Contact: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer Waverley Borough Council offices, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR
Note: Please note that due to the Covid-19 situation this meeting will take place remotely.
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: A public forum was held prior to the formal meeting. The notes of this are attached to these minutes as Annex A. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs Carole Cockburn and George Wilson |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on 13th November 2020 as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 Nov 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations made at the meeting. |
To receive any Chairman’s announcements.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman stated that this would be her last meeting as a county councillor. She wanted to thank Yvette Ortel for all her help in her role as a Chairman of the committee. In addition, she wanted to wish everyone well in the forthcoming elections.
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
One petition has been received from Witley Parish Council and the petition details and response are attached. Additional documents: Decision: A petition was received from Witley Parish Council to “Install a speed VAS and a junction warning VAS, and to implement some improvements to signage, road markings and speed limit locations on the A283, along with some changes to the New Road junction”
The local committee agreed:
That the Chair and the Divisional member write to the Cabinet Member (Highways) on this issue.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: One, as detailed
A petition was received from Witley Parish Council to “Install a speed VAS and a junction warning VAS, and to implement some improvements to signage, road markings and speed limit locations on the A283, along with some changes to the New Road junction”
The 3 Parish Councils expressed a view that they would like a 40mph speed limit through the section of road. He stated that there had been good liaison with Surrey County Council Highways and Surrey Police and 3 speed assessments had been undertaken where the outcomes were that the speed limits were appropriate. However, it was deemed appropriate for VAS signs to be installed. The Parish Councils, would however, still like to see a speed limit reduction. Where the A283 leaves Witley the speed is 30mph, this moves to a 40mph, then 50 mph before reducing to 30mph at Chiddingfold.
There were particular areas of concern: New Road junction – poor visibility obscured with hedges. Officers recommended a VAS sign to highlight the junction which would be £15,000. Wormley Hill itself – the crest of the hill – concern with speeding over the crest – Officers suggested moving the 40mph limit to further down the hill and including solid white lines to advise drivers of the situation. The petitioner noted that although most of the drivers were within the correct speed limits, it would only take one person driving inappropriately to cause an issue. Peter Martin, divisional member, noted the officers report and supported the VAS signage for the New Road junction and the need to explore how to find the £15,000 required (although the cost seemed high). He asked Officers to look again at the requests, as could this area could be an exception to the current speed limit policy and the Chair and Vice Chair could ask Cllr Furniss (Cabinet Member) to see whether an exception might be made. The Chair noted the wish to ask Cllr Furniss to consider this area for an exception. She added that Duncan Knox was leading on a project to lower national speed limits in some areas. Members also noted that the New Road junction with the A283 was dangerous as sightlines to the south were virtually non-existent and the need for Surrey Police to provide more resources to enforce speed limits. The local committee agreed:
That the Chair and the Divisional member write to the Cabinet Member (Highways) on this issue.
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: One written question was received from Nansi Taylor on behalf of the Godalming Soroptimists regarding on street safety.
The written question and the answer given were published on a supplementary agenda.
It was noted that the questioner was happy with the response provided and would pick up the issue with the Community Safety team to see what could be implemented. It was noted that there were three other questions that were going to receive a response outside of the meeting and these would be referred to the next committee if requested.
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Notice should be given by email to the Partnership Committee Officer.
