Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2DN
Contact: Ben Cullimore 020 8213 2782
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence and substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Dr Andy Brooks, Dr Charlotte Canniff, Ruth Colburn Jackson, Fiona Edwards, Dr Claire Fuller and Dr Russell Hills. Nicola Airey, Graham Wareham and Matthew Tait substituted for Dr Andy Brooks, Ruth Colburn Jackson, Fiona Edwards and Dr Claire Fuller. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter
(i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting
• Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest • As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) • Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.
Minutes: None received. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting. |
Members' Questions
The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (Friday 30 August).
Minutes: None received. |
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (Thursday 29 August).
Minutes: None received. |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting. No petitions have been received.
Minutes: None received. |
To Board is asked to review and approve its forward plan. Minutes: Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman of the Board recommended that an item on Brexit planning was added to the forward plan for consideration at the next meeting.
Actions/ further information to be provided:
Board Members are to contact Amy Morgan, Policy and Programme Manager (Health and Social Care Integration), with suggestions for items to be added to the Board’s forward plan.
The Board reviewed and approved its forward plan. |
This paper introduces the draft implementation plan for Priority Two: Supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of people in Surrey.
Additional documents: Minutes: Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman of the Board introduced the draft implementation plan and outlined the key objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. He explained that the implementation plan’s aim was to set a framework for how the Strategy would be delivered operationally and that it represented a work in progress that would be built on as the Strategy is rolled out. 2. The Priority 2 lead sponsor, Giles Mahoney, informed the Board that they were well positioned to gain NHS funding that had been released over the previous six months. He explained that the final version of the plan would be considered by the Board in December 2019 and that this would reflect the engagement that had been undertaken across the entire health system. Officers were working within the existing governance arrangements within Surrey while taking part in wider conversations with a variety of partners and organisations. 3. A Member of the Board questioned what engagement would be undertaken with members of the public with lived experience so that metrics and KPIs that were being developed would resonate with residents. In response, the Priority 2 lead sponsor explained that engagement would take part during the first phase of the delivery plan. 4. It was recommended by a Member of the Board that the implementation plan needed to contain references to adolescent mental health, while another spoke about local universities coming together to undertake evidence-based research. 5. A discussion was had about the utilisation of the Workplace Wellbeing Charter in the formulation of the final implementation plan. It was noted that the Charter formed a part of Priority 1 and that it was important to strengthen the connections between all of the priorities moving forward.
Actions/further information to be provided:
The Health and Wellbeing Board:
1. Approved the draft implementation plan. 2. Agreed to work in partnership to develop the final detailed implementation plan. |
This paper gives an overview of the background and role of the Health and Wellbeing Board Communications Sub-Group to date, an overview of the impact of the Winter Campaign 18/19 supported by the Sub-Group, and sets out recommendations to be discussed by the Board. Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses:
Phill Austen-Reed, Principal Health and Wellbeing Lead – Surrey County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Principal Health and Wellbeing Lead introduced the report and explained to the Board that Health and Wellbeing Board Communications Group had developed over time and focused on seasonal wellbeing campaigns. Greater public engagement with these had been witnessed in recent years, with over 9,000 visits to the Health Surrey website and 24 tweets being seen 18,691 times in 2018/19. A phased approach was being developed for 2019/20 and presented an opportunity to apply the themes of the winter communications campaign to the wider Health and Wellbeing Strategy implementation plans. The Principal Health and Wellbeing Lead went on to say that the Health and Wellbeing Board Communications Sub-Group would value a greater link with the Board and that the Head of Communications at Surrey County Council was happy to take on the chair of the sub-group, which was approved by the Board. 2. The Chairman said that the communications sub-group needed to look at clear and simple messaging so that residents were fully informed about what was happening. 3. A Member of the Board spoke about the importance of reaching members of hard to reach communities that were unable to access the Internet, and this led to a discussion about making sure the communications strategy did not rely solely on traditional communication channels.
Actions/further information to be provided:
The Health and Wellbeing Board:
1. Confirmed the role of the Communications Sub-Group in coordinating key messages from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and agreed that a communication plan supporting the communication elements of the strategy should return to the Board following the final implementation plans, together with options for joint resourcing and budget. 2. Supported the repeat of the Winter Campaign in 2019/20. 3. Identified changes to ensure the Sub-Group reflects the membership of the current Health and Wellbeing Board. 4. Identified a lead member to chair the Sub-Group. |
The new Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s aim of developing a whole system approach to physical activity provides a huge possibility to create a step change and really move at pace and scale. It will require multi-agency buy-in, including support at the highest levels, as explained in this paper. Minutes: Witnesses:
Campbell Livingston, Director – Active Surrey Richard Gray, Chair – Active Surrey
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Director of Active Surrey provided the Board with an overview of the work being undertaken by the organisation. He explained that Active Surrey’s role was to work with partners at a local level to try and influence the development of physical activity in Surrey. Physical activity sat clearly within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and was explicitly mentioned in Priority 1 while also having an important role to play in Priorities 2 and 3. The Director went on to say that the launch of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy coincided with significant changes nationally, and these had enabled Active Surrey to focus more of its resources at a local level. He spoke about the impact made by such initiatives as the Surrey Youth Games, Physically Active Learning in Surrey Schools and Get Active 50+, as well as the work that was taking place with partners and schools throughout the county. 2. The Board heard from the Chair of Active Surrey, who explained that only a quarter of children in Surrey were meeting Chief Medical Officer physical activity guidelines. He said that better connections between organisations needed to be developed, as well as an understanding that physical activity should be seen as a key priority. 