Decision made:
It was AGREED that:
1. Surrey County Council will award a DPS to deliver Personal Support Services.
2. All Call off contracts for individual placements via a mini competition or direct awards made under the DPS will be approved by the Director of Commissioning and/or Head of Service.
It was AGREED that:
It was AGREED that:
1. Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Ltd is awarded the contract for the Limpsfield Grange School Expansion with a Stage One tender sum of £521,379.00 (Refer to Tender Report).
It was AGREED that:
It was AGREED that:
1. Award a contract for Independent Travel Training (ITT) to Surrey Choices
It was AGREED that Contracts are awarded to:
It was AGREED that:
1. a contract is awarded to Bytes Software Services Ltd, under the KCS Professional Services National Framework for the supply and delivery of Software Products & Associated Services 2
It was AGREED that:
It was AGREED that:
1. A contract is awarded to Impower Consulting Limited under the ESPO Framework Consultancy Services 2021 664_21 Lot 4c Social Care Childrens.
It was AGREED that:
1. A contract is awarded to European Electronic (subcontracted to Coolspirit) under the NHS Digital Workplace Solutions (DWS) framework.
It was AGREED that:
1.The successful bidder Atkins Limited is awarded the contract.
It was AGREED that:
1. Surrey County Council will join the DPV set up by the Commissioning Alliance to deliver Supported Accommodation Services.
2. All Call off contracts for individual placements and block contracts via a mini competition made under the DPV will be approved by the Director of Commissioning and/or Head of Service.