One written member question has been received and the question and answer given are attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: 3 written member questions were received from:
Cllr John Gray Cllr Penny Rivers Cllr Jerry Hyman
The questions and answers were published on the SCC Waverley Local Committee web pages before the meeting. The following supplementary questions were asked: Question 1: Supplementary Question from Cllr John Gray The main thrust of the question was to ask when will this road be repaired and this wasn’t answered. The issue was a concern to residents. Last time there were 26 pothole repairs needed, so we would like a greater clarity about looking at an overview of the issues relating to the road. The Area Highways Manager replied that: this was a tricky site as there were very few opportunities for redirection of traffic if you shut the road, having said this, the team were committed to ensuring that the road was kept in good useable condition. Question 2: Supplementary Question from Cllr Penny Rivers Are there any intentions to put up signage at the Brighton Road junction to indicate that the right hand turn is for right turn only. In addition some residents report the green filter arrow for traffic turning right into Wharf Street. I would ask that this is looked into. Cllr Martin supported the points raised by Cllr Rivers, stating that the junction was dangerous and needed to be reviewed. In addition he mentioned that the traffic flow along Flambard Way was currently working well, but that when traffic flow returned to pre-Covid levels, there would be a need for linked traffic signals. He stated that he didn’t feel that Surrey County Council Highways team had been involved in the decisions taken under the S278 for the key development site to an appropriate level. The Area Highways Manager agreed: to request that the Traffics Signals team look at this and check these issues. Question 3: Supplementary Question from Cllr Jerry Hyman “I’m surprised by the answer, that this was a question for the Farnham Board. The proposals mentioned in the question are the key elements about the infrastructure within Farnham, therefore Surrey County Council Highways team should be able to answer the question about the modelling within Farnham.” The Chairman responded reminding Cllr Hyman that the committee had discussed this in depth previously. He had been referred to the Farnham Board as this was the Board that was leading on the infrastructure within the Farnham town, with several members of this committee as members as well as the Leader of the County Council. It was agreed that the Divisional Member and Cllr Hyman would meet to discuss this issue outside of the committee.
The report provides an update on the 2020/21 programme of highway works funded by this committee, an update on other centrally funded projects being promoted in the local area. In addition, it details the committee devolved allocation for 2021/22 and how it is proposed to be allocated.
Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works progressed during 2020/21
(ii) To agree the recommendations made in this report for utilising the available highways budget for 2021/22.(Paragraph 2.1.8 - 2.1.16 refers.) (iii)To agree to allocate the £500,000 parking surplus fund reserved for Farnham to the Farnham Board. (iv)To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered, to facilitate scheme delivery throughout the year. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
The Chairman introduced the item stating that report set out the proposals for how the highways budget could be allocated for the 2021/22 financial year. Officers attending: Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager Adrian Selby, Senior Traffic Engineer
Key points made during the discussion:
The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works progressed during 2020/21
(ii) To agree the recommendations made in this report for utilising the available highways budget for 2021/22.(Paragraph 2.1.8 - 2.1.16 refers.) (iii)To agree to allocate the £500,000 parking surplus fund reserved for Farnham to the Farnham Board. (iv)To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered, to facilitate scheme delivery throughout ... view the full minutes text for item 49/20 |
To review any outstanding Local Committee decisions.
Additional documents: Minutes: The decision tracker was noted with the following comments:-
Potters Gate school – the funding for this would transfer upon the building of a certain number of houses. An update would be sought for the next committee.
Petition for weight restriction – A survey was carried out in December 2020 – approx. 509 vehicles per day used Salt Lane / Markwick lane, increasing to 547 vehicles weekdays – this included a total of 46 HGVs over the seven day monitoring period. (about 6 HGVs per day in both directions). Of those 46 HGVs, 5 of them were deemed to be carrying out local deliveries. Officers apologised that a full update report had not been provided for the meeting as the data had been delayed coming in and details would be circulated to Members and reported at the next meeting.
Electric Vehicle Charging points – member requested an update at a private meeting, rather than waiting for the next committee. |
To note the proposed forward programme and consider any additional items for future discussion. Additional documents: Minutes: The forward plan was noted, with the following points raised
An update on existing trial for Electric Vehicle charging points would also be added (following private update for Members).
Active travel in Waverley – this needed to include Local Cycling and walking plans.
To be held on Friday 18th June 2021 at 10am in Waverley Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR.
(10am – 10.30am: Open Forum / Informal Public Question Time)
Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting of the Waverley local committee would be held on Friday 18 June 2021.
The Chair and Officers were thanked for their work on behalf of all the Members standing down at the next elections. |