 50mph).


    (iii)       Authorise the introduction of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 Gong Hill along

    that section of the road which currently has a 50mph limit between The Bourne and Millbridge.


    (iv)       Agree that the current speed limit of 40mph along the A283 Petworth Road between Cherry Tree roundabout and Rodborough School, Milford should be reduced to 30mph and to refer the introduction of this limit, which is lower than that recommended by officers, to the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.




    The Committee was asked to note progress the programme of work for 2014/15 and

    agree arrangements to enable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60/14



    To agree arrangements for allocating the Committee’s highways budgets for 2015/16.


    Resolved to:


    (i)         Agree the allocations recommended by the LTP Task Group, described in the published report and amended at the meeting to a total value of £378,000.


    (ii)        Note that the LTP Task Group will convene if necessary once the Local Committee budget is known in the Spring of 2015.


    (iii)       Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes

    included in the programme in consultation with local elected members

    and associated task groups.


    (iv)       Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.


    (v)      Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.


    (vi)       Agree that the Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each

    County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division.




    The Committee was asked to agree 2015/16 allocations so that scheme design can

    start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.



    The Chairman explained the approach taken by the Local Transport Plan Task Group in recommending the published programme in view of the uncertainty about the amount of funding available in 2015/16.  It was confirmed that the group would meet again if the opportunity arose to supplement the scheme when the budget is finalised.


    The Committee discussed arrangements for allocating the £160,000 to be set aside for general drainage, footway or carriageway maintenance work (at 1.6 in the published report), i.e. whether to divide this equally between the four task group areas or to retain the fund as a single budget for allocation by the Area Highways Manager in response to local need.  It was proposed from the chair and agreed by eleven votes to four that the fund should be managed as a single budget by the Area Highways Manager but that he should have regard to local priorities as expressed by members and take account of a wish to maintain approximate equity across the task group areas.


    A correction was made to the published programme: the reference to “B3000 Puttenham Heath Road” (at its junction with the A3) should read “B3001 Elstead Road”.  The programme was also amended to reflect the decision at Item 11 relating to the position of the proposed Vehicle Activated Sign on the A287 at Millbridge.


    Having drawn attention to his pecuniary interest (Item 3), Mr P Martin left the meeting during a discussion on the proposed zebra-crossing in Station Road, Bramley which is to be funded by St Catherine’s School: it is anticipated that the scheme would be delivered as part of the County Council-funded programme.



    Resolved to:


    (i)         Agree the allocations recommended by the LTP Task Group, described in the published report and amended at the meeting to a total value of £378,000.


    (ii)        Note that the LTP Task Group will convene if necessary once the Local Committee budget is known in the Spring of 2015.


    (iii)       Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes

    included in the programme in consultation with local elected members

    and associated task groups.


    (iv)       Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.


    (v)      Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.


    (vi)       Agree that the Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each

    County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division.




    The Committee was asked to agree 2015/16 allocations so that scheme design can start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.




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    Local Committees now have a scrutiny role over the enforcement of on-street parking and a share of any surplus income; this report sets out the background to these arrangements and provides an overview of the enforcement operation.


    Additional documents:


    Resolved to:


    (i)         Note the contents of the report.


    (ii)        Allocate 90% of the surplus income towards the Local Transport Plan programme in the Farnham area and 10% to be split equally in the

    three other task group areas.




    Waiting and parking restrictions help to:


    • Improve road safety

    • Increase access for emergency vehicles

    • improve access to shops, facilities and businesses

    • Increase access for refuse vehicles and service vehicles

    • Ease traffic congestion

    • Better regulate parking


    The Local Committee can contribute towards these objectives in partnership

    with the relevant Enforcement Team.



    The Committee welcomed the report and noted that no decision was yet sought on allocating the funding now made available.  It was suggested that re-investment of a proportion in enhanced enforcement in Farnham would contribute to the reduction of congestion and an improvement in air quality. 


    Officers undertook to analyse Penalty Charge Notices by street and type of contravention.  It was pointed out that permit charges are set countywide.


    Resolved to:


    (i)         Note the contents of the report.


    (ii)        Allocate 90% of the surplus income towards the Local Transport Plan programme in the Farnham area and 10% to be split equally in the

    three other task group areas.




    Waiting and parking restrictions help to:


    • Improve road safety

    • Increase access for emergency vehicles

    • improve access to shops, facilities and businesses

    • Increase access for refuse vehicles and service vehicles

    • Ease traffic congestion

    • Better regulate parking


    The Local Committee can contribute towards these objectives in partnership

    with the relevant Enforcement Team.


    [The following members left the meeting: Mrs N Barton, Mr M Byham, Mrs C Cockburn, Mr R Knowles, Mrs V Young.]





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    To receive an update on the operation of the scheme.

    Additional documents:


    Resolved to note the report.




    The Committee had requested an update on the operation of the scheme.



    An additional annex was tabled and is appended to the minutes as Annex 2.


    Members welcomed the enhanced inspection regime and were assured that increased salary costs balance with the income received and are in line with expectations.  It is difficult for officers to refuse applications for work which is claimed to be an emergency, but inspections are carried out during office hours.  However, a decrease in emergency work has been observed.  The principal reason for refusing applications for permits is a clash with other works.


    Inspections will identify breaches of permit conditions, e.g. relating to health and safety, and check the quality and quantity of signage: it is anticipated that improved arrangements for advance signage will be implemented in the new year and efforts are made to improve with neighbouring authorities (and the Highways Agency) the co-ordination of diversionary routes. 


    There was some concern that the level of Fixed Penalty Notices is too low and a hope that, since these are set by government, pressure could be applied to increase these.  Following two national trials, there are no plans for the further implementation of lane rental schemes.


    Resolved to note the report.




    The Committee had requested an update on the operation of the scheme.


    [Mr B Adams and Ms D Le Gal left the meeting during this item.]




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    To note the proposed forward programme and consider any additional items for future discussion.


    Additional documents:


    Resolved to note the Forward Programme for 2014/15, as outlined in Annex 1 of the report, indicating any further preferences for inclusion.




    Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can

    publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.



    Resolved to note the Forward Programme for 2014/15, as outlined in Annex 1 of the report, indicating any further preferences for inclusion.




    Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can

    publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.