Your Councillors by Political Grouping

| View Election Results - County Council Elections Thursday 6 May 2021|

44 Conservative, 16 Residents' Associations/Independents, 16 Liberal Democrats, 2 Labour, 2 Green and 1 non-aligned independent. There are 81 county councillors in total.

Details for each councillor can be found by clicking on their picture or name below. You can also use the Find my councillor link below to search for your local councillor by postcode.

| Leader of the Council | Chairman of the County Council | Cabinet Members | Political Balance of the 2021 Election | Previous Election Results |

More info: | Register of Interests | Members' Allowances | How to become a councillor | Privacy Notice for County Councillors | Making a Complaint about a County Councillor |

To find your councillor please use the below links:


 Liberal Democrats

 Residents' Association and Independents


 The Green Party

 Not specified