3. A Member of the Board said that data showed, in socio-economic terms, which population groups needed to be concentrated on and that it should form the basis of any strategy. However, the Board needed to be careful with the way it communicated otherwise it would run the risk of looking as if it was preaching. 4. A discussion was had about better engagement with schools, with the Director of Active Surrey saying that they were largely reliant on the interest of head teachers. He went on to tell the Board that he hoped the new OFSTED inspection framework, which took a more holistic views of schools, would help them to greater influence governors, teachers and parents. 5. Discussion turned to the important role played by the Surrey Youth Games and Surrey School Games in helping the organisation engage with communities and schools. This engagement helps to ensure children gain an interest in physical activity from an early age. A Member of the Board informed those present that he had noticed the level of physical activity in young women was particularly low and that what was currently being done worked well for those residents that were taking part but that there needed to be a greater emphasis on those who were not physically active. 6. A Member of the Board spoke about the important role played by employers in helping to increase physical activity amongst members of staff. Incentives needed to be offered and greater leadership shown by such organisations. 7. It was agreed that Joanna Killian, Chief Executive of Surrey County Council, would act as the Health and Wellbeing Board’s champion for a ... view the full minutes text for item 34/19 |
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Surrey School Air Quality Programme and present early evaluation findings. Minutes: Witnesses:
Dr Rachel Gill, Public Health Consultant – Surrey County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Board heard from the Public Health Consultant, who explained that Public Health had worked closely with transport (Surrey County Council) and environmental health colleagues across Surrey’s district and borough councils to develop the Surrey School Air Quality Programme. The officer provided Members with an overview of early evaluation findings, which included:
· A total of 48 schools in Surrey took part in one or more of the core measures on offer (Theatre in Education, air quality workshops and anti-idling campaigns). · 40 schools held a performance of a bespoke theatrical production on air quality and sustainable travel, reaching a total of 2,156 pupils. Furthermore, 100% of adults (teachers and school staff) surveyed thought the show was an effective or very effective way to communicate the health impacts of poor air quality and what pupils could do to improve air quality around their schools. · 31 schools took part in air quality workshops and whole school assemblies run by a specialist contractor, reaching a total of 7,435 pupils, and five schools were supported to host anti-idling events. · An Air Quality Summit was held at the end of the academic year to further disseminate the messages of the programme.
2. The Public Health Consultant went on to inform the Board that in addition to this programme, a county-wide communications campaign took place for six weeks in September and November 2018. The campaign targeted parents and families to raise awareness about the impact air pollutants have on children’s health and encouraged parents to use alternative modes of transport to and from school. This involved radio, digital and social media campaigns, as well as bus advertisements, and resulted in over 16,000 views on the Health Surrey website and 41 Facebook posts being viewed over 98,970 times. 3. The Board heard that eight district and borough councils, as well as Surrey County Council, would move forward with the campaign during the next academic year. 4. A Member of the Board welcomed the work that was being done and expressed the district and borough councils’ support for the project. He went on to ask for it to be supported more widely across the system and for sources of funding to be extended further.
Actions/further information to be provided:
The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the early evaluation findings of the Surrey School Air Quality Programme. |
Surrey’s Community Vision for 2030 contains the shared ambition that “residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities”. This ambition reflects the fact that Surrey’s residents have consistently raised concerns about how we tackle climate change with a clear desire to preserve their county for future generations.
This paper sets out a programme of work, developed by the County Council, which would help to achieve this ambition. It also proposes ways in which the County Council is seeking to work with its partners to address the climate challenge, and in so doing enable people and organisations to ensure Surrey is safe, free from pollution and has open, green spaces to enjoy in the future. Minutes: Witnesses:
Simon Griffin, Partnership Lead (Strategic Commissioning Team) – Surrey County Council Chris Tisdall, Strategic Commissioning Lead – Surrey County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Partnership Lead introduced the report and explained that the work being undertaken was in response to Surrey County Council’s declaration of a climate emergency. The Board heard that a member-led task group had been organised and there was an open call for evidence to be submitted from both individuals and organisations. A programme of witness sessions would also take place in September 2019. 2. The Strategic Commissioning Lead explained that the project team was working closely with the University of Surrey and other partners to undertake an initial data baseline exercise before producing a comprehensive evidence base by Summer 2020. This would help to determine the individual and collective action required to achieve net zero carbon emissions. 3. Responding to a question about local innovation workshops, the Strategic Commissioning Lead explained that, rather than the Council running a programme of workshops, a toolkit had been produced so that residents could run ones in their local areas. 4. A Member of the Board welcomed the initiative and spoke about the importance of involving schools, while another talked about involving environmental psychologists from the University of Surrey. 5. Speaking about the work being undertaken with the University of Surrey, the Partnership Lead explained to the Board that they needed to pull together the data and identify any gaps that existed. This would allow them have a comprehensive base of evidence by Summer 2020. 6. A discussion was had about the planting of trees, with the Chairman informing the Board that the Council had recently pledged to do this and that it would represent an important element of the strategy going forward. He then encouraged Members of the Board to feed into the initiative with suggestions so that it could be as inclusive as possible.
Actions/further information to be provided:
The Health and Wellbeing Board:
1. Considered their response to Surrey County Council and other Surrey local authorities declaring a climate emergency, including the option of declaring climate emergencies on behalf of their own organisations. 2. Agreed to work with Surrey County Council to support the Surrey’s Greener Future initiative by: a. Supporting and/or participating in the community design challenge. b. Submitting evidence and ideas to the call for evidence (and potentially taking part in subsequent witness sessions). c. Helping to develop an evidence base that will inform Surrey’s collective response to the climate challenge. d. Engaging in a strategy review process that will determine how we can work together more effectively. |
The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held on 3 October 2019. Minutes: The Board noted that its next meeting would be held on 3 October 2019. |